Rules Enforced for the Issuance of Digital Signature.

Dear Sir,

This is to bring under you kind notice that you need to follow certain instructions now in order to get the DSC as recently we were accused in the case of forgery. The person blamed that he doesn’t applied for his DSC nor he has submitted any documents, then how his DSC has been issued without his consent to third person as somebody else has applied for his DSC & used it in an illegal way. So, this act has made us cautious. Therefore, in order to get any DSC for you or your clients you need to follow certain guidelines as given below-:

Along with Application Form(Fresh & Renewal) you have to submit the following annexure :-

1)Self Attested Photograph of the Applicant.

2)Latest ID (Photo image should be clear ID Proof) & Address Proof (With Attestation of Applicant and Proposer both).

3)ID Proofs should be within the registered validity period & Address Proof should be of latest 3 months only from the date of Application.

4)In Renewal cases too Self Attested photograph, latest ID & Address Proofs are to be attached (With Attestation of Applicant and Proposer both)

5)*Declaration by the candidate serving the DSC Application.(Attached)

Note: Application form details should be the same as per the proofs submitted. The Compulsory fields should be filled up properly (no overwriting should be done specially as far as name & email Id is concerned).Moreover, you are requested to submit the declaration duly signed by you & DSC applicant. (Attached with this letter)

These rules will be enforced strictly rest, application with incompleteform & documentswill not be entertained.

The above procedure is adopted in order to save ourselves & you from being drawn into illegal proceedings or litigations. Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciable.

Thanking You!


SAG Infotech


I (Name) hereby declare that the details mentioned below are true & correct to my knowledge & belief.I hereby authorize SAG Infotech to download my Digital Signature Certificate on mine behalf. It should be treated as downloading of Certificate is done at my end.

1 / Duly Signed Application Form / Yes / No
2 / Applicant Name
3 / Address (With PIN Code)
4 / Email ID
5 / Phone No. (With STD Code)
6 / ID Proof (Type & No.)
7 / Address Proof (Type & No.)
8 / Self Attested Photograph / Yes / No

Signature of Applicant

Dated :

Place :

I (Name) certify that I have submitted the following details for my client mentioned above in order to get the DSC as required-:

Signature of Proposer

(With seal of Name & Address)

Dated :

Place :