




REASON FOR REQUESTING PERMIT - (*Tick the appropriate box).

Lack of suitable facilities on the property to restrain cattle to apply NLIS tags 

(This reason must not be used for a bull unable to be restrained, which constitutes a dangerous animal)

Cattle considered by owner to be too dangerous to safely apply NLIS tags

(Dangerous cattle, and bulls >2yo,must go direct to an abattoir or knackery)

Cattle collected by knackery on public lands without identification (e.g. hit by car)

1. Name & address of applicant / agent:......


Phone Number: ......

2. Location of property cattle are to be consigned from: ......

3. Property Identification Code* (PIC) of property cattle to be dispatched from:......

(*In emergency response situations - if known, or nearest property / owner PIC)

4. Cattle to be consigned without NLIS tags:(total number & description of cattle includingage, breed, sex, ear tags, brands)

...... AND

Tail Tag details: PIC / 3 / Serial
nos. / to

5. Destination: Saleyard/Abattoir/Knackery: ...... Selling agent (saleyard only):......

6. Date/s when cattle will be dispatched:......

7. NVD Serial Number: ………………………………. I, (Name of applicant):...... ,

declare that the above information is correct and agree to abide by all of the conditions of the permit as issued by DEDJTR below.

Signature of applicant:...... Date:

2. PERMIT NUMBER: / This permit is not valid without a Permit Number
[obtainable from Bioweb]

3. PERMIT (Only to be completed by a Departmental Inspector of Livestock)

Permission is granted for cattle described above to be dispatched from their current property (or saleyard) without NLIS tags subject to following conditions:

1. Cattle must have affixed, prior to dispatch, transaction tags (tail tags) printed with the Property Identification Code (PIC) of the property of dispatch – if none, DEDJTRemergency tail tags are available free of charge. Section 4 must include a valid tail tag PIC and tail tag serial number/sbefore a permit will be issued.

2. Cattle must be accompanied by the permit and a correctly completed National Vendor Declaration (NVD).

3. That 'dangerous cattle' and bulls must be transported direct to the nominated abattoir or knackery.

4. If not NLIS tagged due to poor facilities, then cattle must be tagged following receival at a saleyard with Post Breeder tags issued for use at that saleyard.

Permit valid until: ......

Inspector’s Name: ...... Location: ......

Inspector’s Signature: ...... Date: ...... / ...... / ...

Distribution (by inspector):1. Applicant;

2. Saleyard, Knackery or Abattoir Manager;

3. Senior NLIS Officer (Marnie Dortmans- email)

Version 6 Feb 2017This permit is granted on the basis of information supplied by the applicant. No claim is made as to the

Author: Marnie Dortmans accuracy or authenticity of the information. In no event will the State of Victoria, its agents, instrumentalities

Approver: Ben Fahyor employees be liable for any loss or other consequence that may arise from the issuing of this permit.