

By Max B. Frederick, AnOldScientist

Many years of intense study of the technical information found in the bible has caused the dawn of several non-religious realizations.

Does God Exist?

That depends upon what you mean by “God,” whether you mean a religious concept, or a technical reality.

If you mean the gods of various religions, the answer is obviously, the belief in such a thing as a higher power is not universal. On the other hand, realizing that those who do not believe in such a concept, actually do believe they, humankind, are the ultimate higher authority, a religion known as Humanism, and therefore, the belief in such a god is virtually universal. But does that mean there really is such a thing in reality?

On the other hand, in the technical realm, if you mean the God of the ancient Hebrews, as recorded in the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, there is technical evidence, in the realm of science that such a “God” does in fact exist. The God of the ancient Hebrews does not depend upon religious belief for its existence.

But the definition, or description, of that “God” must be according to the technical information found in the ancient scriptures, not according to the religious interpretation of such.

That “God” can be described as having three major attributes: Power, Intelligence, and Wisdom. By technical definition, that “God” is the creator of the universe, is something that has existed eternally, has the capability of communicating with intelligent life on earth, has an emotional connection with its creation (Love of humans), has the capability of granting eternal life, etc…

Theory of Religious Development has it backward:

The technical information concerning the origins appears to have been, not evolving with time, rather degrading with time. Contrary to popular politically correct thinking, more was known and more understanding existed earlier in time and that information has degraded with time. Many religious and secular scholars have commented that the Jewish religion was not fully evolved until after the Babylonian Captivity period. What I observe in the recorded technical information is the opposite. The technical information appears to have been more fully developed before that period of time and have gone through long periods of rehash since. That is right. Technical information recorded in the bible since the Babylonian captivity period is less technical and more religious in nature—a rehash and reinterpretation with a religious spin.

Concerning the technical information about the origins, more detail appears to have been known before the Babylonian Captivity era than after. That information recorded since that time appears to have very little, if any, new technical content.

That flies in the face of the idea that such stuff could not have been known way back then because it had not been discovered yet by modern science. There is no known human source of such information, so it could not have existed—but it does. It is recorded in the ancient scriptures to prove its existence. Where did that information come from other than from its claimed source—revelation by an eternally existing intelligent source?

An major theme found in the bible is the claim that some higher power caused the universe and all that is in it, to come into existence.

Therefore, if this Higher Power of the bible did in fact cause the universe, and everything in it, to come into existence, and if this Higher Power also communicated details of that feat to humans (the bible) then what is stated within that communication in the realm of technical information about that subject should be compatible with reality.

And it is. That is, when you look beyond the religious spin that has overshadowed it.

That is, it is when you look at the technical meanings of the words with the bias of religious interpretation is removed.

You see, the bible really is on the side of reality in the battle between reality and religion.

God’s favorite subject is science.

It has been that way since way back in ancient times. What more could you expect from the one who planned and executed the plan to create all that we see in the marvelous creation? Why wouldn’t natural science be the creator’s favorite subject?

In the book of Job, by far the oldest book of the bible, when Job was questioning God about religious stuff such as fairness, righteousness, and justice, God immediately changed the subject to what we call natural science, to questions about how the creation actually works beyond what is seen by the human eye

Somewhere along the way it dawned upon me that Science, not religion, is God’s favorite subject. It has been said that religion is the most effective tool of the devil. The more I look into it, the more apparent that becomes.

If science really is God’s favorite subject, imagine the excitement in heaven when scientists re-discover some truth long ago revealed in His ancient scripture.

Anyway, let’s start with the first verse of the bible, “In the beginning God (Elohiym) created the…”

If you search the internet for the technical meaning of the ancient Hebrew word Elohiym (elohim), you will find many commentaries revealing the bias toward interpreting that word to fit the authors interpretation of religion from the theory that all religion is the evolution of human imagination, the theory that the Hebrew religion didn’t evolve to its present form until after the Babylonian Captivity, to other far out religious theories.

Evidently, little credence is placed on the original technical meaning because it does not fit popular or politically correct religious thought.

But if you look deeply into the internet articles you will find the common technical meaning of the ancient word we translate as “God,” it appears to be unique to the ancient Hebrew language. There you will find it is expressed as the plural form of power, strength, or influence. As it turns out, it is the only word available in that ancient language for the combined concept of force, strength, energy, power, influence, etc… and in its plural form includes all these concepts.

And if you look deeply into the technical meaning of the ancient Hebrew word we translate “LORD,” it means that which exists eternally, the existence. It does not mean some higher authority who lords it over humans.

With that in mind, when reading the bible, whenever that word is seen in the light of its technical meaning, it is universally a better fit, rather than its religious counterparts.

An example is seen in Jonah’s response to the questioning of the sailors on the sinking ship, “I am an Hebrew; and I fear the LORD [eternally existing], the God [powers] of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land.” Jonah 1:9

In fact, that first verse of the bible, when read with the technical meaning of the word Elohiym rather than its many religious counterparts, it is exactly the technical meaning that has been the independent discovery of modern science concerning the beginning of the universe, that it originated from some form of concentrated energy according to Einstein’s equation, E=MC2.

And when you realize the modifier “LORD” added before the descriptor “God” means that which exists eternally, you are simply stating the discovery of modern science that there is something that can be neither created nor destroyed as stated in the Law of Conservation of Energy, or the Law of Conservation of Matter. Neither Energy nor matter can be either created or destroyed. (But they can be transformed from one to the other by the equation, E=MC2. Thus the question, “If God created the universe, then who created God?” is a nonsensical question because modern science says it was not created, it (that which caused the universe to come into existence; energy) existed forever, and is what the ancient Hebrew language tells us is the “God” that created the universe.

And so, the ancient Hebrew Scripture is consistent with reality as discovered by modern science.

And that is just the beginning of realizations that spring forth with intense study of the technical meanings found in the ancient scripture.

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