Global Awareness II–Miss Ledebur
814.827.2715 ext. 2804
A Personal Note: I am Anneliese Ledebur, your student’s Global Awareness teacher. This year, I will be entering my tenth year teaching and all of that time I have proudly served TMS 8th grade students. I am passionate about Middle Level students and helping them reach their potential. As the year goes on, please don’t hesitate to call me with questions or concerns regarding your student. I believe it is my job to not only educate your student but to be a resource for their families. Below is a description of the course. I would appreciate you signing this notice and having your student return it to me as soon as possible. Thank you so much and be sure to check up on your student’s progress online by using PowerParent.
Course Description: Eighth grade Global Awareness II class begins with a review of the fall of the Roman Empire. From there the students learn about the history, customs, and traditions of the world's five great religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Next the focus turns to the European Dark and Middle Ages which were bloody good times. With the 1500s Europe enters the Renaissance or rebirth. This then leads to European dominance of a New World, the Americas. Finally finishing the year, students will learn about the civilizations of Mesoamerica.
Movie Note: To help inform and lighten the mood of our subject material, we show selections from a number of movies in class. No movie is shown in its entirety, and we edit all movies for inappropriate content no matter their rating. Most selections shown are very short. For example, we’ll use the movie Gladiator rated R, but only fourteen minutes of the movie will be shown and nothing of a rated R nature will be shared with students. If you have questions regarding this or would like a more detailed movie list and description, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Grade Breakdown:
Tests= 30%
Essays/Projects= 40%
Foldables= 10%
Activities= 20%
TOTAL= 100%
Tests: Tests are difficult and are often fill in the blank with no word bank. Students need to study for them. A study guide will be provided for each test, and students will receive 5 bonus points for each completed study guide.
Essays/Projects:Being able to persuade others to your point of view is essential for democracy so we will perfect the art of the persuasive essay. We will have three essay grades a nine weeks. They are worth more than test grades. Students are encouraged to rewrite their essays as many times as they would like, however late essays are docked a letter grade.
Foldables: Students need to be in school prepared for Global Awareness. Students will create a foldable organization system for their class notes. These are kept in the classroom, but can be taken home at any time to study from. This is a requirement and will be graded on its organization and neatness.
Activities: Activities can include anything from in class participation to homework. Students can expect occasional homework assignments and late assignments are counted as half credit. Additionally, each nine weeks students will need to prove their knowledge of countries and their location around the world. We will do this mostly through a computer program at school called Around the World. Students can also prove this at home through my class site on blackboard.
Agenda: Daily agenda entries must be recorded in the school-issued student agendas.
Geography:At eighth grade, it is expected that the students know the names and locations of all the countries of the world. Monthly, the students will be tested on their knowledge. As soon as they complete the assessment with a 100% the students will pass the geography section of their final exam. When the student demonstrates competency, they no longer have to participate in the monthly assessments. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the students to study on their own for the monthly assessment.
Final Exam:The final exam for eighth grade Global Awareness II is composed of four different areas. Information on each portion will be given to the students as there due date approaches.
- History of the Past Video Project = 10%
- Geography= 10%
- Midterm Exam I (first semester)= 40%
- Midterm Exam II (second semester)= 40%
Please sign and return so I know that you are an informed parent. Cut this part off if you wish and keep the rest. Please e-mail or call with any questions or concerns.
Student name: Parent\Guardian signature: