PebblebrookHigh School Weekly Lesson Plan
Name _Betsey Ellingsen_ Class __AP French Language__ Week__September 13th through September 17th Blue Days______
Day OneSept. 13th / Day Two September 15th / Day Three September 17th / Day Four / Day FiveCurriculum Standard(s):
ML5INT1C Demonstrate comprehension of level-appropriate material
ML5INT1A Understand subtleties of meaning in a variety of level-appropriate works, including idiomatic expressions and figurative language
ML5IP2D Use self-correction / ML5INT1C Demonstrate comprehension of level-appropriate material
ML5INT1A Understand subtleties of meaning in a variety of level-appropriate works, including idiomatic expressions and figurative language
ML5IP2D Use self-correction / ML5INT1C Demonstrate comprehension of level-appropriate material
ML5INT1A Understand subtleties of meaning in a variety of level-appropriate works, including idiomatic expressions and figurative language
ML5IP2D Use self-correction
Technology Standard(s):
None is required for today’s class / None is required for today’s class / Keyboard Writing in Media Center
EQ or Guiding Question(s):
How has the reading of Cousin Raoul and le Gorille d’anniversaire prepared you for more difficult readings in French? / How are you going to show me and yourself that you have understood the story ‘Le Gorille d’Anniversaire? / How does the French language create adverbs out of adjectives?
Assessment (Formative and Summative):
--Warm-up #11
What do indefinite adjectives mean in English?
1. tout
2. quelque
3. tel
5. nul
--summarizer—How do indefinite adjectives compare to indefinite pronouns? / Warm-up#12 formative What is an adverb?
Summative: Mandatory Posttest for first 6 weeks
Summarizer—formative Give an example of an adverb of time, an adverb of place, an adverb of manner, an adverb of quantity, and an adverb of relative degree / --Warm-up #13
Make adverbs from the following adjectives:
1. serieux
2. gentil
3. content
4. jaloux
--Summative: Grammar Test on AP French Language Book exercises from page 53-101
--summarizer: formative: Answer the essential question
Instructional Plan
--AP French language Book on indefinite adjectives, drill #14
--indefinite pronouns, read and study, and do drill #15
--Finish Cousin Raoul, do final sets of exercises A
--finalize all chapter summary sentenes
--summarizer / --warm-up
--AP French Language Book, pages 102-105, read and study, do drill #16
--Required posttest on Gorille d’anniversaire
--Reading: Traces de Loup, Traces d’homme, chapter 1 and exercise A
--Study time on the gender of nous, the plural of nouns, the plural of compound nouns, feminine forms of nouns and adjectives, adjectival placement, indefinite adjectives and pronouns: Test on Friday
--summarizer / --Warm-up
--10 minute study session for assessment
--assessment on grammar
--AP French Language Book, pages 109-110 Position of Adverbs in Compound Tenses, Drill 17, page 111
--Reading: Graces de Loup, Traces d’homme, chapter 2 and exercise A