Newspaper reports
When searching for Trunch in old newspapers on line be aware that you may well get truncheon, a racehorse called Trunch in the 1930s and a holiday cottage called Trunch in Lincolnshire.
1734 Old “Mercury” files (in Thetford & Watton Times 24 March 1934 as 200 years ago) A woman was sent from Norwich Castle to Thetford Assizes for “threatening to burn the town of Trunch”.
1758 Ipswich Journal 1 April Committed to Castle in Norwich Lomus Smith, James Lacey charged by widow Sarah Lawrence of Botesdale Suffolk of entering her house and carrying away a quantity of linen and six silver spoons Lomus Smith is a gypsy, a tinker by trade, the other sells buckles and knives, the women that are with them tell fortunes are believed to belong to a gang of about 20 , ..there are 10 of them in the neighbourhood of Southrepps, Trunch, Bacton. One is a captain and wears a laced hat and rides a good horse.
1772 Ipswich Journal 17 Oct report from Norwich On Tuesday was committed to the castle in this city, by Sir Harbord Harbord, Bart. Samuel Goldspring of Trunch in this county, being charged on oath of Mrs Eliz. Saul with having attempted together with other persons unknown forcibly to enter and with a burglarious intent as she apprehends, to break open the dwelling house of Mr Isaac Saul her husband.
1776 Norfolk Chronicle 17 Aug at the Thetford assizes held on March 17 Edward Miller of North Walsham was charged with stealing from T Brown of Sprowston. Among past offences was - 1775 for breaking into the dwelling house of Jonathan Press of Trunch & stealing a sum of money when he was acquitted.
1777 Norfolk Chronicle 5 April Subscribers to the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital Overseers of Trunch £2 2s per annum.
1778 Norfolk Chronicle 31 Jan. & 21 Feb Also copyhold messuage in Trunch in the county, well situated and in good repair in the occupation of Mr Thomas Dixon at the yearly rent of 3? Enquire Mr Zachariah Steward of Bearton Turf or Mr Samuel Bushell of Knapton
1783 Norfolk Chronicle 5 April Coroner’s inquisition Robert Leech of Trunch found hanging on the stump of a tree Verdict - non compos mentis
1784 Norfolk Chronicle 29 May To be sold between 3 and 5 in the afternoon at the Bear in North Walsham. All that new built messuage with yard and appurtances in Trunch late in the occupation of Mr William Manby Spurgeon and now Mr Thomas Clarke.
1784 Norfolk Chronicle 3 July …. Two tenements in Trunch with yard and gardens. Copyhold, fine certain and in the several occupations of Bullemore and Randall, yearly rent of 4l
1784 Norfolk Chronicle 24 July Auction at Trunch Crown. Two tenements, with yard and gardens. Copyhold, fine certain and in the several occupations of Bullemore and Randall, yearly rent of 4l
1786 Norfolk Chronicle 4 Feb Game duty William Howes Trunch
1786 Norfolk Chronicle 13 May re: sale of shop in N Walsham - particulars from Rev Ward Trunch
1786 Norfolk Chronicle 20 & 27 & 3 June May…particulars from Rev Ward Trunch
1786 Norfolk Chronicle 25 Nov Manor Court at Crown in Trunch …
1787 Norfolk Chronicle 24 March Mr Smyth Coroner for the Duchy of Lancaster on Monday last took an inquisition on the body of Jonathan Press son of Jonathan Press of Trunch farmer, who was killed by a cart overturning and the cart and horse fell on him.
1787 Ipswich Journal 12 May Wed was committed to Norwich Castle Bart Wm Steward of Trunch, mariner and Thomas Neal of Trunch, tinker on suspicion of robbing the dwelling house of Mr Ephraim Batterbee of Trunch, baker, on Sunday last, of a purse containing 4 guineas and a half and a drawer with 30s in halfpence. Has confessed.
1787 Norfolk Chronicle 12 May - as above
1787 Norfolk Chronicle 29 Sept Game Duty Robert Bushel Trunch
1787 Norfolk Chronicle 10 Nov Game Duty William Howes Trunch …
1787 Ipswich Journal 17 Nov Died Rev Dr Stebbing, Rector of Gimingham & Trunch.
1788 Norfolk Chronicle 16 Feb Rev Philip Gardner to the rectories of Trunch & Gimingham replacing Dr Stebbing deceased
1788 Bury & Norwich post 20 Feb as above
1788 Norfolk Chronicle 2 Aug Sale a dwelling house in two tenements with the yards and gardens belonging Copyhold. Fine certain and several occupants Timothy Bullimore & Thomas Dixon. Yearly rent 4l
1789 Norfolk Chronicle 30 May & 6 & 13 June Two cottages with small yard each in the occupation of Bugden and Stamp.
1789 Norfolk Chronicle 20 & 27 June For sale a freehold messuage and cottage with out houses and yards now let in 4 tenements and in several occupations of JamesWilley, Martha Tinby, Robert Woods and Ann Gazeby at the yearly rent of 7l 5s.
1789 Norfolk Chronicle 22 & 29 Aug Sale of freehold land .. currently let to William Howes
1789 Norfolk Chronicle 3 Oct game duty William Howes
1790 Bury & Norwich Post 5 May Sunday last James Smyth coroner, took an inquisition on the body of Thomas Frolt? of Trunch yeoman who accidentally fell into a well and was drowned.
1790 Norfolk Chronicle 17 July Rev Philip Gardner had the degree of Doctor in Divinity conferred on him.
1791 Norfolk Chronicle 18 June Sale - excellent brick & thatched? dwelling house with proper offices thereto pleasantly situated in Trunch, every convenience for the accommodation of a shopkeeper or a small family retiring from business, also two cottages adjoining in good repair.
1791 Norfolk Chronicle 20 Aug Sale - a capital messuage with a double cottage, barns, stables and other convenient outhouses and upwards of 93 acres of arable and 13 acres meadow land …. in the occupation of Samuel Marshall under a lease which will expire at Michaelmas.
1791 Norfolk Chronicle 26 Nov If William Seago son of William Seago heretofore of Necton late of Trunch Exciseman? Deceased be living he may hear of something to his advantage by applying to Mr William Forster attorney, North Walsham. Or if the said William Seago, the son, be dead, any person certifying the same to the said Mr Forster, shall be paid all reasonable expenses for his trouble.
1792 Norfolk Chronicle 25 Feb …The following persons have been convicted of reeling false yarns and paid the penalty (fine). Long list includes Ann Fisher and Hannah Dixon of Trunch.
1792 Norfolk Chronicle 20 Oct Game Duty Robert Bulling
1792 Norfolk Chronicle 17 Nov Manor Court for rents
1793 Norfolk Chronicle 6 July French Refugee Clergy Trunch Parish collected 4s 6d
1793 Norfolk Chronicle 21 Sept Game Duty Certificates William Howes
1794 Norfolk Chronicle 27 Dec For sale - a good accustomed baking office, now in the occupation of Ephrahim Batterbee, the present owner, almost new built, brick and tile. Copyhold. Fine certain, quit rent 3d per year.
1795 Norfolk Chronicle 29 Aug Auction sale good accustomed bake house and dwelling house, with yard, stable and other very convenient outhouses noe in the occupation of Ephrahim Batterbee of Trunch. The dwelling house is brick & tiled built with sash front and the whole premises in excellent repair copyhold .. particulars from Ephrahim Batterbee
1795 Norfolk Chronicle 5 Sept as above
1796 Norfolk Chronicle 26 March Death notice Sat last died aged 45 Mrs Worts wife of Mr John Worts of Trunch after an illness of many years which she bore with Christian patience.
1796 Ipswich Journal 2 April Marriage notice Mr Bacon of Trunch to Miss Nurse of Trimingham
1796 Norfolk Chronicle 11 Jun Stolen or strayed on Tues May 18th from the premises of John Slap, a dark brown mare hobby 8 years old about 12 or 13 hands high, hanging mane, long tail , wide ears, nipped on her back from a saddle and the hair grown in knots on the place, very broad hoofs, with a lock, swivel and bolts on her fore off foot when soft. Whoever will give information on the said Hobby to as she may be had again, shall receive HALF A GUINEA reward and all reasonable charges.
1796 Norfolk Chronicle 22 Oct Game Duty William Howes
1796 Norfolk Chronicle 3 Dec Death notice Mrs Bacon wife of Mr Bacon grocer and draper of Trunch, she was an affectionate wife and a sincere friend
1796 Ipswich Journal 10 Dec as above
1797 Norfolk Chronicle 23 Dec Estate of Philip Smyth (Primrose?) to Rev Ward or Mr John Cremer.
1798 Ipswich Journal 8 Sept Rev Philip Gardner
1803 Norfolk Chronicle 8 Oct Game Duty Robert Bushell
1804 Norfolk Chronicle 28 Jan Sale. Very fine farm, comprising a farm house, barn, stables and other requisite buildings and 115 acres of land by estimation of the first quality, in occupation of Robert Bushell.
1804 Norfolk Chronicle 14 April Hay to be sold at Bradfield, on the premises late in occupation of Richard Worts deceased. A stack of clover hay of the finest quality and of about 16 tons enquire Mr Howes Trunch
1804 Norfolk Chronicle 28 Apr R Bacon returns the most sincere thanks to his numerous friends for favours already conferred on him and begs to inform them he is now returned from London with a large and elegant assortment of goods in the linen and woolen drapery and haberdashery lines, which will be offered on very low terms, having been very successful in his purchases while in town. NB An apprentice required.
Also - To let a very commodious house with a good garden and orchard an dwell planted with choice trees, now in the occupation of Mr Wegg. Also a house in Knapton - apply R Bacon.
1804 Norfolk Chronicle 2, 9, 16 Jun 14 July Robert Bushell’s farm complete farm - see above
1804 Norfolk Chronicle 6 Oct Game duty Daniel Bloom
1805 Norfolk Chronicle 7 Dec Visitors and Guardians of Poor offering shares, interest from poor rates. Also wanted a sober steady man without a family, he must write a good hand, and be able to keep accounts. NB A good character required.
1806 Norfolk Chronicle 3 & 10 May sale All the household furniture, plate, linen, dairy and brewing utensils and part of the farming stock of the late Mr John Worts; consisting of four-poster bedsteads, with chints, moreen, chenery, and other hangings, fine bordered goose feather beds, mattresses, blankets, quilts, and cotton counterpanes, Scotch and other carpets, pier and dressing glasses, mahogany dining, card and dressing tables, mahogany bason stands, mahogany chairs, with horse hair seats, bureaus, dressing and other chests of drawers, eight day clock, bracket do. An excellent timepiece in a handsome mahogany case, china and earthenware, a very complete coal range, with every other kitchen requisite, brewing and washing coppers etc. The farm stock comprises 9 fat bullocks, 6 young and handsome milk cows, two of which have calves by their sides, several heads of swine, 2 tarred carts, etc.
1806 Norfolk Chronicle 19 July advert for apprentice to a general shopkeeper apply to Mr R Bacon
1806 Norfolk Chronicle 20 & 27 Sept & 4 Oct Sale. Farming stock and implements in husbandry of the late Mr John Worts consisting of nine capital draught horses and mares, two 2 year old colts, four 2 year old steers and heifers, 1 one year old ditto, 2 heifers, 2 shores, 6 buds, handsome milk cow, waggon, hermaphrodite, 3 carts, 3 ploughs, 2 pair of harrows, rolls, 6 pair of cart harness halters, drag and other rakes, etc,
1806 Norfolk Chronicle 27 Sept & 4 Oct Sale - The farming stock, implements in husbandry and part of the household furniture of Mr John Rust consisting of 4 handsome draught horses and mares, 3 young milk cows, sow with pigs, 4 shots, 2 road carts, turnip ? ploughs, harrows, rolls, cow bins, drag and other rakes, dairy utensils complete, servants beds and bedding, tables, chairs, chest of drawers, looking glasses, coppers, boilers, beer tubs, brewing utensils etc.
1807 Norfolk Chronicle 12 Sept sale All the valuable farming stock, implements of husbandry, brewing and dairy utensils and part of the household furniture of the late Mr Charles Weeds; consisting of 10 capital draught horses and mares, an excellent saddle mare, a 2 year old filly of the riding kind, a year old colt, 3 capital foals, 4 bullocks fit for slaughter, 2 young and handsome cows, 30 head of swine, 2 wagons, hermaphrodite, 4 road carts, 4 ploughs, harrows, flag do rolls, spiked do hurdles, bullock and cow bins, drag and other rakes, excellent cart harness, a quantity of turnip feed of good quality, etc. The household furniture comprises four-post bedsteads, with printed cottons, moreen, and other hangings, good goose feather beds, mattresses, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes, chest of drawers, bureaus, an 8 day clock, pier and dressing glasses, Scotch carpet, dining, tea and dressing tables, chairs with stuffed and other seats, china and earthenware, every kitchen requisite, brewing and washing coppers, dairy utensils complete, etc.
1807 Norfolk Chronicle 26 Sept Game Duty John Amis
1807 Norfolk Chronicle 5 Dec death of Mrs E House aged 67, wife of William House gent.
1808 Norfolk Chronicle 24 Sept Game duty - John Amis
1808 Norfolk Chronicle 26 Oct death of Mrs Shickle relict of the late Mr Shickle farmer of Gimingham and mother of Mr Primrose of Trunch.
1808 Norfolk Chronicle 12 Nov Marriage of Captain Green of Cambridgeshire Malitia to Mary eldest daughter of Rev M Ward.
1808 Bath Chronicle 17 Nov At Trunch Captain Green of the Cambridgeshire Militia married to Mary eldest daughter of the Rev M Ward.
1809 Bury & Norwich Post 4 Jan Committed to the Castle Stephen Colman, charged with stealing a fat turkey and 3 geese from Mr Sam Wortley of Trunch, he also stands charged with stealing sundry articles from Mr C Etheridge of Swafield
1809 Norfolk Chronicle 11 Feb Subscribing to the Association for Apprehending and Convicting Horse Stealers - Mr William Howes, Samuel Wortley.
1809 Norfolk Chronicle 29 April Saturday se’nnight the dwelling house of Mr Greenacre of Trunch was burglariously entered and a bureau broken open from whence 50 guineas were stolen.