Elementary Math Updates:

April 2016

Content Information Recommendations

·  K-1 Assessments from DPI:

o  The MOY assessments should already be entered into the eData platform. The eData platform will close on Thursday, April 28th for the MOY assessments. Scores cannot be entered for the MOY assessments after that date.

o  The EOY assessments for K-1 should arrive in all schools no later than May 2nd. These assessments have already been posted to CMAPP under the resources tab. In previous years, the EOY student reports were placed in cum folders. This year, the paper copies do not need to go in cum folders. However, it is important that EOY scores be entered for ALL students in the eData platform before the end of the year!

o  Videos to support Kindergarten and 1st grade teachers have been distributed to IRTs. You can find these on CMAPP or click here for Kindergarten and here for 1st Grade.

o  Reports can now be generated by Data Managers, IRTs, and Principals. You can find these on CMAPP or click here for an informational video on how to run teacher- or school-level reports. This would be useful data to review about students’ K-1 math performance.

·  2nd Grade EOY Assessment:

o  In previous years, 2nd grade students have taken the EOY Case 21 for math. This year, the district only provided a MOY Case 21 assessment for all subjects. For schools/teachers interested in collecting summative assessment data for students in 2nd grade math, there is an optional assessment posted to CMAPP under the resources tab for 2nd grade. This assessment was created by DPI, similarly to the K-1 assessments, and is completely optional! Schools will be responsible for printing and copying.

Curriculum Updates

·  The 2016-2017 curriculum resources will be available on CMAPP beginning June 1st. In order to access these materials, teachers will select the year from the drop-down list at the top of the screen. On July 1st, it will default to the 2016-2017 year for all teachers.

·  Number Knowledge Test (NKT):

o  Any student who scored BELOW a level 9 on the MOY for NKT should be administered the digging deeper assessment from Assessing Math Concepts (AMC). No student who scores 9 or above should be given AMC. The district has a limited number of licenses.

o  Log-In Information for AMC: www.amcanywhere.com

§  Select user type: Teacher or Admin (Admin= Principals/IRTs)

§  District Code: 2634

§  Log-In: NCUID (Found on paystub site)

§  Password: NCUID

o  For the EOY NKT, students who score a 12 are proficient. Students who score an 11 or below should be go onto to be assessed with AMC and receive the appropriate interventions. The testing windows are:

Staff Development Opportunities

·  It’s time to register for the 2016 SAS Math Summit! Elementary teachers will be able to attend on Wednesday, August 10th. The theme of this year’s conference is “Growth Mindset in Mathematics.” Due to strict space limitations, registration for each elementary school is limited to 2 staff members. Please do NOT register more than 2 teachers at this time. On June 1st, we will open all remaining seats to any school….regardless of the number who are already registered from each school. Please see the pdf linked under content updates on the Wiki for more information as well.

·  SAS is also offering an 8-week paid inservice for teachers called SAS Curriculum Pathways Techer Institute. Visit http://blogs.sas.com/content/sascp/2016/03/22/sas-curriculum-pathways-teacher-institute/ for more information.


·  As we begin to approach the end of the school year, please make sure that all red books (How Children Learn Number Concepts) and brown books (Developing Number Concepts) are kept at your schools. There will not be an opportunity for replenishing materials that have been lost due to teacher transitions. These materials were provided to ALL Kindergarten teachers, CCK teachers, Math Intervention Teachers, etc. as part of their training this year.

·  If your school is in need of additional NKT kits due to the addition of K classes, please contact Crystal Cabral (). We have received the additional shipment of materials and can supply them as needed for growth.

·  Thousands of schools across the country have taken part in one of Sumdog's free regional math contests this year.The next free math contest for Wake County elementary and middle schools will run between Friday May 13th and the following Thursday. http://www.sumdog.com/enter_contest

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