The Seneca Falls Town Board held a Budget Workshop at 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 in the Town Hall Meeting Room, 130 Ovid Street.
Present were Councilmen Vittorio Porretta and David DeLelys. Also present were David Foster, Town Attorney and Beverly Warfel, Account Clerk. Supervisor Lazzaro, Councilmen Ferrara and Ruzicka were absent from the Meeting.
Since there was no quorum, the Board Members present, Mr. Foster and Mrs. Warfel discussed the Tentative Budget and noted suggested changes.
Mr. Belle stated the line item for Overtime (F8330.103) should stay at $5,000. Equipment/Generator (F8330.200) was zeroed out. They are trying to get the generator in this year. Telephone/Scada System (F8330.402) and Newark Elec.Agreement (F8330.408) stay the same. Mr. Belle said Chemicals (F8330.409) should be increased from $35,000 to $37,000, and Lab Fees (F8330.432) decreased to $4,000. He added DEC Permit Fees (F8330.433) has to stay at $1,000 – the SPEDES Permit is for the Water Plant. Conference & Training (F8330.434) should stay at $2,000, and Plant Maintenance (F8330.448) increased to $42,000. Mr. Belle said he is hoping that they can keep lowering Propane (F8330.486) as they keep installing new furnaces. He requested that Safety Equipment (F8330.494) be increased to $1,000.
Mr. Foster said Mr. Belle is saving about $7,000 on his recommendations and going up about $3,000; net difference is $4,000. Mr. Belle stated there is not too much to his Budget - it is pretty cut and dry. Mr. Foster asked if the $78,000 in the line item for Electricity (F8320.401) is realistic. Mr. Belle replied it is hard to tell – it is going to be close. Brief discussion followed.
Tax Receiver
The Town Clerk said Equipment (A1330.200) was decreased from $500 to $200 which is fine. Office/Computer Supplies (A1330.400), Postage (A1330.401), Education (A1330.402), Ads & Legal Notices (A1330.403), Dues & Fees (A1330.405) and Miscellaneous (A1330.406) all remain the same.
Town Clerk
The Town Clerk stated the Deputy Town Clerk 1 (A1410.103) was taken out of the Budget. She requested that it be put back in the Budget at $8,080. She referred to her Memo to the Board which states at the present time, she has one part-time Deputy who works four hours a day. Linda Marzan has been filling in for the second part-time Deputy four days a week. Most of Mrs. Marzan’s time is spent on taking care of recording payments, sending invoices and sending delinquent letters out for dumpsters, tote purchases and delinquent mowing. When both Deputies are gone, that leaves me to wait on customers, answer phones, solve problems and try to do my normal duties. Mrs. Marzan is Deputy Tax Collector and works full time from January to March, so that leaves me with one part-time Deputy for four hours a day during those months. My Office is the Main Office for the Town and is a very busy Office – too busy for just one part-time Deputy and myself. As you all know, when the Village dissolved, I assumed a multitude of extra duties with no increase in salary or staff. Again, I am asking that the Deputy Town Clerk 1 position be put back into the Budget. Discussion followed relative to dumpsters and all the work involved in collecting the fees.
Mr. Porretta asked about the number of hours the Deputy Town Clerk 1 works for the Zoning Officer. The Town Clerk replied that Deputy works two hours a day for her and two hours a day for the Zoning Officer. Mrs. Warfel said Mrs. Lankford, in reality, is one-half a Clerk because she works only 20 hours a week; Linda is serving but she’s not quite one-half a Clerk, so Nicki is serving with just less than one Clerk. Mrs. Warfel said she thinks it’s a good idea – she needs that 2nd Clerk. She added it has been requested to put back the $8,080 in Mr. Zettlemoyer’s Budget as well so you will have that one Clerk. Mr. Porretta said he thinks it should be put back in the Budget; Mr. DeLelys agreed.
The Town Clerk stated elected Officials salaries have to be published in the Public Hearing notice; once published, salaries cannot be increased – they can only be increased by a local law. She mentioned that Mr. Lazzaro said there will be no raises for elected Officials and Department Heads. Mr. DeLelys said the Board should be making that decision. Mr. Foster said they do in the final Budget – you have to vote the Budget. Mr. Porretta said he just read in the paper that there will be no raises for Department Heads and elected Officials – he doesn’t agree with that. Discussion followed as to what to place in the Public Hearing notice as far as salaries of Elected Officials.
Records Management
Personal Services (A1460.100) was zeroed out. The Town Clerk stated this plus the Registrar of Vital Statistics and Asst. to Zoning Officer was taken out of the Budget. This decreases her salary by $4,980. She has been
getting these stipends for 33 years. After brief discussion, Mrs. Warfel suggested putting it back in for a vote,
as well as stipends for Registrar of Vital Statistics and Asst. Zoning Officerstipends for a vote.
Dog Control
Euthanasia (A3510.405) was increased from $100 to $200. All other line items remain the same.
Other Animal Control
Contractual (A3520.400) remains at $1,000.
Chief Peenstra requested that he (A3120.100) and the Lieutenant (A3120.111) receive the same increase as every other Town Employee. Part Time Police Officer (A3120.104) was zeroed out. The Chief said he is proposing to ask for two part-time Police Officers in 2018. Some of those part-time Police Officers will be assigned to Court Security to relieve some of that burden. He would like the $48,000 to remain in the Budget for part-time Officers. Chief Peenstra said we are also proposed to be a potential for a Hub Court for first arraignments in SenecaCounty, and there is a potential for some sort of Court reimbursement for opting to be a Hub Court for this area. Mr. Foster stated the cost for Court security should be something associated with the Courts and not specifically with the Police Department’s budget, but with the Court’s budget. Discussion followed regarding the potential for a Hub Court. Mrs. Warfel noted this will be on as a voting issue on adding it back into the Court budget. Mr. Porretta asked who decides to make this a Hub Court; Mr. Foster replied the Office of Court Administration. After more discussion regarding part-time Police Officers, it was suggested that the $48,000 should remain in the Budget.
Overtime (3120.107) decreased from $80,000 to $70,000. Chief Peenstra referred to Crossing Guards (A3120.108) and said he is asking for the same proposed increase as Town Employees. Harbor/Parking Attendant (A3120.109) was reduced to zero. The Chief said he is hoping to get some of the Harbor/Parking Attendant duties assigned to part-time Officers. School Resource Officer (A3120.112) was increased from $15,051 to $17,852 which is the Town’s obligation on his salary.
Mr. Porretta stated the Full Time Police Officers line item (A3120.103) includes the salary that would have been paid Officer Burlew – is that correct. Chief Peenstra replied yes, it does. He prepared a Memorandum and document because he consistently hears rumors of the staffing of the Police Department is out of control. He included documentation as to where they were with the Village Police Department with staffing and where they are today. Three positions that were added were a Lieutenant’s position, second Investigator’s position, and the School Resource Officer which is three-quarters paid through the School District. The Village had between12 to 15 full time Police Officers including the Chief and Investigator; we are currently at 17 Police Officers. Mr. Porretta stated just to be clear, this position is backfilling, not adding on. The Chief replied that is correct – he is just trying to maintain the Staff they currently have which he feels is the adequate Staff that we need to protect the Town of Seneca Falls. After discussion, Chief Peenstra stated he will be asking for approval of the resignation of Officer Burlew, and permission to backfill that position at the next Board Meeting. He feels he has done a good job in tightening his Budget – there is only so much you can take out.
Chief Peenstra referred to Equipment (A3120.200) and said he suggested that the $25,000 for equipment stay in the Budget; Supervisor Lazzaro cut it to $15,000. He would like it to remain at $25,000. They have some computers in vehicles that are starting to age out. Mr. Foster asked about servicing of computers. The Chief said currently, they have an agreement with Seneca County IT to service their laptops at no charge. His wish is to contract with Seneca County IT for all of our services – the Town could save money by contracting with the County. Brief discussion followed.
The Chief budgeted $40,000 for Vehicles (A3120.200), and the Supervisor zeroed it out. He needs that $40,000 to stay in the Budget to replace one car for the patrol unit, and replacement of the 1997 Ford Taurus; one car will be paid for out of his Equipment Reserve Fund. Mr. Foster said he can’t disagree with the Chief. Mrs. Warfel noted she will put this down to be voted on. Discussion followed relative to the Enterprise proposal.
Under Contractual, all line items remain the same as submitted by Chief Peenstra, with the exception of Travel Expense (A3120.492). He submitted $1,750 and the Supervisor cut it to $1,500. He requested that it be left at $1,750.
Town Board
Computer Software (A1010.200) was lowered to $500, and Office & Computer Supplies (A1010.400) was lowered to $1,750. Newsletter (A1010.409) decreased from $2,000 to $1,000, and Membership & Dues
(A1010.412) decreased from $2,400 to $1,750. After brief discussion, Membership & Dues was put back to $2,400. Grant Application (A1010.415) was lowered to $5,000.
Secretary Part-Time (A1220.103) is at $21,000, and it has been increased to $23,000. Mrs. Warfel stated the
modified Budget was $21,000 and she pulled money out because we are not going to spend that – her wage is
$23,000. Equipment (A1220.200) was reduced by $1,000, and Office and Computer Supplies (A1220.400) decreased from $3,000 to $2,000. Postage (A1220.401) was reduced by $25.00, and Financial Advisor (A1220.403) is down to $3,000.
Mrs. Warfel stated Regular Law (A1420.400) needs to be adjusted to $58,500 to cover Mr. Foster’s current wage. She asked if Environmental Fees (A1420.401) and Litigation/Possible Litigation (A1420.402) could be lowered. Mr. Foster said his hope is that they would go down. He added it’s hard to say, but his overall guess is that some of this will be down, and some of the things that were previously outsourced will be done by him. Both of these line items will remain the same.
Mrs. Warfel stated under Contractual (A1440.400), (General Engineering Fees), she cut that down from $100,000 to $50,000.
CountyReimbursement (A1450.400) remains the same. Mrs. Warfel stated this is what the Town pays the County for managing Elections every year.
Central Data Processing
Mrs. Warfel stated we have budgeted $1,000 for Equipment (A1680.200), and Service (A1680.401) remains at $27,000. Brief discussion followed.
Special Items
Unallocated Insurance (A1910.400) was decreased from $163,790 to $150,000. Mrs. Warfel referred to Contingent Account (A1990.400) and said you are allowed by the Comptroller’s Office for up to 10% of your overall Budget. This is at $100,000 for any unforeseen budgetary overruns. Mrs. Warfel said the Increases (A1990.401) is what it will cost the General Fund for the Employees in the General Fund to have a 2½% increase - $18,350. Mr. Porretta asked if that includes Department Heads; Mrs. Warfel replied yes.
Economic Assistance and Opportunity
Mrs. Warfel stated $50,000 is budgeted for the LDC.
Mrs. Warfel indicated that all line items have been brought over as in the past.
Seneca Falls Community Band (A7270.400) remains at $500 and Pageant of Bands (A7270.401) remains at $100. Seneca Falls Historical Society (A7520.400) remains at $7,000, and Convention Days (7550.400) remains at $500. It’s a Wonderful Life remains the same at $4,000. Mrs. Warfel stated the Museum itself has come forward with a request for an additional $5,000; this can be added as a voting item.
Transfers to Other Funds
Mrs. Warfel stated at this point, we are budgeted to transfer to the Community Center (A9901.902) $525,365 based on the current Budget; that may have to be changed if things are added to Mr. Spina’s budget. Currently, for Vince’s Park (A9901.903) that budget has been adjusted down to $35,800 which may be changed if things that were requested are included.
Discussion followed relative to scheduling another Meeting to discuss salaries that have to be advertised.
Being there was no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Town Clerk