International Opportunities Weekend
Guides and Senior Section
Are you a Guide aged 13 or older or a member of Senior Section?
Would you like to attend a Girlguiding Ulster International Trip in 2018?
Are you available to attend an International Opportunities Weekend from 15th –17th September 2017?
If you've answered YES to the above questions, please read on!
There will be an International Opportunities Weekend at Lorne on Fri 15th – Sun 17th September 2017. This will be an activity-based weekend and include team building activities, outdoor challenges such as pioneering; cooking over open fires, sleeping under canvas and lots more. You will also get the opportunity to meet Guides and Senior Section members from all over Ulster and make lots of new friends!
If you would like to attend, all you have to do is
- complete the attached International Opportunities form
- get a passport sized photograph (taken within the last 3 months, this can be a photo printed on paper from your mobile, it does NOT need to be a professional photo!)
- enclose a cheque for £50.00 made payable to Girlguiding Ulster
- give everything to your Unit Leader for signing and references
Your unit leader will then return it to the Ulster International Advisor at Girlguiding Ulster, by the deadline of Friday 26thMay 2017. A kit list, consent and health forms will be forwarded to you for completion prior to this event.
Please note spaces on the weekend are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
In the past Girlguiding Ulster have organised International trips to Sangam in India, Our Cabana in Mexico, Our Chalet in Switzerland and camps in Austria, Germany, Norway, Poland, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, a trip with the Tall Ships and this year a service project to Italy. The cost of each trip varies, depending on air fares etc. and can cost anything from £600 to £2,500 depending on the location, type and length of event. At present, we are in the planning process for trips in 2018 and more details of the trips will be available at the INTOPS weekend.
Taking part in an international camp is an unforgettable experience and you will have an opportunity to discover different cultures and landscapes, share ideas and build lasting friendships with people from all around the globe and have FUN!!A trip abroad can be a life-changing experience and leave you with memories that you will always treasure.
If you need any further information please speak to your unit leader or contact your County International Adviser or email Brigid Barrett (Ulster International Adviser) at or further information
International Opportunities Weekend for trips in 2018
To be held from Friday 15th- Sunday 17th September 2017
Guidance Notes
(please read before completing the opportunities form)
- Note: At all stages throughout the process, if a Leader or County Commissioner feels that the form is incorrectly completed or they have any queries, these should be addressed immediately so as not to delay the form arriving within the deadline. Any forms received at Girlguiding Ulster that have not been completed correctly will be returned to the girl and may result in her not gaining a place at the Opportunities Weekend. It is the responsibility of all adult signatories, that enough time is given, to ensure the form arrives at Girlguiding Ulster before the deadline. Girls should note that at the weekend they will be split up from their friends and will be put into patrols with girls from other units that are not known to them.
- Girl completes the form.
- Girl (if over 16) and parent/guardian (if under 16) signs form, ensuring that the permission to be contacted by email has been completed, and takes a copy.
- Girl attaches cheque and photograph and forwards to unit leader. Please note a scanned version of the form and attachments can be emailed to the unit leader.
- Unit leader completes the attached recommendation, signs the form, keeps a copy and sends everything else on to the CountyCommissioner. Please note a scanned version of the form and attachments can be emailed to the CountyCommissioner.
- The CountyCommissioner reads the recommendation and if she approves it, signs the form and sends everything on to the Ulster International Advisor. The CountyCommissioner may also provide an additional recommendation if she feels it is appropriate. Please note a scanned version of the form and attachments may be emailed to the Ulster International Advisor at () or can be posted FAO the Ulster International Advisor to Girlguiding Ulster, Lorne House, Station Road, Craigavad, Holywood, BT18 0BP.
- FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DEADLINE (FRIDAY 26th MAY 2017) - it is the responsibility of the adult signatories that enough time is given to ensure the form arrives at Girlguiding Ulster before the deadline.
International Opportunities Weekend for trips in 2018
Friday 15 - Sunday 17 September 2017 (under canvas)
Completed forms must be received by Friday 26thMay 2017
Surname: First name:
Address (including postcode):
Telephone number: Home Parent/Guardian mobile ______
Parent/Guardian Email address: Date of birth: ______
Guide / Senior Section / Young Leader * Membership Number: Unit:
District: Guide County: ______
Have you been abroad - YES / NO * Please provide details ______
Signed: Date:
Girl (if over 16)
Signed: Date:
Parent / Guardian* (if girl under 16)
Do you give permission for the girl to be contacted using the email address above? - YES / NO*
Read and approved by:
Signed: Date:
Unit Leader
Signed: Date:
Signed: Date:
Ulster International Advisor
* Delete as appropriate
Recommendation for International Opportunities 2018
To be completed by Unit Leader
Name of girl:
How long have you known the girl:
What experience/qualifications do you think the girl has that should be considered, eg camper's badge, camping experience at home or internationally (under canvas):
Would you have any hesitation in recommending this girl to represent Girlguiding Ulster at an international event? YES / NO
Please provide any further information below if necessary
Signed: Date:
Unit Leader
Endorsed by: Date:
*The County Commissioner may provide additional information on a separate sheet if she feels it is appropriate.
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