Core Working Group Meeting/Conference Call Summary and Action Points

20 September 2010

  1. Introductions

In Personat UNAIDS office: Felix Ulloa, El Salvador Mission; Colin Mciff, U.S. Mission; Ruth Foley, Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, World Council of Churches; Dennis Larsen, UNAIDS, Human Rights & Law;Jason Sigurdson, UNAIDS, Human Rights & Law; Lee, UNAIDS, Human Rights & Law; Adriana Hewson, UNAIDS, Governance; Yuki Takemoto, UNAIDS, Governance; Sarah Rimmington, UNAIDS, Office of Deputy Director, Programme

On the Telephone: Nils Grede, WFP; Annmarie Isler, WFP; Fatiha Terki, WHO; Felicita Hikuam, ARASA – AIDS and Rights Alliance of Southern Africa; Robin Jackson, UNAIDS, Office of Deputy Director, Programme

2. Mission of Core Working Group

-Robin Jackson of UNAIDS chaired the call. She introduced the mission of the Core Working Group (CWG) of which all participants are members (and which are listed in the attached document “CWG Members Sept23”. The group’s mandate is to organize the thematic segment on “Food and nutrition security and HIV: how to ensure food and nutrition security are integral parts of HIV programming,” for the 27th UNAIDS PCB meeting. The session will take place on Wednesday December 8, 2010, the third and last day of the next meeting. Details regarding the PCB’s expectations for this particularsession are found in three-page document (French and English versions attached).

3. General Guidelines for Thematic Segment Process

-The basic elements of the Thematic Segment Process Guidelines were outlined and are included in the General Guideline document (attached).

-The members of this call (as well as some others who were not able to attend) make-up the Core Working Group (CWG). Each of you is a member representing either one of the three (3) PCB Constituencies, the Member States, Co-Sponsors, or PCB NGOs, oras well as other NGOs and multilateral organizations that do not sit on the PCB but whose expertise could assist us in organizing a successful event on this theme.

-The CWG will be responsible for planning the entire day of the thematic segment.

-The day will consist of several sessions, including an introductory session and several break-out sessions. The format of the day to be decided on by the CWG during next call).

-A breakout working group will be formed to plan each session. Breakout groups are led by a member of the CWG. Other relevant stakeholders can be invited to participate in the breakout groups.

-It is the responsibility of the UNAIDS Secretariat to facilitate and coordinate the work of both the CWG and the breakout working groups. This will be donein close partnership with WFP.

-Both the CWG and the breakout groups must include members of each of the three constituencies, and content should be decided together. The CWG, breakout groups and panelists/participants in the breakout sessions must also be representative, in terms of gender and of the three constituencies. In addition, the panels themselves must involve the participation of affected communities, and they should also cover the issues outlined by the PCB in the thematic segment description document included below this summary. This includes cross-cutting themes such as human rights (e.g. stigma and discrimination) and gender. There must also be effort made to ensure that some panelists give their presentations in French (in addition to English).

4. Next Steps: Action Points (including highlights of meeting discussion)

A.Next Meeting/Meeting Schedule:The CWG shoulddecide on its meeting/call schedule by the end of this week (by Friday September 24). Feedback has been received that Wednesdays and Thursdays are the best days of the week for meetings/calls. CWG meetings will take place every other week, with email discussions in between. The group members are to let us know whether they prefer Wed Oct 6 or Thurs Oct 7 for the next meeting (and that same day of the week for all other meetings). Please let us know ASAP. Later this week the Secretariat will send a reminder email asking for your preference.

B.PCB Thematic Segment document and General Guidelines: Although these documents were briefly reviewed during the call, theGroup members should read both the PCB Document outlining the theme (Food and nutrition security and HIV programming), as well as the General Guidelines for the Thematic Segment Process (both attached) before the next meeting during the week of October 4.

C.Thematic Segment Format Decision: During the next meeting/teleconference the CWG will decide on the format of the thematic segment day. Past thematic days were held on day one of the three (3) day PCB meeting. This December, the thematic will instead be held on the third and final day. Because of this change, there are concerns aboutpossible poor attendance and the likelihood of people leaving early on the last day and missing important parts of the thematic session. Therefore the Secretariat proposes that the CWG needs to think about if and how to boost attendance, and, potentially, if the day should be made shorterin recognition of likely early departures. The group discussed the following three (3) possible PCB segment format options (for decision week of Oct. 4):

-Option 1. Sticking with the original full-day long format, which is: An introductory segment, followed by a coffee break, followed by two ( 2) simultaneous panels, followed by lunch, followed by two (2) more simultaneous panels, and concluding with a Final Moderated session in which CWG rapporteurs reported back to the entire group the main outcomes of each breakout session.

-Option 2: An abbreviated session that is the same as Option 1, except eliminating the Final report-back session that allows everyone to learn what happened in the previous sessions;

-Option 3. An abbreviated session with an Introductory session in the morning, then coffee break, followed by 2-4 parallel breakout sessions, then Lunch, and finally an Early afternoon wrap-up session where all sessions will be reported on.

-Any other ideas on options should be sent to Sarah Rimmington who will share them with the group.

D.Preparation for Breakout Session Topic Proposals Being Feedback:The Secretariat will send out a list of six proposed breakout session topics via email to be discussed during the next meeting/call the week of Oct. 4. These proposed topics, prepared by the Secretariat in close collaboration with the WFP, will incorporate suggestions from today’s call as well as any ideas received from CWG members in the interim period, and take into account views from the PCB on this thematic session. The document is meant as a starting point for discussions. A final decision on all panels is not expected on the next meeting/call, though the group should be prepared to finalize the topics shortly thereafter in order to leave enough time to create breakout groups and plan the sessions themselves. Group members should let Robin Jackson knowas soon as possible via email following the meeting, if there are specific topics or issues you think should or should not be included in the sessions, so these can beincorporated into the proposal document. The group members are welcome to make other suggestions on the next call as well. Following is the discussion regarding the possible breakout session topics:

-Prior to the meeting some PCB NGOs indicated they want to see a strong link with universal access in the sessions, as well as some discussion of humanitarian issues and situations.

-Jason from the Secretariat Human Rights team tabled the following topics for incorporation: AIDS and MDGS links, AIDS and other human rights and social movements, the right to food, strengthening the care and support agenda, reducing vulnerability, and improving treatment outcomes

-Colin of the U.S. Mission wanted to flag the general thinking of the U.S. delegation that they wish to underscore the operational/programmatic aspects of issues and topics to make the day very useful and practical – for us to think about where the linkages are and how they can be connected to and strengthen programming.

E.Background Paper Outline Feedback: The Secretariat is working on a short framing (background) paper to be shared with PCB members a few weeks before the Thematic Segment.The Secretariat will send share an annotated outline to with CWG members before the next meeting/call so it can be reviewed and discussed at that time.Comments will be accepted on the call or over email. You will also have the opportunity to review drafts of the paper.

5. Other business:

-Language: The Secretariat indicated that though language interpretation is not available for the CWG or breakout group meetings/calls, it will be available at the Thematic Segment itself. However, there is capacity for any French or Spanish speaking group members to email or call with questions, feedback and concerns regarding the meetings in those languages to Sarah, Yuki or Robin and we will connect you with the right person. Please do not be shy about this.

-Additional CWG members: Though the deadline for membership has passed, we are still seeking member state representatives from Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia, as well as francophones.

-CWG membership: We will send out a list of members and contact details by the next meeting/call in early October. Not all members were able to attend today’s meeting on short notice.