Present: Councillors: B. Sadler (Presiding), S Samra, E Lunn, A Thomas, N Bradley, B Dobson, R Rose
and R Bill,
Residents: S. Holland (Chair, Thurlby Neighbourhood Planning Group) & local residents see attached.
Others: none.
Purpose: This was a Special Meeting called to discuss the proposed South Kesteven Local Plan for the period up to 2036, in particular the proposed residential development of 50 units at Elm Farm (ref. LV-H13) and to formulate a response back to South Kesteven District Council. All comments must be received by 4pm on 11th August 2017.
Open ForumCllr. Sadler outlined the meeting format and explained that with views from those in attendance the council would prepare and send a response to South Kesteven Council. 38 local residents were in attendance and expressed views in an open discussion on the proposed plan this was supplemented with further information/explanation during the discussions by Cllr. Sadler & Dobson and Mr. Holland The main and salient points were :-
· Notice – residents stated there had been little notice of the proposal and in many instances had only been made aware by local social media or ‘word of mouth’. When this site had been considered before there was more consultation.
· Why this site? – Mr. Holland explained that this was the only site re-offered by the landowner for development, none of the other sites in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2015 had been re-offered. He also stated that if a more suitable site was offered then this would be considered more favourable and the Elm Farm site dropped. He further confirmed that this site was only proposed and could change and that no planning had been proposed/submitted.
· Impact on infrastructure – sewers/ flooding – at certain times server flooding already exists and with further development this will only compound the problem – there is no indication of proposals to rectify this current or future issue. It is also understood that the Bourne sewer scheme is already at max capacity.
· Increase in traffic - any development and particularly with access onto High street would compound the difficulties already encountered at the A15/High Street junction, particularly at peak times and especially turning right onto the A15 towards Peterborough. It was considered that direct access to the A15 from the proposed development would be more suitable.
· A15 crossing – it was already ‘impossible’, at certain times, to cross the A15 to get to the bus stop for journeys south or to access the eastern part of the village. Cllr. Sadler advised that a vehicle movement survey had recently been carried out, discussions had been held with Lincoln Road Partnership and a response to their letter was a subject on the agenda at the next Parish Council meeting.
· Schools – it was understood that the school is at capacity so where would any new children go?
· Social Housing – Cllr. Dobson explained as part of any new development 35% is required to be social housing however, it does not mean they will be built in Thurlby and could be built elsewhere in South Kesteven.
· South Kesteven Housing Requirement – Cllr. Dobson advised that the SKDC has a commitment to build 700 new homes each year or be fined by Central Government.
· Local Plan, what next? – this was unclear, there would appear to be no mechanism for any SKDC response to any of the comments that would be raised against the plan. S Holland feeling was that the Plan would be issued by 2018 end with it been adopted by mid 2019.
· Response – although the Parish Council were to write to SKDC registering their opposition to the proposal all residents were also urged to comment either by the web page or letter. Details of both were made available. It was thought that addressing to Aidan Rave, Chief Executive, SKDC may get a response.
· Support was expressed for a formal Parish Meeting as and when more details regarding SKDC’s intentions became available.
At this point Clr. Sadler advised that the council meeting would now commence and although the residents were welcome to stay they would not be able to participate, at this point 80% left the meeting.
The meeting was formally opened at 20.24
70. Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies & noting of resignations received
70.1 / Apologies were received from Cllr Y Scott and Cllr M Reece (personal) and Bernard Champness (Clerk) holiday.
70.2 / Resolved: that the apologies be accepted.
71. 7. / Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item
71.1 / Cllr Lunn said that he had a personal interest as this related to land adjacent to land he owned.
72. / Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 5th July 2017 (Min17-03)
72.1 / Resolved: That the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 5th July 2017 be signed by the Chair as a correct record.
73 / To discuss the Local Plan 2011 – 2036 and to formulate a response.
73.3 / The meeting was closed at to allow Mr Holland to address the Council. He explained that he and Joy Stephenson had met Sarah Watson and discussed various issues arising from the Neighbourhood Planning Group Discussion – see attached agenda.
The Council thanked Mr Holland (& group) for their commitment and dedication with the Neighbourhood Plan and the Proposed Local Plan issues.
Cllr. Dobson reminded that the Clerk should make a costed S106 application for the A15 crossing anyway just in case there was any spare money in SKDC budget.
The meeting was re –opened. It was agreed that to expedite a response via a ‘committee’ consisting of Cllr. Sadler, Cllr. Dobson and S Holland. They would meet to formulate a letter stating the views of the Thurlby Parish Council and its residents and sent on behalf of the council before the 11th August deadline. This letter would request that SKDC not only acknowledge the letter but formally respond to the stated issues. This would be sent by the SKDC comment web site and also by registered post to the new SKDC Chief Executive. The letter would also be published on the Parish council web site and in the Village Notes.
73. 4 / There being no other business the meeting was formally closed at 21.26
74. The date of the next meeting – to be held on Wednesday 6th September 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in the Lawrance Park Social Room, Thurlby.
MIN 17-04
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