Aircraft maintenance is one of the world’s sophisticated departments in the Aviation industry. Even though the number of air accidents or incidents has reduced considerably in the 20th century, the safety of the airplanes is always a concern in the minds of people. A crash may be due to several reasons but poor aircraft maintenance, maintenance error and maintenance negligence are commonly found to be the top three causes of aviation accidents.

According to Transport Canada, the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer is one of the key personnel in the aviation industry who is licensed to sign the maintenance release for certified aircraft returning to service. AME is responsible for making sure that the aircraft is in an airworthy condition. This report addresses every detail about the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer with reference to Transport Canada. It deals with the training and licensing of an AME, nature of work, responsibilities and types of checks performed by the maintenance Engineer. It also covers, in detail, the documents and reports that have to be maintained by the AME. A few examples of air crashes due to maintenance error or negligence have also been discussed.

Keywords: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, Transport Canada


Aircraft Maintenance:

Aircraft Maintenance means the preservation, inspection, overhaul and repair of an aircraft. The purpose of maintenance is to make sure that the aircraft is airworthy throughout its operational life. Although maintenance requirements vary from aircraft to aircraft, numbers show that most aircrafts require some type of preventive maintenance every 25 hours or less of flying time and minor maintenance every 100 hours of flying time. The number of flying hours is also influenced by the kind of operation, climatic conditions, age of aircraft, condition of aircraft, etc.

Aircraft maintenance is highly regulated. There are several airworthiness authorities around the globe. This report deals with the regulations with respect to Transport Canada. The major authorities are listed below:

·  Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil(ANAC) Brazil

·  Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC) China

·  Civil Aviation Authority (United Kingdom)(CAA)

·  Civil Aviation Safety Authority(CASA) Australia

·  Directorate General of Civil Aviation (India)(DGCA) India

·  European Aviation Safety Agency(EASA) Europe

·  Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) United States

·  Transport Canada(TC) Canada

Introduction to Transport Canada

Transport Canada is the department within the government of Canada which is responsible for the developing regulations, policies and services of transportation in Canada. Transport Canada is responsible for enforcing several Canadian legislations and the Aeronautics Act is just one of them. The Aeronautics act is the legislation that governs civil aviation in Canada. The Department of Transport was created in 1935 by the government ofWilliam Lyon Mackenzie Kingin recognition of the changing transportation environment in Canada at the time.

Transport Canada's role in aviation appears to be the most systematic. Until 1996, Transport Canada was responsible for both regulation of aviation and the operation of air traffic services, as well as the operation of most major airports. On November 1, 1996, these responsibilities were divided between Transport Canada and NAV Canada. The Transport Canada remains responsible for regulation and Nav Canada took over responsibility for all civilian air traffic services. Transport Canada remains to be responsible for licensing pilots and other aviation specialists such as dispatchers and mechanics as well as registering and inspecting aircraft. It is also responsible for the safety certification and continuous safety oversight of most forms of commercial operations. Also the Transport Canada controls The Canadian Air Regulations (CARs).

Canadian Air Regulations (CARs)

The Canadian Air Regulations (CARs) are the rules that govern the civil aviation in Canada. The CARs consist of regulations, standards and advisory material. Regulations and standards should strictly be followed without any deviation while complying with the advisory material is not mandatory. Standards explain the process of complying with the regulations. CARs are divided into nine functional parts namely:

·  Part I – General Provisions

·  Part II – Aircraft Identification and Registration and Operation of a Leased Aircraft by a Non-registered Owner

·  Part III – Aerodromes, Airports and Heliports

·  Part IV – Personnel Licensing and Training

·  Part V – Airworthiness

·  Part VI – General Operating and Flight Rules

·  Part VII – Commercial Air Services

·  Part VIII – Air Navigation Services

·  Part IX – Repeals and Coming into Force


The regulations are numbered starting at the beginning of the part. Other than Part V of CARs, the regulations are numbered in 700 series. Part V is numbered exclusively (500 series) to match the US FAA as well as EASA and JAA regulations. The standards are numbered in the 20 series, for example- CAR 720 refers to a standard. And the advisory material is numbered in 40 series like CAR 740 refers to advisory material.

The part that deals with Aircraft Maintenance Engineering is the Part V which focuses on airworthiness.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

In Canada, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) is a person who is Transport Canada licensed to sign the maintenance release for a certified aircraft returning to service. There are different license ratings for the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer depending on the type of aircraft. The ratings are specified as M1, M2, E, S and B. Each rating has been discussed in detail in the following chapters.

The general duties of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer include, but are not limited to aircraft heavy maintenance, Engine heavy maintenance and subparts and aircraft components and other systems. It is a challenging and rewarding work. The latest generation aircrafts require sophisticated skill sets and comprehensive education. The AME must possess a very strong knowledge of aircraft systems, aerodynamics and aircraft structures along with a clear understanding of the interrelationship among the components on an aircraft. Aircraft maintenance is also a manual-driven industry that requires a high level of literacy and numeracy skills and the ability to follow technical drawings and blueprints. The responsibilities have been discussed in detail in the following chapters.

Transport Canada

The Nature of Working of Aircraft Maintenance Technician:

An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer is responsible for the release of certification of aircraft after maintenance, inspection, repair and modification. Some of the responsibility of AME is mentioned below:

·  Certifying airworthiness of airframe, piston and turbine engines, electronic systems, propellers and rotary systems

·  Troubleshooting aircraft electrical, mechanical and structural systems to identify the nature of the defect

·  Repairing, overhauling and adjusting the aircraft system according to the procedures, technical drawings and specification established in the authorised manuals

·  Installing or modifying mechanical, pneumatic, electrical flight control, fuel and hydraulic system

·  Supervising, performing and documenting routine maintenance


An aircraft Maintenance Engineer certified by Transport Canada should have followings field rating licence to perform task In the absence of the formal AME log book, the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer should hold M, S and E licence rating to know the method to perform the maintenance task excerpt from AWM 566.

1. Maintenance

2. Avionics

3. Structure

Maintenance rating (M1-M2) checklist:
Proof of having completed aircraft maintenance tasks shall take the form of a certification by the AME, or equivalent person who supervised the work. The certification statement shall include the date, aircraft type, registration mark, or component serial number as applicable, and confirm that the Engineer is able to:

(A) Identify the applicable standard for the task;
(B) select the proper tools;
(C) perform the work correctly without supervision; and
(D) complete the necessary documentation.

Persons who sign for completion of maintenance tasks shall be responsible for the accuracy of statements made.

ATA 05
Time limits
Mtce Checks / ·  100 hour check (general aviation aircraft)
·  Involvement in A,B or C check (transport category aircraft)
·  Review records for compliance with airworthiness directives
·  Review records for compliance with component life limits
·  Inspection following heavy landing
·  Inspection following lightening strike
ATA 06
Dimensions/Areas / ·  Locate components by station number
·  Perform symmetry check
ATA 07
Lifting/Shoring / ·  Jack aircraft nose or tail wheel
·  Jack complete aircraft
·  Sling or trestle major component
ATA 08
Weighing / ·  Level Aircraft
·  Weigh Aircraft
·  Prepare weight and balance amendment
·  Check aircraft against equipment list
ATA 09
Taxiing / ·  Tow aircraft
·  Taxi aircraft
ATA 10
Mooring / ·  Tie down aircraft
·  Park,secure and cover aircraft
·  Secure rotor blades
·  Position aircraft in dock
ATA 11
Markings / ·  Check aircraft for correct placards
·  Check aircraft for correct markings
ATA 12
Servicing / ·  Refuel aircraft
·  Defuel aircraft
·  Check tire pressures
·  Check oil level
·  Check hydraulic fluid level
·  Check accumulator pressure
·  Charge pneumatic system
·  Grease aircraft
·  Connect ground power
·  Service toilet/water system
·  Perform pre-flight check
ATA 18
Vibration/Noise Analysis / ·  Analyze helicopter vibration problem
·  Analyze noise spectrum
ATA 21
Air Conditioning / ·  Replenish vapour system
·  Replace combustion heater
·  Replace outflow valve
·  Replace vapour cycle unit
·  Replace air cycle unit
·  Replace cabin blower
·  Replace heat exchanger
·  Replace pressurization controller
·  Clean outflow valves
·  Check operation of air conditioning/heating system
·  Check operation of pressurization system
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 22
Auto Flight / ·  Install servos
·  Rig bridle cables
·  Replace controller
·  Replace amplifier
·  Check operation of auto-pilot
·  Check operation of auto-throttle
·  Check operation of yaw damper
·  Check and adjust servo clutch
·  Perform autopilot gain adjustments
·  Perform mach trim functional check
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 23
Communications / ·  Replace VHF com unit
·  Replace HF com unit
·  Replace existing antenna
·  Install new antenna
·  Replace static discharge wicks
·  Check operation of radios
·  Perform antenna check
·  Perform selcal operational check
·  Perform operational check of passenger address system
·  Functionally check audio integrating system
·  Repair co-axial cable
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 24
Electrical Power / ·  Charge lead/acid battery
·  Charge ni-cad battery
·  Check battery capacity
·  Replace cells
·  Deep-cycle ni-cad battery
·  Replace generator
·  Replace switches
·  Replace circuit breakers
·  Adjust voltage regulator
·  Amend electrical load analysis report
·  Repair/replace electrical feeder cable
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 25
Furnishings / ·  Replace carpets
·  Replace crew seats
·  Replace passenger seats
·  Check inertia reels
·  Check seats/belts for security
·  Check emergency equipment
·  Check ELT for compliance with regulations
·  Repair toilet waste container
·  Repair upholstery
·  Change cabin configuration
ATA 26
Fire Protection / ·  Check fire bottle contents
·  Check operation of warning system
·  Check cabin fire extinguisher contents
·  Check lavatory smoke detector system
·  Install new fire bottle
·  Replace fire bottle squib
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 27
Flight Controls / ·  Replace horizontal stabilizer
·  Replace elevator
·  Replace aileron
·  Replace rudder
·  Replace trim tabs
·  Install control cable and fittings
·  Replace flaps
·  Replace powered flying control unit
·  Replace flap actuator
·  Adjust trim tab
·  Adjust control cable tension
·  Check control range and sense of movement
·  Check for correct assembly and locking
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 28
Fuel / ·  Replace booster pump
·  Replace fuel selector
·  Replace fuel tank cells
·  Check filters
·  Flow check system
·  Check calibration of fuel quantity gauges
·  Check operation feed/selectors
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 29
Hydraulics / ·  Replace engine driven pump
·  Replace standby pump
·  Replace accumulator
·  Check operation of shut off valve
·  Check filters
·  Check indicating systems
·  Perform functional checks
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 30
Ice and Rain
Protection / ·  Replace fluid tank
·  Replace pump
·  Replace timer
·  Replace distributor
·  Install wiper motor
·  Repair de-icing boot
·  Adjust brush block
·  Check operation of systems
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 31
Recording Systems / ·  Replace flight data recorder
·  Replace cockpit voice recorder
·  Replace clock
·  Replace panel vibrator
·  Replace master caution unit
·  Perform FDR calibration/correlation check
·  Perform FDR data retrieval
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 32
Landing Gear / ·  Build up wheel
·  Replace main wheel
·  Replace nose wheel
·  Replace shimmy damper
·  Rig nose wheel steering
·  Replace shock strut seals
·  Replace brake unit
·  Replace brake control valve
·  Bleed brakes
·  Test antiskid unit
·  Test gear retraction
·  Change bungees
·  Install Floats
·  Install Skis
·  Adjust micro switches
·  Charge struts
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 33
Lights / ·  Repair/replace rotating beacon
·  Repair/replace landing lights
·  Repair/replace navigation lights
·  Repair/replace interior lights
·  Repair/replace emergency lighting system
·  Perform emergency lighting system
·  Troubleshoot faulty system
ATA 34
Navigation / ·  Calibrate magnetic direction indicator
·  Replace airspeed indicator
·  Replace altimeter
·  Replace air data computer
·  Replace VOR unit
·  Replace ADI
·  Replace HSI
·  Check pilot static system for leaks
·  Check operation of directional gyro
·  Functional check of weather radar
·  Functional check doppler
·  Functional check TCAS
·  Functional check DME
·  Functional check ATC Transponder
·  Functional check flight director system
·  Functional check inertial nav system
·  Complete quadrantal error correction of ADF system
·  Update flight management system data base