English 10Honors Syllabus

Mrs. Gina Allison

Room 208-KWHS


Cellular Phone:804-994-8772

Twitter: @English10KWHS

The emphasis of English 10 Honors is on the importance of writing, readying analysis, literature, grammar, research, and oral language. Students will advance with the skill and experience gathered from the previous year in order to broaden their comprehension of the English content areas that will be tested in the End of Course English Writing, Reading, Literature, and Research tests in their junior year. SOLs will not be officially tested during the sophomore year. This class will also lay the foundations of college level written and oral expression and deepen the student’s investigations and critical evaluation of literature, history and theory.

Textbook:Holt McDougal Literature


Three-ring binder (2 inch size)

Notebook paper


EVERYDAY, you are expected to have your textbook, binder, paper, and writing utensil in class. Textbooks are to be covered to protect them from damage.(You will be held financially responsible for any damage. The cost of the textbook is $84.50.) That being said, each time a student fails to bring one piece of the required material, he/she will receive a checkmark in the daily material log. Once the student receives three checkmarks, I will telephone the parents. The fourth and fifth marks will receive one/two day detention respectively.

SOL objectives for eleventh grade English can be found on pages T10 – T17 in the literature textbook. This is a good resource containing the objective and how it will be tested.

Upon completion of this course, the student will have sound experience in writing from both the expository and persuasive modes, both of which are necessary for the business and college community. The student will have generated a rational approach to criticism and analysis of their own and other written work. The literary selections will span a large breadth in history and depth in culture in order to provide a provoking and long-lasting experience for the student. Time will also be given for the study of printed consumer information. The student will utilize small groups for the development of critical thinking, peer editing, and group presentations. Finally, expository and persuasive compositions will be developed through careful attention to organization, detail, and accuracy.

Instructional Plan for the year:

Grammar: ongoing throughout the year

Practice with multiple choice items reflecting SOL and SAT testing practices

Break-out lessons on errors found in essays

Writing (journals and essays): ongoing throughout the year

Daily journals

Essays every other week

VocabularyDevelopment: ongoing throughout the year

SAT and ACT preparation throughout the year

First 9 Weeks

The Short Story Form

Summer Reading Assessment

Paragraph and Essay Writing

Informational Materials

Media Materials

Vocabulary Development

Grammar Practice

Second 9 Weeks

Research Unit

Drama Unit

Poetry Unit

Essay Writing

Vocabulary Development

Grammar Practice

Third 9 Weeks

Drama Unit Continued

Poetry Unit Continued

Essay Writing

Novel Unit

Vocabulary Development

Grammar Practice

Fourth 9 Weeks

Novel Unit Continued

Literary Review

Essay Writing

Vocabulary Development

Grammar Practice

**The teacher reserves the right to make changes in the interest of maximizing student achievement.**


Grades will be calculated every four weeks for progress reports with report cards being calculated and distributed at the end of each nine weeks. Grades can also be accessed daily on PowerSchool which is updated each Monday by 5 PM.

Grade percentages:

Tests 40%

Essays 30%

Quizzes 20%

Homework/classwork 10%(Homework WILL NOT be accepted late.)

NOTE: The semester exam will count as 20% of the semester average.

It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades. If you have a question concerning your grade at any time, you must make an appointment with me after class, during lunch or before school.

Grades are calculated in percentages and then placed on an A to F scale for the report cards. The following scale is used in accordance with King William High School policy:

A 93%-100%

B 85%-92%

C 77%-84%


F 0%-69%

Student Expectations:

1. Students will not commit an integrity violation by cheating or plagiarizing. Students who commit an integrity violation (including, but not limited to copying homework, cheating on quizzes or tests, plagiarizing essays or reports) will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Honor Code for King William High School. The MLA Handbook defines plagiarism as repeating:

as your own someone else’s sentences, more or less verbatim […] other forms of

plagiarism include repeating someone else’s particularly apt phrase without appropriate acknowledgement, paraphrasing another person’s argument as your own, and presenting another’s line of thinking […] as though it were your own.

2. With the above stated, any student committing an integrity violation (including but not limited to copying homework, cheating on quizzes and tests, plagiarizing essays or reports) will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the Honor Code for King William High School.

3. Homework WILL NOT be accepted late when the student is present in class. All long-term essays and projects must be turned in on the due date even if the student is absent from class.

4. If a student misses class with an excused absence, the assignments that were due must be turned in on the day the student returns to class. For multiple missed days, it is the student’s responsibility to arrange a time with the teacher to make up missed assignments. Please remember that work must be made up within the time outlined in the student agenda. All assignments not made up after the allotted time will receive zeroes.

**Note: Unexcused /unverified absences forfeit the student’s chance to make up missed work.

5. Students are expected to be in their seats by the time the tardy bell rings and will be dismissed by the teacher. No one is to be out of his/her seat at the door prior to the end of class. Any student not in his/her seat by the sounding of the tardy bell will be marked tardy.

6. Food and drinks (except water) are not allowed in the classroom. Excessive reminders will result in after-school detention for the offending student.

7. The dress code policy will be enforced in this classroom. Also, I tend to keep my room cool, so if you are cold-natured, bring a sweater or jacket.

8. Restroom passes will only be given in emergency situations. Use the restroom before class. But, when a restroom pass is given, use the restrooms on the 200 hall and return promptly. Failure to return promptly will result in a lockdown for the offending student with administration being called to escort the student on future restroom requests.

9. Be prepared for class each day. This means having your binder, textbook, paper, and writing utensils in class every day. Locker passes will not be given. Periodic book checks will occur with a participation grade of 100 being recorded. Lack of a textbook could result in a zero for the day and a checkmark in the daily material log.

10. In the case of MIP, make sure you have your textbook so assignments can be completed. Failure to complete assignments sent to MIP will result in zeroes recorded for those assignments.

11. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to other students and the teacher at all times.

12. Bullying will NOT be tolerated.

13. The student should keep this syllabus in the front of their three-ring binder so that he/she can refer to it often.

Syllabus Contract

I have read the 10th Grade Honors English syllabus and understand the classroom goals, expectations, and procedures. I have shared this this syllabus with my parent/guardian.

I, the parent/guardian have read and understand the 10th Grade Honors English syllabus and understand the classroom goals, expectations, and procedures.


Student SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Please detach and return this page to Mrs. Allison.