Religion 211 SPRING 2011 Brother Robert F. Wahlquist
New Testament NIGHT class Taylor 100
Wednesday Nights at 7 p.m. Taylor 110, 496-3959
# / DATE / LESSON TITLE / Before Class READING / DUESunday 11:59 pm
1 / April 20 / Be a Great Student / The Pre-mortal Christ Divine Birth / Perfect Youth / Learning Model – John 1 Matt 1 – 2; Luke 2 / Syllabus Quiz & Weekly Report
2 / April 27 / Baptism/Temptations/ Finding Jesus / Calling of the 12 / Matt 3-4 & 10; John 2-3 / Weekly
3 / May 4 / Serving One / Popularity grows / Sermon on the Mount / Mark 1-2; John 4; Matt 5-7 / Weekly Report
4 / May 11 / Power over everything / Calming the Sea
Come unto me / Even Sinners / Matt 8 – 9
Matt 10 – 12; Luke 7-8 / Weekly
5 / May 18 / Parables; Why, Sower, Mustard seed
Parables; Sabbath, Lost, Beggar / Matt 13, Mark 4
Luke 14-16 / Weekly Report
6 / May 25 / Feeds 5,000 / Bread of Life / The Rock / Transfiguration / 7 x 70 / Matt 14-18 / John 5 – 6 / Weekly
7 / June 1 / He who is w/o Sin / A man born blind / Lepers / Good Shepherd / Lazarus / Matt 16 – 18; Luke 17;
John 7 – 12 / Weekly Report
8 / June 8 / What Lack I / Triumphal Entry / Hypocrite / Parable of the Laborers / Matt 19 – 23; Mark 10 / Weekly
9 / June 15 / I wonder when he comes again /
2nd Coming Parables / Matt 24–25/
Joseph Smith Matt 1 / Weekly Report
10 / June 22 / Last Supper / Sacrament / Upper Room / Matt 26 / John 13 – 16 / Weekly
11 / June 29 / Intercessory Prayer / Walking to Gethsemane / What Happened to Jesus? / Matt 26; Mark 14;
Luke 22; John 17 / Weekly Report
12 / July 6 / Gethsemane / Betrayal / Trials / Scourging / Mosiah 2, Alma 7; DC 19;
Matt 26-27; John 18-19 / Weekly
Final Due
13 / July 13 / Crucifixion / Cross / Resurrection Morn / Matt 27 / John 19 - 20
Luke 23 - 24 / Weekly Report
14 / July 20 / Resurrection Evening
Witnesses of the Resurrection / Matt 28 / Luke 24 /
John 20-21; 1 Cor 15 / Weekly
2 Nephi 2:26 “… to act for themselves and not to be acted upon…” I expect each student to be self-motivated and act for themselves. There are minimum expectations, but “A” students rise above and lift those around them. Do your part to make this religion class a truly Christ-like experience where the Atonement becomes real.
Note: The instructor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus any time during the semester.
READ the entire Syllabus and take the Syllabus quiz Sunday by Mid-night. E-mail: WHEN E-MAILING Bro. Wahlquist always put in subject line: SUBJECT: NT 7 p.m. or NT NIGHT CLASS
Office: Taylor 110; Phone: 496-3959; Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 11:30 – 12:30 p.m. Or by appointment via e-mail or phone.
ATTENDANCE: 30% of your grade is attending class. (It is really 50% when you add in participation points.) You are needed in class. We need your comments, questions, insights, sharing, prayers, spirit, singing, testimonies, and love. Please attend every class. There is no ‘make-up’ work that will replace the edifying experience of being in class together. You can miss one class and still earn an A. The best grade you can earn with a 2nd absence (missing 4 hours of class) is a B+. A 3rd absence results in a failing grade. School excused absences need to be approved in advance. See below. Illness is not school excused. I am willing to work students who become ill. Be on time to sing the hymn.
PARTICIPATION: 20%. Participation means you were actively engaged in the lesson. (Being engaged means such things as asking and answering questions; sharing comments, participating in paired and group assignments; reading scriptures, volunteering in class, etc.) Participation ALSO means you eliminated distractions from the learning experience. Distractions include: cell phones, ear buds, I-pods / mp3, and computers, talking off-subject during class, and anything else that may disrupt you or your neighbors.
There are to be no cell phones, computers, I-pods or mp3 players in class.
READING: 15% of your grade is pre-reading and pondering the assigned reading-block before class. I strongly encourage marking, writing in the margins, using sticky notes to write insights and questions. Please come to class prepared by having studied the block. You will get out of it what you put into it. Electronic scriptures may not be used in class. You need to come to class with scriptures--a hard copy. Bring a pen or pencil. Come to class with the right attitude to learn, share, teach and be taught.
JOURNAL ENTRIES 10% of your grade is writing a weekly journal entry. This is a significant assignment. Your journals are to focus on your learning and growth for this class. It is best to type your journal in a word document then paste it into the weekly report. The purpose of this writing activity is to demonstrate that you have put forth efforts to learn--to act for yourself. (2 Nephi 2:13 & 26). This religion class is developed in an effort to help you 'become' something more--something better (through the Atonement of Jesus Christ). Write about your efforts this week... anything goes... stories, quotes, efforts, thoughts, conversations, family, anything. Journal entries should be 300+ words. Please include the word count at the bottom of each journal entry.
SHARING: 15% of your grade is spending 30 minutes a week talking with someone (anyone) about this religion class, the readings, &/or your personal gospel insights. “A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it.” President Boyd K. Packer. (Ensign: January 1983, pp. 51-56). I believe this to be true. Share with a class mate, a family member, a roommate or friend. The 30 minutes can be broken into smaller segments and/or multiple sharing partners.
SELF EVALUATION: Each week you will judge your own efforts in this religion class. You will be asked to rate yourself on your efforts this week. "A" work requires 'acting for yourself' and taking responsibility for your own learning. "A" work requires you to think and to ponder and to 'let the solemnities of eternity rest upon your minds'
(D & C 43:34). "A" work is more than putting in the effort to 'jump-through-the-hoops'. Rather, "A" work in this religion class is the kind of personal effort that stirs the soul, enlightens your personal understanding and begins to move you towards 'becoming' something more... through the grand Atonement of the Savior. "A" work is what is expected of all students in this religion class. “A” work requires thoughtful pondering.
Answer each question HONESTLY. If you have 'internet issues' complete the Report early. I-learn 2.1 Brain Honey tracks submission time. Late Weekly Reports will be docked 10 points per-day… so don't be late... You’ll sleep better if you know your homework is done. On I-learn 2.1: Open Weekly Reports Folder… click on START at bottom of the page and Click on SUBMIT when it is completed. If you make a mistake, you may start over by Re-taking the weekly report. Your final submission is what counts. The final weekly report is due Thursday July 21 at 12 NOON. NOTE the time is 12 NOON not Mid-night. No work will be accepted after that time.
FINAL PROJECT:10% of your grade. “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior….That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel. (Boyd K. Packer, “Little Children,” Ensign, Nov 1986, 16)
The FINAL PROJECT is intended to be a significant and meaningful project. You are expected to spend a minimum of 10 hours on this project. 1- Select a project (a gospel principle/doctrine to work on—see below). 2- Read at least one conference talk on the principle. 3- Search your scriptures for at least 5 references on the principle. 4- Make a plan to implement, polish, or perfect the principle in your life. 5-Prepare a written talk on the principle. Your talk needs to include: 1- a quote from the conference talk you read—with the Ensign Reference; 2-five scripture references; 3-your personal story as to what you have worked on (the principle) and what you have learned in trying to better implement the principle into your life; 4- your testimony of the principle. This talk is what you submit for your final. It needs to be at least 1000 words. Selecting a project: As you study the scriptures and attend class this semester, you will feel the Spirit. The Spirit will prompt you to action. Following the spirit, select one (or two) gospel principles and more fully implement them into your life. I anticipate that your project will grow out of something that is read or said in connection with this class.You are to study about that gospel principle until you more fully understand it.You are to ponder and pray about implementing it into your life.You should set specific goals to apply what you have learned into your own life. Do it. DUE: Sunday JULY 10 at Mid-night. Note: 10 days prior semester end.
BONUS POINTS: 100 points total. You will be allowed to earn up to 100 bonus points by memorizing scriptures associated with this class. 1 scripture is worth 10 points. 10 scriptures total. To receive your points—use Bonus Points on I-learn. Reporting multiple scriptures at a time is great. You will be asked 1-which scripture you memorized, 2-who you passed it off to, and 3-a paragraph about the reasons you love that scripture AND what it teaches doctrinally. 100 points is not a lot, but it will help you keep a good grade if you fell short on an assignment. Thursday July 21 at 12 NOON. NOTE the time is 12 NOON not Mid-night. .
I-Learn All reporting is done by taking the Weekly Report on I-learn. Each report must be completed by mid-night on Sunday Evening. Frequently check your grade on I-learn for accuracy. The final Journal entry and Weekly Report must be submitted by Thursday July 21 at 12 NOON. NOTE the time is 12 NOON not Mid-night.
Late Work It is expect you will submit your work on a weekly basis by Sunday at Mid night. If you miss a deadline, you can still submit your work *MERCY.* You will be docked 5% per-day. i.e. if you turn in a 100% but you do it on Monday—it will be marked 95%. Tuesday 90%, Wednesday 85% etc… hence… *JUSTICE*.
School Excused Absence 1-Bring signed paper (from class or department) to Bro. Wahlquist in advance. 2- Mark the ROLL for that day with a BIG ‘E’ (for excused). 3- Get your makeup work from Brother Wahlquist. 4- Do the makeup work and submit the work in your journal entry. 5-Submit the weekly report by the deadline (Sunday midnight). 6- If you have done the makeup work answer as though you were IN CLASS and prepared.
Remember 1 absence an you can still earn an A. 2 absences results in a B+ as best grade.
3 absences results in an “F” grade for not meeting the 80% attendance policy for the department.
100% – 94.01% = A 94.00% - 90% = A- 89.99 % - 87 % = B+ 86.99 % - 84 % = B
83.99 % – 80% = B- 79.99% - 77% = C+ 76.99 % - 74 % = C 73.99 % - 70 % = C-
69.99 % - 67 % + D+ 66.99 % - 64 % = D 63.99 % - 60 % = D- 59.99 % - 0% = F