Chartered January 19, 1937
By Paul Harris
The First Bi-County Club
January 9, 2005March 1, 2005
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
We are sincerely hoping that you and your entire club and guests will join us for a special “Quad City” meeting Wednesday, February 23, 2005. This date is the 100th anniversary date of the first Rotary meeting in Chicago. The theme of the program will be to Celebrate Rotary, looking back at our foundations as a springboard for continued service in fellowship with other Rotarians.
This special meeting will be at The Beef House (Oak Room) with a reception beginning at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. We will have a buffet with three entrees, three hot vegetables, and peppermint ice cream for dessert. Cost including tax and tip is $17. By the way, the buffet will include spaghetti which was served at that first Rotary meeting 100 years ago.
Since we are celebrating our past, we invite each club to have a display regarding their club’s historical highlights. Also, we are planning for each club to share historical highlights and the aspects of their club of which they are most proud with the group as part of the program; we regret that we need to limit each group to 5 to 7 minutes. For the printed program, we would like to have the club’s charter date and current officers.
We look forward to enhancing and strengthening our fellowship with you. We hope that you would encourage members and their guests to attend as a warm social event and a way to learn more about Rotary. The clubs we are inviting are Fowler, Otterbein, and Boswell from District 6540 which is our tradition and also Rockville, Crawfordsville, Lafayette, and Lafayette Daybreak from 6560 since this is a special event. Please make reservations by Thursday, February 10, so we can finalize our plans. Please call (765-762-3236, 765-585-1483) or email me or Martha Geyer if you would like to discuss this event.
Judy Bush
Please provide us the following information by email to Martha Geyer at by Thursday, February 10.
_____ will be attending the Rotary Centennial dinner meeting at The Beef House Wednesday, February 23.
Name of Rotary Club ______
Charter Date ______
Club Officers: President ______
Secretary ______
Treas. Centennial CelebrationA BIG THANK YOU to our centennial/Quad City committee. They did a fantastic job! Martha Geyer was in charge of all the details regarding reservations, helped set-up, helped make arrangements for Jo Pugh’s production, helped with every aspect. Suzann handled the publicity, made arrangements with Jo Pugh, arranged for the displays and the set-up at the Beef House, and helped with all aspects. Karen Milligan was in charge of al the financial arrangements including some of the early contact with the Beef House. Judy Hollander was our greeter and social organizer. Steve Poston did a wonderful job with the highlights of our history. Shack had an appropriate meditation for our invocation and delivered it well. Bob Geyer prepared the PowerPoint and had a very fitting Rotary minute, as we have come to expect and enjoy. Dennis Kovar came through with most appropriate and attractive floral decorations; Dennis, you always do a terrific job. I think our guests had a good time. It was certainly fun and enlightening to share and learn from fellow Rotarians. It was also neat to use our current technology to hear from Paul Harris, himself, and from current president Glen Estess. What a privilege it is to have Herb Pigman within our community. He provides that genuine touch with the internationality of Rotary. Thanks to all.
Reality FairThe dates have been set for Tuesday and Wednesday, April 12 and 13. Cindy will be recruiting you to help with making contacts with our local business people and other community supporters who help “man” the booths. We have set the meeting March 23 to focus on making sure we have all the preparations ready. Cindy does a superb job and we all have to do our part. Do plan to spend some time working at the Beef House those days, both days or just one.
Golf OutingWe have learned that Joel has set the golf outing for April 16 and 17 which follows the Reality Fair so the whole week will be a busy one for Attica-Williamsport Rotarians. Committee members on the Golf Outing are Joel Baumgardner, Tom Gilmore, Bill Craft, Doug Cripe, Dave Hollander, Karen Milligan, Carl Scott, and Suzann Shackleton. All of us need to sell sponsorships because that is the way we make $ on this project. It is our primary source of revenue for our charitable giving. I have heard that Andy Van Hefty loves golfing and might be interested in actively working on this project.
New MembersWe will be welcoming new members Daniel Askren and Andy Van Hefty and possibly Sony Mascreen very soon. Please get to know them and welcome them.
ProgramsTomorrow will be a very special treat. Someone who I respect and admire very much will be our presenter. He is a local author and will be discussing his publication, “Murders of Fountain County”. Our presenter is past mayor and school principal and now author Harold Long.
On March 9 Suzan and Angela Rusk will tell us more about the Ambassadorial Scholarship program. In December they both attended the orientation in Tennessee for the program. Angela will be going to Australia as a Todd Ambassadorial Scholar.
John Collier is Purdue’s Director of Campus Planning. Through Dennis Kovar’s efforts John will be our special guest and presenter on March 16.
On the 23rd we will work on the Reality Fair and the Golf Outing and take care of other business items. One of our newest members has a birthday that day.
Local historian, Bob Folk, will discuss Attica-Williamsport History. Thanks to Carolyn Paulson for setting up this program. I hope we hear more about Mudlava, also.
Riley Hospital ProjectFrom the Indy Star: The Rotary Club of Indianapolis is already well on its way to raising $1 million for Riley Hospital for Children, a fund-raising event to commemorate the 100th birthday of Rotary International. With gifts and commitments, club members were told Wednesday the campaign had raised just more than $704,000. The Indianapolis club, founded in 1913, collected $275,000 in the 1920s to give to the hospital in honor of one of its members who had died: James Whitcomb Riley.
TomorrowLooking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow. The Board of Directors meets at 6:00 a.m. Invite a friend to learn about the “Murders of Fountain County”.