BHS Summer School 2017
May 30 – June 28, 2017
Summer school offers a wonderful opportunity to earn high school credit. This year BHS summer school offers Health and Personal Finance, and the opportunity to recover credit failed in a core academic subject. Because of class size limitations, priority will be given to upperclassmen for credit recovery. Classes fill up very quickly, so we have a first come first serve policy with applications. Applications will be accepted at BHS Counseling Office starting March 13th at 7:00am (no earlier). The deadline for this application is April 7th, 2017.
- Hours:8:00-12:00
- First Day: Students should report directly to the classroom on the first day of school. There will be staff at the front doors to direct students to classrooms.
- Attendance: Summer school classes are concentrated and cover information quickly. Vacations and appointments should not be scheduled during class time. Due to state regulations, a student is expected to attend 15 days (60 hours) of summer school in order to earn credit. Four make up days (June 22, 26, 27, 28) are scheduled at the end of summer school, but students that have attended all 60 hours (15 days) do not have to attend the make- up days. Students who miss two consecutive days without notifying the school (882-7426) will be dropped from the program; excessive tardiness will count as an absence.
- Make-up Days: Four make-up days are scheduled (June 22, 26, 27, 28) allowing a student to attend a week long camp, provided there are no other absences. Any student planning to attend a camp during summer school must notify the school office and classroom teacher at the beginning of summer school so make-up arrangements can be made. The summer school calendar is on the back of this form. Students must attend 15 days of summer school.
- Transportation:There is no bus transportation for summer school. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transportation. Please make sure students are picked up promptly at the end of the class session.
- IEP services, including accommodations, will not be provided to special education students during summer school. This includes, but is not limited to, having tests and assignments modified or read to the student or providing small group or individual assistance to the student.
Summer Courses
Health (grades 9-12) ½ unit of Health credit
This class is designed to meet the needs of the high school student in the areas of mental, emotional, and physical well-being and safety. The course includes an emphasis on healthy life styles and prevention of substance abuse, at-risk sexual behavior, STD’s, AIDS, communicable diseases and pregnancy. Other topics include: nutrition, decision-making, health careers, injury prevention and wellness. Required for graduation.
Personal Finance (grades 10-12) ½ unit of Personal Finance credit
This class covers the topics of income, money management, spending and credit, and savings and investing. The course is designed to teach the student to become a fiscally responsible adult. Required for graduation
Prerequisite: sophomore, junior, senior standing
Credit Recovery (grades9-12) ½ unit of core academic credit
This class will use PLATO computerized curriculum to recover failed academic subjects. Students receive a Pass grade after completing the curriculum.
Applications will be taken at the BHS Guidance Office between
March 13th and April 7th.
Students will receive a summer school schedule towards the end of the school year.
Boonville R-I High School
Summer School Enrollment Application
Student Information:(Please Print)
Name: ______Grade Entering: 9 10 11 12
Address: ______Phone #: ______(H)
Parents Name: ______Phone #: ______(W)
Cell Phone #: ______Parent Email: ______
Emergency Contact: ______Phone #: ______
Course Selection:(Only one course may be taken during the summer)
Summer school seats will be filled based on a “first come, first serve basis”. When the application is received at the high school, the time and date will be recorded to insure the first come, first served policy. Both Health and Personal Finance earn ½ unit of credit; a letter grade is assigned, and the grade will be included in high school GPA. Credit recovery earns a Pass/Fail grade.
Circle the classyou wish to attend; include the subject and semester for the Credit Recovery class.
- Health (grades 9-12)
- Personal Finance (grades 10-12 only)
- Credit Recovery: Subject ______Semester 1st or 2nd
- Credit Recovery: Subject ______Semester 1st or 2nd
** Do you currently have an IEP (special services) Yes or No
IEP services, including accommodations, will not be provided to special education students during summer school. This includes, but is not limited to, having tests and assignments modified or read to the student, or providing small group or individual assistance to the student
Student Expectations:
Due to state regulations, a student is expected to attend all summer school days and complete all assignments in order to receive credit. The student is also expected to follow classroom rules and the rules of student conduct found within the student handbook. Failure to do so will cause the student to be terminated from the summer school and not earn credit.
Student and Parental Agreement:
I understand the student expectations listed above and will abide by them.
Student Signature/Date ______/______
Parent Signature/Date ______/______
Office use: date received ______time______
Please return form to HS Guidance Office between March 13that 7:00am
and April 7th (no later).Form can be faxed to 660-882-3368 or emailed to . Call Guidance Office for questions 882-7426.