Mandatory Review
Proposed Qualifications
Complementary Medicine
Consultation on the proposed qualifications
13 to 25 August 2014
Terminology – structural options for design of qualifications
Proposed Qualifications Landscape
Complementary Medicine – Draft Qualification Suite – 28 July 2014
Consultation seeking Stakeholder feedback
Survey information
Appendix A – Draft Qualification Documents
1 New Zealand Certificate in Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance (Intermediate)
2 New Zealand Certificate in Art of Health (Anthroposophical Studies)
3 New Zealand Certificate in Holistic Healthcare
4New Zealand Certificate in Aromascience
5New Zealand Certificate in Homeopathy
6.New Zealand Certificate in Holistic Pulsing
7.New Zealand Diploma of Yoga
8.Diploma of Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consulting and Management
9.New Zealand Certificate in Homeobotanical Therapy (Level 6)
10.New Zealand Diploma in Holistic Healthcare
11.New Zealand Diploma in Aromatherapy
12.New Zealand Diploma in Reflexology
13.New Zealand Diploma of Yoga Therapy
14.New Zealand Diploma in Health Science and Nutrition (Level 6)
15.New Zealand Diploma in Naturopathy
16.Diploma of Ayurvedic Medicine and Philosophy
17.Commonality of Outcomes across the Diplomas
Appendix B: NZQF Level Descriptor Table
Level 5 Diploma
Level 6 Diploma
Appendix C: Governance Group
The Targeted Review of Qualification at levels 1-6 on New Zealand’s ten-level qualifications framework commenced in 2008. The review aimed to ensure that New Zealand qualifications are useful and relevant to current and future learners, employers and other stakeholders. The review of the Complementary Medicine began earlier this year with the appointment of the Governance Group at a strategic level and the subsequent development of several working groups. All groups have sought to have representation from all areas of our industry. The qualifications included in this review are:-
Certificate of Clinical Reflexology / Aromaflex Academy / 4 / 80Diploma in Aromatherapy / Aromaflex Academy / 6 / 120
Certificate of Aroma Science / Aromaflex Academy / 4 / 78
Diploma in Reflexology / Aromaflex Academy / 5 / 120
Diploma in Clinical Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant / Australasian Institute of Applied Studies / 5 / 120
Certificate in Applied Anatomy and Physiology for Holistic Bodyworkers / Holistic Health Training Limited / 5 / 50
Certificate in Holistic Pulsing / Holistic Health Training Limited / 5 / 40
Certificate of Herbal Studies (Non-practicing) / Lotus Holistic Centre / 5 / 64
Certificate in Nutritional Studies (Non-practicing) / Lotus Holistic Centre / 5 / 49
Certificate in Aromatherapy / Lotus Holistic Centre / 4 / 70
Certificate in Homoeopathic Acute Prescribing / Lotus Holistic Centre / 4 / 59
Certificate in Iridology / Lotus Holistic Centre / 4 / 59
Certificate in Homeobotanical Therapy / Naturopathic College of New Zealand Limited / 6 / 50
Certificate in Complementary Therapies / Naturopathic College of New Zealand Limited / 4 / 93
Diploma in Naturopathy / Naturopathic College of New Zealand Limited / 6 / 365
Diploma in Nutritional Science / Naturopathic College of New Zealand Limited / 6 / 240
Diploma in Chinese Health Studies / New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine Limited / 5 / 120
Certificate in Foundation Studies for Health Maintenance - Traditional Chinese Medicine / New Zealand College of Chinese Medicine Limited / 3 / 60
Certificate in TCM Foundation Studies / New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine / 6 / 84
Certificate in Traditional Chinese Medicine Studies for Health Maintenance / New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine / 4 / 46
Certificate in Art of Health (Anthroposophical Studies) / Taruna College / 4 / 40
Certificate in Holistic Healthcare / Taruna College / 4 / 40
Certificate in Allied Therapies / The New Zealand College of Massage Limited / 4 / 42
Certificate in Acute Prescribing with Homeopathy / Wellington College of Homeopathy Ltd / 5 / 60
Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management (Level 5) / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 5 / 120
Diploma of Aromatherapy / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 6 / 120
Diploma of Herbal Medicine / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 6 / 360
Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 6 / 362
Diploma of Yoga / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 5 / 120
Diploma of Nutrition / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 6 / 236
Diploma in Yoga Therapy / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 6 / 120
Diploma in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management (Level 5) / Wellpark College of Natural Therapies Limited / 5 / 120
The proposed suite of new qualifications will replace those that are currently being delivered as they are developed and listed on the New Zealand framework.
Terminology – structural options for design of qualifications
In developing this suite of qualifications, the Governance Group and the Working Groups considered the range of qualification types and levels. An overview of the qualification types and levels on the NZQF are available at:
The NZQF has 10 levels, with level 1 being the least complex and level 10 the most complex. Certificates and Diplomas are defined by an agreed set of criteria, and the table in Appendix B describes the types of qualifications listed on the NZQF at level 1 to 6.
The level descriptors provide a detailed description of each level in terms of learning outcomes, using common domains and dimensions of progression. Knowledge, skills and application describe what a graduate at a particular level is expected to know, do and be.
A New Zealand qualification may be listed with strands, where there is an identified need and all listing requirements have been met. Each qualification has a strategic purpose statement and an outcome statement, comprising the graduate profile outcomes, education and employment pathways, and may include a community pathway.
All qualifications must be flexible to allow the qualification to be achieved in different contexts.
A range of programmes of study or training can be developed to lead to the qualification and allow achievement of the qualification in ways most suited to learners’ educational, work, or cultural needs and aspirations.
Further information on programme approval and provider accreditation is available at:
Proposed Qualifications Landscape
The Review proposes a suite of sixteen new Complementary Health Qualifications –seven certificates and nine diplomas.
The new qualifications are designed to:
- recognise skills and knowledge in abcdefg,
- be achievable in different contexts, and
- enable graduates to pursue the intended educational and employment outcomes.
The proposed suite of qualifications has been developed with collaboration across stakeholders in working groups with leadership from members of the Governance Group.
Further development and consistency work will occur following the application for approval to develop, to refine the graduate profile outcomes, clarify conditions and other requirements applicable for each qualification, and ensure consistency across the suite of qualifications.
The proposed qualifications map is contained on the following page
Complementary Medicine – Draft Qualification Suite – 28 July 2014
Note: A range of Graduate Outcomes have been identified that are common across some of the qualifications at level 5 and level 6. The Review is exploring the potential to meet the requirements for these qualifications with Complementary Medicine Certificates and Diplomas (L 5) and (L 6) with specialist modality strands.
Consultation seeking Stakeholder feedback
We are now seeking feedback from the sector, learners, communities, providers and other interested parties on the proposed draft qualifications. All feedback will contribute to the refinement of the suite of qualifications proposed for further development and for submission for ‘Application for approval to develop’
Capturing the intended purpose, graduate profile and pathway outcomes for each qualification, and confirming the need, is important at this first stage. Further work focusing on the detail of each outcome and the credits associated will be completed later
The purpose of this consultation is to gather information and stakeholder feedback about the draft qualifications to ensure they best meet learner, sector, communities, and providers’ needs before moving to the next stage of the development process.
Consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 25 August 2014.
Please email responses to Heather Lofthouse Co Lead Complementary Medicine Review:
Survey information
Note: the following is for guidance only.1Please provide your contact details.
Name / EmployerPosition / Email
2Please indicate the stakeholder group you most closely relate to:
IndustriesPolytechnic or Institute of Technology (ITP)
Private Training Establishment (PTE)
A secondary school or other educational organisation
Community group
Other (please specify)
Please provide feedback on the qualifications in the review that are of most interest to you. There is two sections if you have more than one modality on which you wish to comment
Please state the name of the qualification/ qualifications to which your comments relate:-
- How well does the Strategic Purpose Statement reflect the needs of learners, industry, community and providers?
- How well does the graduate profile meet the desired outcomes of learners, industry, communities and providers?
- How well does the Education Pathway reflect the opportunities for graduates?
- How well does the Employment Pathway reflect the opportunities for graduates?
- What could be done to improve any or all of the above qualifications?
Please state the name of the qualification/ qualifications to which your comments relate:-
- How well does the Strategic Purpose Statement reflect the needs of learners, industry, community and providers?
- How well does the graduate profile meet the desired outcomes of learners, industry, communities and providers?
- How well does the Education Pathway reflect the opportunities for graduates?
- How well does the Employment Pathway reflect the opportunities for graduates?
- What could be done to improve any or all of the above qualifications?
Additional Comments:-
Overall impressions
1How strongly do you agree or disagree that the proposed suite of qualifications adequately addresses the needs of learners preparing for a career or further study?
2How strongly do you agree or disagree that the proposed suite of qualifications will contribute to positive outcomes for learners?
3Please provide any overall comments you have about the proposed suite of qualifications?
4Please provide any further comments you would like to make about theQualifications Review?
Thank you for your time in completing this survey for us.Email responses to: by 5pm 25th August 2014
Appendix A – Draft Qualification Documents
1 New Zealand Certificate in Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance (Intermediate)
Title / New Zealand Certificate in Chinese Medicine Health Maintenance (Intermediate)Version / 1.0 / Qualification type / Certificate
Level / 4 / Credits / 60
Strategic purpose statement / The purpose of this qualification is to provide communities in New Zealand with individuals who have attained sufficient foundation knowledge, practical skills and behavioural attributes for the general maintenance of health and life style using traditional Chinese medicine practices and philosophies.
Outcome Statement / Graduate profile / A graduate of this qualification will be able to:
Apply philosophy and theory of Chinese medicine history and concepts to one’s own healthcare management;
Define structural and functional characteristics of the human body;
Identify aetiology of disease and rehabilitation treatment according to theories of Chinese medicine;
Identify strategies and applications of preventative care;
Perform and accomplish practices of Qigong and Taijiquan;
Implement and practice application of own health maintenance;
Formulate and communicate a plan for long term health and life style benefits underpinned by Chinese medicine philosophy and practices.
Education pathway / This Certificate can lead to other further tertiary study in general or complementary healthcare and will depend on the learners’ own preferences and appropriate achievement.
Employment pathway / There is no logical employment outcome pathway and this will depend on the learner’s own preference.
2 New Zealand Certificate in Art of Health (Anthroposophical Studies)
Title / NZ Certificate in Art Of Health (Anthroposophical Studies)Version / Qualification type / Certificate
Level / 4 / Credits / 60
Strategic purpose statement / The purpose of this qualification is to provide support to people who care for themselves and others to lead a healthier lifestyle based on the holistic model of wellbeing and health from the anthroposophic model of the human being.
The purpose of this qualification is for individuals to understand the foundation knowledge and practical skills that facilitate development of new faculties and behavioural attributes; with the aim of assimilating new capacities for decisions and choices for their life and work in a holistic context.
To be able to support those in their care to lead a healthier lifestyle based on the holistic model of wellbeing and health from the anthroposophic model of the human being.
Graduates will display competencies to employers, the self employed and communities to meet the needs in the workplace to provide individuals, whanau and community with specialised integrated and holistic approach to well being.
Outcome Statement / Graduate profile / A graduate of this qualification will be able to:
Integrate and apply foundation level philosophy and theory of anthroposophical wellbeing to one’s own health care management and self development.
Integrate and apply foundation level philosophy, theory and knowledge to support the work of caring for others in the fields of the health professions, therapy, medicine, education, the therapeutic and creative arts, and the visual arts.
Understand the holistic model of human physical and psychological and spiritual development; and of health and wellbeing in relation to Steiner’s theory of the development of the human being; the nature of form and colour and its effect on health.
Identify, use and reflect on the soul qualities of colour; the impact, value and use of movement, gesture and form in the arts and therapeutic arts.
Practise and demonstrate competency in the therapeutic use of a variety of artistic mediums i.e. chalk pastel, wet on wet painting, charcoal, clay, dynamic line drawing and observational drawing.
Identify new understanding, new faculties and insights in to the use of the therapeutic art approach.
Education pathway / This programme stands alone as a foundation and introductory course. Graduates can apply for recognition of prior learning when applying for courses on art therapy, education and health that are based on the anthroposophic model of health. Graduates can move on to anthroposophic and other tertiary courses in the fields of therapy, health and education.
Employment pathway / Graduates at entry level may find employment in educational or health provision environments such as Rongoa, Hohepa, Kohanga Reo, Steiner, Montessori or similar.
Graduates who are already qualified and/or employed as teacher aides, teachers, in both mainstream and special needs schools, kindergartens, nurses, allied health practitioners, psychotherapists, psychologists, movement specialists will add the anthroposophical education and model to their existing professional practise.
In the arts, graduates may apply anthroposophical philosophy to jewellery making, graphic design, and journalism.
Within these industries graduates will add specialist anthroposophic principles to modalities of complementary and traditional medicine.
3 New Zealand Certificate in Holistic Healthcare
Title / NZ Certificate In Holistic HealthcareVersion / 1.0 / Qualification type / Certficate
Level / 5 / Credits / 60
Strategic purpose statement / The purpose of this qualification is to provide extension education for qualified health practitioners with a philosophical perspective on health care provision.
This qualification provides the complementary, alternative, allopathic health industry with graduates able to articulate and provide an enhanced and integrated holistic approach in the delivery of health care services.
Outcome Statement / Graduate profile / Graduates will use the anthroposophic concepts of the threefold and fourfold human being through assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating treatment plans, self evaluation and patient education.
Graduates will apply external healing substances using anthropsophic healthcare processes.
Graduates will be able to contextualise their own participation in the professional holistic healthcare workplace and develop an inner refective practise.
Graduates will develop knowledge and insights of healing substances and integrate in to their professional practise.
Graduates are health professionals with renewed and invigorated engagement with their professional practise.
Graduates will demonstrate a best practise approach to anthroposophic health care.
Education pathway / The Certificate in Holistic Healthcare provides practising health professionals with a professional development pathway, which can lead to higher education opportunities.
Employment pathway / The Certificate in Holistic Healthcare leads to employment opportunities. Throughout NZ and Australia the graduates contribute to community need and demand for provision of complementary health care and holistic therapeutic work.
There are opportunities for registered nurses to gain employment as anthroposophic nurses in specialised anthroposophic medical clinics and in a wide variety of other health settings.
In general, graduates of the CHH may find work in a diverse and interesting range of health settings: self employed therapists, reflexology, massage therapy, eurythmy(movement therapy), naturopathy, aromatherapy; nursing, maori health providers, general practise, all spheres including palliative care, Weleda pharmacy and Weleda marketing of homeopathic remedies and health care range, health food shops,(Cornucopia and Health 2000), integrative health care centres(Helios) in Christchurch and as school nurses.
4New Zealand Certificate in Aromascience
Title / NZ Certificate in AromascienceVersion / 3.0 - 2014 / Qualification type / Certificate
Level / 5 / Credits / 75
Strategic purpose statement / The purpose of this qualification is to prepare qualified health practitioners to safely apply and study organic essential oils, for complementary medicine health care.
The qualification also provides a pathway for people wishing to develop a higher level of expertise in the sector. It recognises the achievement of relevant knowledge and skills of those who are already employed in the sector.
Graduates will gain knowledge and develop a strong background in plant biology, essential oil science and natural product manufacturing, incorporating into other professional practices and disciplines.
Graduates will be able to contribute to the growing NZ Complementary Medicine Health Care in an ethical and professional way.
Outcome Statement / Graduate profile / Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
- To develop skills to develop natural product manufacturing, i.e. Trilogy, Antipodes etc
- Apply safe and ethical working procedures and practices
- Respect cultural and religious beliefs of clients at all times
- To safely prescribe for conditions and ailments from children to the elderly
- Understand and utilize a knowledge of essential oils and carrier oils to the treatment of various conditions
- To understand importance of communication, people skills and customer/client focus
- Understand and identify contraindications and limitations to the application of essential oils and natural products
- Make and maintain appropriate client health records
- Demonstrate a commitment to and capability to engage in reflective practice
- Practice within the legislative framework that applies to healthcare in NZ, ensuring that the rights of clients and their families are respected
- To have the ability to further education and research new areas and practices over time.
- Demonstrate the skills required for academic writing (researching, critical information literacy, structuring writing, referencing)
- To have an awareness of Governing bodies, for new information to support the sector for ongoing research and development of holistic health.