Release 1.3 Functional Specifications [Supply Chain Management]
Supply Chain Management Website
Functional Specifications Document
Author: Lori MacInnis
Creation Date: 06/14/07
Last Updated: 08/07/07
This document contains information that BÖWE Bell + Howell considers proprietary and confidential. No portion may be reproduced, copied, or shared without prior written permission of BÖWE Bell + Howell.
Approval section
[To be completed as approval has been given by each individual]
Application AnalystTechnical Reviewer
QA Analyst
Database Administrator
Application Administrator
Project Manager
End User Manager
1. Document Control 3
1.1 Change History 3
1.2 Changes Made after Document Approval 3
1.3 Related Documents 4
2. Overview 4
3. Objectives 4
4. Security 4
5. Functional Details of Implementation 5
5.1 Login Screen 5
5.1.1 Functional Approach 5
5.1.2 Screen Specifications 5
5.2 Vendor - Online Forms 5
5.2.1 Functional Approach 5
5.2.2 Screen Specifications 6
5.3 Vendor - Welcome Screen – General and Vendor Specific Documents 7
5.3.1 Functional Approach 7
5.3.2 Screen Specifications 7
5.4 Vendor & Admin - Update Login Info Screen 9
5.4.1 Functional Approach 9
5.4.2 Screen Specifications 9
5.5 Administration - Welcome / List Users Screen 10
5.5.1 Functional Approach 10
5.5.2 Screen Specifications 10
5.6 Administration – Add User / Edit User Screen 11
5.6.1 Functional Approach 11
5.6.2 Screen Specifications 11
5.7 Administration – List Documents Screen 12
5.7.1 Functional Approach 12
5.7.2 Screen Specifications 13
5.8 Administration – Add New Document / Edit Document Screen 13
5.8.1 Functional Approach 13
5.8.2 Screen Specifications 14
6. The Assumptions 15
7. Risk Identification 15
8. Documentation 15
9. Resources 15
1. Document Control
1.1 Change History
The following table describes significant content changes made to the Functional Specifications document. The changes to the document will be highlighted with the Version number.
[It is important that all edits are highlighted and include the Version number beside the edit]
Version / Effective Date / Description of Change / By /1.0 / 06/15/07 / Initial Draft / Lori MacInnis
1.1 / 06/20/07 / Added Help page and better descriptions of all three online email forms (5.2.1). Added more detail on the Add User “Save” functionality (5.6.2). / Lori MacInnis
1.2 Changes Made after Document Approval
The following table describes any changes made to the Functional Specifications document after the document received formal sign-off.
Version / Effective Date / Description of Change / By /1.2 / 08/01/07 / Notable changes driven by development:
· Added “Update Login” functionality in the Admin section.
· Username is now the user’s email address. They will enter their email and a password to enter the site.
· When a user updates their email address it will also update their username. Therefore the specs for the “Update Username / Password” page have changed slightly and this page is now referred to as “Update Login Info”
· Add / Edit User screen changes: hiding all document functionality for “Admin” type users, user type can not be changed in Edit mode, users can not update their own username name or delete themselves via this screen.
· User List page change: adding an icon to indicate if a user is locked out and functionality to unlock. / Lori MacInnis
1.3 / 08/07/07 / Notable changes prior to delivery:
· Add/Edit User screen: will now display the document status in the Vendor Documents List.
· Add/Edit Document screen: allows the admin to assign documents to active and inactive vendors.
· Add/Edit Document screen: a maximum file size upload has been set to 8 Megabit. / Lori MacInnis
1.3 Related Documents
· Supply Management BRD_FDD v1.0.doc
2. Overview
This document will outline the functionality and interaction of the BBH Supply Chain Management tool.
3. Objectives
Upon final delivery of the requirements outlined in this document, the system will offer the following benefits:
· A secure BBH vendor website where vendors can access general and vendor specific documents related to their work with BBH.
· An administrative website where a BBH administrator(s) can add, update, delete documents and users from the front-end vendor website.
· Ability for vendors to request access to the vendor website.
· Ability for vendors to request their password prior to login.
4. Security
The vendor and admin websites will be secured with SSL Certificate. Vendor and admin users will need to enter a username and password to access the website.
5. Functional Details of Implementation
5.1 Login Screen
5.1.1 Functional Approach
This page will ask for the user’s email address and password. Users will also have the option to request access to the website, get technical help and request their password via email.
5.1.2 Screen Specifications
The screen will display the following: Email field, Password field, Login button, Request Access link, Technical Help link and Forget Your Password link. Admin and vendor users will use this single login screen and be directed to the correct website based on login criteria.
Users will become locked out of the system if they have five unsuccessful login attempts. They will receive an error asking them to contact BBH via the Help form.
All three links on the login screen, when clicked, will pop up a small online form where users can enter basic information and click submit. These screens are described in the next section (5.2.1).
Sample login screen:
5.2 Vendor - Online Forms
5.2.1 Functional Approach
There will be four basic online forms where users can request access, get technical help and reset their password. These forms are described below.
5.2.2 Screen Specifications
Request Access Screen – this screen will be a small online form which will collect the user’s first name, last name, email, phone, company and reason for request – all will be required fields. When “Submit” is clicked, the information will be emailed to the BBH web site administrator. The administrator will then need to set up the user account. All fields will be validated when “submit” is clicked.
Forget Your Password screen – will be a small online form where a user will simply enter their email address used to set up their account and click “Submit”. The user’s login information will then be emailed to them via the email address in their profile.
Technical Help screen – this screen will be a basic information screen with an 1-800 phone number to contact BBH for assistance or the option to submit an online email form. The email form will collect the users first name, last name, company, email address, subject and problem details. All fields will be required except for “Subject”. Clicking “Submit” validates all required fields, then send the information to the web site administrator and direct the user back to their home screen.
Technical Help screen AFTER LOGIN, accessible from the Help link at the top right - this screen will be a basic information screen with an 1-800 phone number to contact BBH for assistance or the option to submit an online email form. The email form will collect the users first name, last name, company, email address, subject and problem details – the form will pre-populate with the user information. All fields will be required except for “Subject”. Clicking “Submit” validates all required fields, then send the information to the web site administrator and direct the user back to their home screen.
Sample Technical Help screen:
5.3 Vendor - Welcome Screen – General and Vendor Specific Documents
5.3.1 Functional Approach
This screen will be the welcome screen for Vendor type users. The screen will present a tab type system where users can click on the “General Documents” and “My Documents” tabs to switch between views of each document type. Both views will work exactly the same but are categorized within tabs for usability. The page will load with the “General Documents” tab selected and the first 1 to 15 general documents displayed.
Instructions will be provided to guide users on viewing, printing and saving the documents. If there are more then 15 documents under either “General Documents” or “My Documents’, a paging feature will be visible where users can click a page number to see more documents.
5.3.2 Screen Specifications
Upon page load, the user’s first name, last name and company will be displayed. There will be a “Show Detailed Instructions” link and an “Update Login Info” link. All vendor screens will have a “Help” link which directs the user to the “Technical Help” screen defined in section 5.2.2.
Clicking on “Show Detailed Instructions” will open up a text block (shown below) with information on how to use the website. It will also change the link name to “Hide Detailed Instructions” where clicking the show and hide links toggle the instructions from visible to invisible.
In the document display table, the documents will be sorted alphabetically by Title. The “Title” column heading will be a link that, when clicked, toggles the list alphabetically ascending and descending by Title. Beside each document there will be a “View” link, which when clicked, will open the PDF in Adobe Reader (provided that the user has Reader installed).
Clicking on “Update Login Info” will take the user to the “Update Login Info” screen which is defined in the next section (5.4).
Sample General Documents tab screen:
Sample My Documents tab screen:
5.4 Vendor & Admin - Update Login Info Screen
5.4.1 Functional Approach
Both Vendor and Admin user will have a link to update their login information. Upon page load of this screen, basic user information will be displayed, along with login information and the option to change the Email / Username and Password. All screens will have a “Help” link which directs the user to the “Technical Help” screen defined in section 5.2.2.
5.4.2 Screen Specifications
Under Login Information there will be an “Email / Username” text field which will display the email address used to log into the site. The Email / Username can be changed, but upon clicking “Update”, the user will be logged out of the site and will need to re-login with the new username. Email format will be validated upon clicking “Update”.
On page load, Change Password is set to “No” by default. If the user selects “Yes”, the “Current Old”, “Enter New” and “Confirm New” passwords fields become visible and are required fields. Clicking “Cancel” will return the user to the “General Documents” screen. Clicking “Update” will validate the text fields, save all changes to the database and direct the user back to the “General Documents” screen. “Email / Username” must be unique across the system. The new password must be a minimum of six characters.
Sample Update Login Info screen:
5.5 Administration - Welcome / List Users Screen
5.5.1 Functional Approach
This screen will be the welcome screen for Admin type users. This page will have a tab type system where users can click on the “Users” and “Documents” tab to switch between views of each. If there are more then 15 users to be displayed, then a paging feature will be visible where users can click on a page number to view more users.
5.5.2 Screen Specifications
Upon page load, the admin user’s first name, last name and company (BBH) will be displayed. There will be “Add User”, “Add Document” and “Update Login Info” links. These pages are described in the following sections.
In the User table area, the first 1 to15 users will be displayed on the page. Users will be listed alphabetically by last name displaying the full name, company and status of each user. Admin users will be easily identified by the word “Admin” colored in orange beside the status. Beside each user will be an “Edit” link that, when clicked, goes to the “Add New User / Edit User” Screen.
A lock icon will display for users who have become locked out. Clicking on the icon will confirm that they want to unlock the user, then clicking “yes” will unlock them.
The “Name” and “Company” column headings will be links that toggle the list alphabetically ascending and descending by the column clicked.
Sample Update Username / Password page:
5.6 Administration – Add User / Edit User Screen
5.6.1 Functional Approach
Depending on how you enter this screen, either by the “Add User” link or the “Edit” link beside a user, the screen will be in “Add” mode or “Edit” mode.
“Add” Mode will be a blank form with no documents listed and the “Permanently remove this user...” option hidden. Under the heading “Vendor Document” only the “Add Document” link will be available. Selecting “Admin” from the “Type” menu will hide all the document functionality. Documents can not be assigned to an “Admin” type user.
“Edit” Mode will display all the current user information and documents (if any). The document section will only display for “Vendor” type users. The “Select Document” box is hidden and does not display until “Add Document” is clicked in either mode. The user “Type” can not be changed in Edit mode. To change a user type, the user must be deleted and re added to the system.
5.6.2 Screen Specifications
On this screen, the following fields will be displayed: Email / Username, First Name, Last Name, Company, Status, Type and a Remove option. Any documents assigned to the user, will be displayed under “Vendor Documents”. Beside each vendor document will be a “Remove” link that, when clicked, will remove the relationship between the user and the document. Note: A document can not be removed from the server from the edit user screen, only from the Edit Document screen.
The first four fields on the form are required information. The “Status” drop down menu will default to “Active” with the option to select “Inactive”. The “Type” drop down menu will default to “Vendor” with the option to select “Admin”. Note: Email / Username must be unique across the system. This will be validated when the form is submitted.
When a user clicks the “Add Document” link, the “Select Document” box will display. In this section users will be able to scroll through the document list and select documents one by one or by multi-select. Only documents with Type set to “Vendor” will be visible and available for selection. Each time “Assign Selected” is clicked, both document list boxes will be refreshed to reflect the changes. Note: new document assignments are displayed on the screen, but are not saved to the server until “Update” is clicked. The “Vendor Documents” box will display the Document Title, Document Status and links to View and Remove beside each document.