Village of Ortonville
Village Office – 476 Mill Street, Ortonville, MI 48462
Planning Commission Meeting
January 4, 2014 – 6:30 p.m.
Commissioner Craciun called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
Roll Call:
Present: McClerren, McAvinchey, Craciun, Nivelt, Hayden
Absent: VanDis (absent with notice), Palshan (absent with notice)
Also Present: Village Manager – John Lyons, and Recording Secretary – Heidi Barckholtz.
Approval of Agenda:
*Motion by McClerren, seconded by Nivelt, to approve the agenda as presented.
All in favor, the Motion carried.
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting – December 3, 2013
*Motion by McClerren, seconded by Nivelt, to approve the minutes of December 3, 2013 as amended.
All in favor, the Motion carried.
New Business:
Unfinished Business
A. Discussion of Non-motorized Transportation /Sidewalks//Trails/Walking Paths/Funding.
Manager Lyons gave the Commission an update on the progress of the Parks and Recreation Plan. He received bids from both Fleis and Vandenbrink and Rowe Engineering for a Park and Recreation Plan for the Village. He also requested a quote from the company that completed the City of Lapeer’s plan. He obtained a listing from the City of Lapeer of projects they have done with grants because they have a Parks and Recreation Plan. The State of Michigan is partial to these paths and non-motorized paths and are offering grants for these types of projects. Manager Lyons further noted he would like to attend the SEMCOG Training in grant writing at a cost of $450.00. Further discussion concluded that the Planning Commission would recommend to the Village Council that Manager Lyons attend a grant training workshop.
*Motion by McClerren, seconded by Hayden, to ask the approval of the Village Council to send John Lyons to the SEMCOG Grant Writing Training to aid in the Non-Motorized Transportation/Side Walks/Trails/Walking/Paths/Funding as well as any other needed grants writing for the Village of Ortonville.
Roll Call:
Ayes: McClerren, Craciun, Hayden, Nivelt, McAvinchey
Absent: VanDis (absent with notice), Palshan (absent with notice)
All in favor, the Motion carried.
Items from Commissioners
Nivelt - Would like to know who votes no to send Manager Lyons to training on the Village Council.
McAvinchey - Could the Village continue to research and follow up with a signal change at Granger Road, South Street, and M-15 with MDOT and or the Oakland County Road Commission.
*Motion by Nivelt, seconded by McAvinchey, to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Heidi Barckholtz
Recording Secretary