Teacher: Kelly Rozelle Subject: ELA Grade: 7 Dates: 10/10/16 -- 10/14/16
MONDAY / Lesson Title: / Standards:Objectives:
Resources & Materials: / Assessments:
TUESDAY / Lesson Title: / Standards: RL.7.1, SL.7.1, SL.7.5, L.7.1
- Make inferences about a character and support the inferences with textual evidence.
- Sacred Reading Time (SRT)
- Writer’s Workshop (WW)—Sentence of the Week (SoW)—What do I notice?
Subordinate conjunctions/AAAWWUBBIS front-branch sentencing
(After, Although, As, When, While, Until, Before, Because, If, Since) / •After the game, I went home.
•Since it is supposed to rain, we will reschedule our hike.
•Although it’s cold, Vanessa did not wear a jacket. /
- Emphasize that the comma goes after the AAAWWUBBIS phrase, not after the AAAWWUBBIS word.
- Return and discuss “The Great Rat Hunt” Comprehension Tests
- Introduce Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Project—Students will work in groups to create a visual representation of a character in a work they have read in class (Dana, Jing-Mei, Laurence, or Amy).
Resources & Materials: / Assessments: Participation
WEDNESDAY / Lesson Title: Post-Mortem of a Protagonist / Standards: RL.7.1, SL.7.1, SL.7.5, L.7.1
- Make inferences about a character and support the inferences with textual evidence.
- Collaborate with classmates.
- Create a visual displayto present claims and findings.
- WW: SoW—Imitate
- Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Project—Students work in groups to create a visual representation of a character in a work they have read in class (Dana, Jing-Mei, Laurence, or Amy).
Resources & Materials: Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Handouts, Colored Pencils, Large Paper / Assessments: Participationand Progress on Project
THURSDAY / Lesson Title: Post-Mortem of a Protagonist / Standards: RL.7.1, SL.7.1, SL.7.5
- Make inferences about a character and support the inferences with textual evidence.
- Collaborate with classmates.
- Create a visual displayto present claims and findings.
- Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Project—Students work in groups to create a visual representation of a character in a work they have read in class (Dana, Jing-Mei, Laurence, or Amy).
Resources & Materials: Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Handouts, Colored Pencils, Large Paper / Assessments: Participation and Progress on Project
Comments: Club Picture Day
FRIDAY / Lesson Title: Post-Mortem of a Protagonist / Standards: RL.7.1, SL.7.1, SL.7.5
- Make inferences about a character and support the inferences with textual evidence.
- Collaborate with classmates.
- Create a visual displayto present claims and findings.
- Return “Two Kinds” literary response.
- Students finish Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Projects and begin presenting their completed projects to the class.
Resources & Materials: Post-Mortem of a Protagonist Handouts, Colored Pencils, Large Paper / Assessments: Participation and Post-Mortem Projects