Pupil Premium Statement

What is Pupil Premium?

Total number of pupils on roll / 111
Total number of pupils eligible / 21
Amount of PPG per pupil / £1,320
Total amount of funding received / £27,720

The pupil Premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantaged reaches those pupils who need it most. The funding is allocated to Local Authorities and schools with pupils from Reception to Yr 11 who are currently entitled to free school meals (FSM) or have been eligible at any point in the last six years. The funding allocated for 2015/16 was £1320 per eligible pupil. Further funding is available for Looked After Children or those that have parents in the Armed Forces.

How was the money spent in 2016-2017?

Each pupil premium child’s needs are met through support which aims to close the gap academically with peers, if appropriate, or provide opportunities to enable breadth in learning. In order to have a positive start to learning, the PPG funding provides a subsidized breakfast clubs and wrap around care, ensuring that pupils have a high level of attendance and are ready to learn at the start of each day.

Measuring the impact

This funding is strategically directed to raising pupil attainment and their progress is carefully tracked on a termly basis during pupil progress meetings. All PPG children received additional provision which is reflective to their needs. The governing body and head teacher monitor the deployment of all resources, including finances, to ensure the positive impact on children’s learning including those pupils at risk of falling behind.

Impact of Pupil Premium 2015/2016

EYFS and KS1

  • No PPG pupils in cohort

Year 1 phonics

  • 3 pupils in a cohort of 13

All school / PPG / National
% passing phonics screening / 85% / 66%
(2 out of 3 pupils passed) / 81%

KS2 attainment (% reaching expected standard)

All school / PPG / National / Key stage 2 data
  • Only 2 pupils in the cohort were PPG.
  • One of the pupils was SEND (EHCP/statement

Reading / 79% / 50% / 66%
Writing / 50% / 0% / 74%
Mathematics / 64% / 0% / 70%

KS2 progress

All school / PPG
Reading / 0.73 / -4.08
Writing / -4.73 / -10.55
Mathematics / -2.47 / -9.29

Pupil Premium Plan: 2016-2017

Total number of pupils on roll / 113
Total number of pupils eligible / 19
Total amount of funding received / £25,080
Year group / % Eligible for PPG
R / 0
1 / 0
2 / 15%
3 / 8%
4 / 30%
5 / 19%
6 / 14%

What are the main barriers to educational achievement generally experienced by disadvantaged children?

All PPG pupils will have a personalised one page profile, which shows individual barriers to learning and according actions.

However, the school has noted that children entitle to Pupil Premium Funding are more prone to fall into one or more of the categories below:

  • data on entry is significantly lower than national average (% reaching a good level of development at EYFS compared to national)
  • persistent poor attendance
  • low self -esteem/ lack confidence in their own ability

How we spend the money to support these children and the reasons for these approaches.

Action / Desired outcome
  • All PPG pupils will have a learning monitor who ensures that they are heard to read daily reading, and receive appropriate support to overcome any barriers to learning.
  • To close the gap between PPG and other pupils in reading
  • To provide mentoring to ensure that pupils are organised and ready to learn
  • To improve self esteem

  • In order to have a positive start to learning, the PPG funding provides a subsidized breakfast clubs and wrap around care, ensuring that pupils have a high level of attendance and are ready to learn at the start of each day.
  • To improve the attendance of PPG pupils
  • To ensure that PPG pupils have appositive start to their day and are organised to start learning
  • To provide social activities and widen experiences

  • EWO visits every 3 weeks. Alongside the head teacher and school administrator, attendance is analysed to ensure that persistent poor attendance is addressed.
  • To improve the attendance of PPG pupils

  • Funding to support families with school trips, after school clubs or purchasing equipment such as wellington boots or swimming costumes to ensure that pupils are able to access the broad curriculum.
  • To provide opportunities to widen their experiences, which in return will develop language skills and boost confidence/ enjoyment in learning.

  • Revision materials are provided to children in Year 6 free of charge
  • To improve self-esteem/ confidence in their ability
To close the gap between PPG and other pupils in maths
  • Free after school 1:1 tutoring in Year 6, with a focus on misconceptions in mathematics
  • To improve self-esteem/ confidence in their ability
  • To close the gap between PPG and other pupils in maths

How do we measure the impact of these approaches?

At Clee Hill we track the academic progress of all the children, both for attainment and progress. This process identifies areas of difficulty and actively addresses the concern by putting into place the support and resources needed. The progress of PPG pupils are discussed at termly pupil progress meetings and provision is provided in the school provision mapping and personalised on page profiles. Both external data and internal data is analysed termly and shared with Governors, with a focus on the progress of PPG pupils.

How do I know if I am eligible for PPG funding?

Please speak to the school’s office administrator in confidence for further details regarding whether you are eligible for PPG funding.

Clee Hill Community Academy is a member of The Shropshire Gateway Educational Trust, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with company number9115941whose registered office is at Lacon Childe School, Love Lane, Cleobury Mortimer,DY14 8PE​.