AIACC Africa Open Meeting Agenda

AIACC Africa Region Open Meeting

Mount Amanzi Lodge, Hartebeespoortdam, South Africa

10 March 2003

9:30 Opening of the Meeting

Chair: Bob Scholes, CSIR, South Africa

Rapporteur: Sara Beresford, Project Coordinator, AIACC

·  Welcome, meeting objectives, logistics, Bob Scholes

·  Overview of AIACC, Neil Leary, AIACC Science Director

·  Recent climate related stresses and their human consequences in Southern Africa. Dr. Simbarashe Chidzambwa, FAO/SADC Remote Sensing Project

·  Climate change, vulnerability and poverty in Africa. Richard Muyungi, Assistant Director, Impact Assessment, Environment Division, Tanzania

10:45 Coffee, tea

11:15 UNFCCC National Communication and NAPA Programs

Chair: Rolph Payet, Ministry of Environment, Seychelles

Rapporteur: Bernard Gomez, Department of Water Resources, The Gambia

·  UNFCCC National Communications Program & New Guidelines for Non-Annex 1 Countries, Philip Weech, UNFCCC Secretariat

·  The vulnerability of Small Island Developing States, Mohamed Ali, Director of Environment Research, Maldives (Invited)

12:30 Lunch

1:30 AIACC Regional Studies in Africa

Presentations by principal investigators of AIACC studies in Africa and Small Islands of the Indian Ocean. Presentations to be run in 2 parallel sessions:

Studies in Southern and Eastern Africa

Chair: Shem Wandiga, Kenya Academy of Sciences

Rapporteur: Patrick Mushove

·  Adaptation of biodiversity to climate change in southern Africa. Bob Scholes (AF04)

·  Climate scenarios for sub-Saharan Africa. Bruce Hewitson (AF07)

·  Integrated assessment of the Miombo region. Patrick Mushove (AF38).

·  Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation Capacity In the Limpopo Basin part of Botswana. Opha Pauline Dube (AF42)

·  Evaluation of adaptation measures: benefit-cost analysis. Jabavu Nkomo (AF47)

·  Climate change, malaria and cholera in Lake Victoria region. Shem Wandiga (AF91).

Studies in North and West Africa, Seychelles/Comoros

Chair: Ayman Abou Hadid, Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, Egypt

Rapporteur: Anthony Nyong, University of Jos, Nigeria

·  An update on assessment of community-scale adaptation strategies in Sudan (AF14). Nagmeldin Goutbi and Balgis Osman

·  Rural households and drought in the Sahel: adaptation and effective mitigation strategies (AF92). Anthony Nyong

·  Food security and climate change in sub-Saharan Africa: early findings (AF23). James O. Adejuwon

·  Assessing global and regional climate change for West Africa (AF20). Amadou Gaye

·  The use of indicators in linking science to policy in the context of climate change impacts: perspectives from Seychelles and Comoros (SIS90). Rolph Payet

·  Ayman Abou Hadid (AF90).

3:45 Coffee, tea

4:15 Panel 1: Key Vulnerabilities, Information Needs and Capacity Needs

Panelists to give brief presentations of their perspectives of key vulnerabilities in the region, information needs for addressing vulnerabilities, current efforts to address information needs, and scientific and technical capacity needs and approaches for meeting them. Presentations by panelists will be followed by open discussion.

Chair: Opha Pauline Dube, University of Botswana

Rapporteur: Emma Archer, Climate Systems Analysis Research Group, University of Cape Town

Panel members:

·  Mohamed Ali, Environment Research, Maldives.

·  Coleen Vogel, University of Witwatersrand, Chair Scientific Committee of IHDP

·  Hilary Dandaula, Project Manager Climate Change Enabling Activity in Malawi and University of Malawi

·  Richard Muyungi, Vice President’s Office, Tanzania

5:00 Panel 2: Adaptation Opportunities, Barriers and Strategies

Panelists to give brief presentations of their perceptions of adaptation opportunities and barriers, strategies and requirements for effective adaptation, and integration of adaptation into development planning. Presentations by panelists will be followed by open discussion.

Chair: Isabelle Niang-Diopp

Rapporteur: Gina Ziervogel, Stockholm Environment Institute

Panel Members:

·  Stephen Mwakifwamba, Center for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology, Tanzania

·  Anthony Nyong, University of Jos, Nigeria

·  Balgis M.E. Osman, HCENR, Sudan

6:00 Closing of the Meeting

·  Bob Scholes, CSIR, Neil Leary, AIACC

6:15 Reception