London Borough of Newham
Initial Equality Impact Assessment Form
Title of
School Admission Arrangements 2011-12Purpose for Initial EQIA
Pick from listCabinet ReportNew Policy/Strategy/Service?FunctionNew Project/Scheme/initiativeAdapted Policy/Strategy/Service/FunctionPolicy/Service/Function reviewProject/Scheme/Initiative reviewOtherIf other, please specifyOfficer Responsible (to be completed by the report author)
Name: Trevor Matthews / Ext:39710Directorate: Pick from ListResourcesEnvironmentChildren & Young People Chief Executive'sRegeneration, Planning & PropertyCustomer ServicesAdults, Community & Leisure / DivisionService and Performance Improvement
Form must be signed and dated by the relevant Executive Director
Executive Director: Kim Bromley-DerryDate:Comment:
Corporate Planning & Partnerships
Signed off by: Date:Comments:
- What are the aims, objectives and purpose of the including desired outcomes:
The Council's admissions arrangements are designed to ensure fair access to places at Newham's community schools in accordance with the government's statutory Admissions Code of Practice. This is achieved through the application of fair criteria, arrangements and procedures and the provision of clear information to parents/carers about the admissions process by publishing two annual admissions booklets. The admission arrangements exclude issues to do with the determination of the capacity of schools and the creation of school places.
NB The voluntary aided faith schools in Newham and Stratford Foundation School have their own admissions policies and determine their own arrangements.
- Who are the main people that will be affected?
Children aged 4 to 16 and their parents/carers
- How relevant is the to the following equality strands
Age / Disability / Gender / Race / Religion / Belief / Sexual
Relevance / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow / Pick from listHighMediumLow
- What positive impact could the have overall and on different groups? (Please provide evidence e.g. consultation, monitoring etc)
The admissions arrangements create a level playing field for applicants; they all get to list the same number of preferences in order,they are not just allocated a place based on where they live, nor are the schools allowed to individually pick the pupils they want to have. The process is transparent - parents are told how places will be allocated in a booklet which they are all given.
All parents have the right to appeal against any decision not to allocate them a particular preference. This process, involving an Independent Appeals Panel, is supported by Member Services.
For the two planned transfers in 2010:
Year 6 to Year 7 80% of applicantsgot their first preference
95% of applicantsgot one of their 6 preferences
Reception Year 88% of applicants got their first preference
97% of applicants got one of their 6 preferences
Monitoring information is not collected in the admissions process as it is only permitted to collect information that is used in the application of the admissions criteria.
a) Age - the purpose and practice of the policy is to ensure that all school age children are offered an age specific place which is allocated in a fair way. / b) Disability - the statutory Code and Newham's arrangements require children with statements of special educational needs to be admitted before all other children. Children with specific lower levels of SEN are also given a priority allocation. Unless children have specific needs which require specialist support that has to be centralised in a small number of schools, all such children are positively encouraged to apply to any school, i.e. Newham operates on the basis of an inclusive education policy which seeks not to restrict the preference for a particular school.
c) Gender - this is not relevant to any admission criteria, except in relation to single sex secondary schoolsin which there is specific separate capacity for boys and girls. / d) Race - the collection of racial origin information as part of the application process is not permitted as it is not used in any admissions criteria.
Travellers children are a required priority group within the fair access protocol.
e) Religion / Belief - Newham's Council's admission criteria do not include religion and therefore this information is not collected. This is part of the criteria of the faith based voluntary aided schools who determine their own admission arrangements and collect information in a way that is compliant with the DCSF requirements. / f) Sexual Orientation - no information is collected.
g) Other groups
Looked After Children are the top priority criteria for primary and secondary schools as required by the statutory code.
- What negative impact could the have overall and on different groups and (if possible) how can it be justified and / or eliminated? (Please provide evidence e.g. consultation, complaints, monitoring etc)
Overall - The admissions criteria and procedures are detailed in order to be compliant with the statutory Code. It is important to check that the published booklets and application forms are as clear and useful as possible to parents.
a) Age - / b) Disability -
c) Gender - / d) Race– Using the procedures may be more challenging for those residents for whom English is an additional language. Support is available through the Translation Service and the Family Information Services and contact information about both of these isset out in the booklets.
e) Religion / Belief - / f) Sexual Orientation -
g) Other groups–Parents with low literacy also benefit from support from the Family Information Serrvice; contact details are provided in the booklets
- If you have undertaken any internal / external research or consultation(s) please list them below (including purpose and summary of analysis)
- The Council is required to approve annually its admissions arrangements and to consult on any proposed changes.
- The statutory consultation process has required the issuing of a consultation document to all school governing bodies, neighbouring authorities.
- An advertisement was placed in the Newham Mag. inviting comments from the public.
- Consultation took place with Newham Admissions Forum and its constituent groups which include parent representatives.
- The consultation process showed support for the intended changes.
- Do you need to undertake any further consultation? If so what and with whom?
- Has a full impact assessment been planned or completed?
Yes No
If yes please state timescales
- Action Planning
No / Identified Impact (positive or negative) / Objective / Actions / Outcomes / Timescales / Milestones / Lead Officer
1 / Need for clarity in booklets / to ensure parent/carers have full accessible information / Explain in the admissions booklet that the questions on the application form relate to the admissions criteria. / Revised booklets / August 2010 / Trevor Matthews
2 / Need for clarity about information requested on the application forms / To ensure complete fairness / Ensure that the application form only asks questions essential to the process. / revised application form / August 2010 / Trevor Matthews
3 / Uncertainty about how well the system actually works for parents and schools when filing out the forms. / To ensure that pasrents and schools experiences are postive / Survey sample of schools and parents about the process / Analysed response and appropriate action taken. / April 2011 / Trevor Matthews
4 / .
10 Have the above actions been incorporated into your Service Plan?
Yes No
If No how will these actions be monitored? Through line management arrangements and monitored by the SSPI service.
Contact: David Hodgkins 020 337 39932
Head of Corporate Planning & Partnerships
Chief Executive Directorate