2001 Annual Survey

California Community Colleges

A total of 61 colleges responded to this survey.

  1. Based on the following categories as of Fall 2000 we consider our college:

23 Small College (less than 10,000 credit and non-credit headcount)

22 Medium College (more than 10,000 but less than 15,000)

16 Large College (more than 15,000)

2.Check all categories that apply to your college:

50 We have Touch Tone telephone registration.

33 We have registration information on our Web site,

but students can't register via the Web at this time.

19 Students can register via the Web.

19 Students can apply for admission via the Web.

33 We plan to implement web services in (year): 17/01; 11/02; 3/03; 1/04

17 We have an on-campus computer lab or information commons for students

to apply and register on the Web.

3.Check all that apply to your college:

19 We mail grade reports to students each term.

42 Final grades are available on our Touch-Tone voice

response telephone system.

24 Final grades are available on our Web site.

4.Check all that apply to your college:

23 Unofficial transcripts are available on our Web site.

10 Students may submit official transcript requests

via the Web.

48 Students may submit official transcript requests by fax.

18 We will send out official transcripts by fax upon request.

5. If we adopt a Statewide electronic application our college would use it.

37 Yes

23 No


  1. Check the one sentence that applies to your college's use of Electronic

Data Interchange (EDI) to send transcripts:

13 We have implemented EDI and send transcriptselectronically to one or

more receiving institutions.

4 We are in the process of implementing EDI but are not yet sending

transcripts electronically.

10 We plan to implement EDI within the next year.

34 We have no current plans to implement EDI.

7.Is at least one A&R person at your college subscribed to the CCC- Admissions-List listserver?

57 Yes


  1. We recognize the following Accrediation agencies from the American Council on Education. Check all that apply:

41 MSA Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges

41 NASC The Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges

41 NCA North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

38 NEASC-CIHE New England Association of Schools and Colleges/Commission

on Institutions of Higher Education

23 NEASC-CTCI New England Association of Schools and Colleges/Commission

on Technical and Career Institutions

40 SACS-CC Southern Association of Colleges and Schools/Commission on


58 WASC-Jr. Western Association of Schools and Colleges/Accrediting

Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

42 WASC-Sr. Western Association of Schools and Colleges/Accrediting

Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities

3 Other recognized agency (please list all that you

accept) Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges; Council on

Occupational Education

9.What kind of credit do you give concurrently enrolled high school students?

1 High school credit only

5 College credit only

10 High school or college credit, but only one

45 College credit, and we don't care whether the high school gives credit

as well.

10.Check all that apply to your college:

52 Our computer system automatically enforces prerequisites at the time of


14 Students are required to have a counselor's approval of their class

selections, and the counselor enforces prerequisites.

17 Instructors enforce prerequisites once classes begin by checking to see

that their students have met them.

5 Prerequisites are not enforced; they are, in effect, advisory.

11.Check all that apply to your college:

44 The data on our application for admission is "keyboarded" manually by


22 We have a scannable application form, and use a scanner for data entry.

12 Our online application sends the data directly to the database and we

do not need to enter it.

12.Check all that apply to your college:

10 We have an on-line degree audit system now in use.

21 We are in the process of implementing an on-line degree audit system.

22 We plan to have an on-line degree audit system within the next two


6 We have no plans for an automated degree audit system.

13.Check all that apply to your college:

56 We give credit for certain scores on AP exams.

46 We give credit for CLEP.

46 We give credit for active military service.

47 We give credit for military classes or schools following ACE


11 We give credit for certain types of life experience.

37 We give credit for Tech Prep high school courses.

  1. Do you have computers on campus that provide students with access to their records?

25 Yes

17 Not yet, but planning to within a year

16 Not yet, but planning to within two years

15.Check all that apply to your college's schedule of classes:

46 Our class schedule booklets are free.

14 We charge $.25/2; $.50/5; $1.00/6; $1.25/1; $1.50/1 per copy on


38 We mail class schedules to all local residents.

42 We accept telephone requests for class schedules and mail them out

without charge.

6 We don't mail schedules to all local residents, but we mail them to

former students.

52 Our class schedule is available on our Web site.

16.Check all that apply to your college:

11 We do not have a student activities fee at all.

26 We have an optional student activities fee, but it is not assessed

unless a student chooses to pay it.

23 We have a student activities fee which is assessed as a part of

student fees, but which is refunded upon request by the student.

17.Check all that apply to your college:

22 Our students receive a photo ID card without charge.

25 A photo ID card is optionally available for a fee of $1/1; $2/1; $3/2;

$3/1; $4/1; $5/8; $6/2; $7/2; $8/1; $8/1; $10/6.

6 Students are required to purchase a photo ID card to utilize certain

college services. The card costs them $3/1; $4/1; $5/2; $8/1; $10/1;


17 Our photo ID cards have a bar code that is used to track the use of

certain college services.

11 Our photo ID cards have a magnetic stripe that is used to track the

use of certain college services.

3 Although we do not now issue photo ID cards, we plan to do so within a


18.Check all that apply to your college:

49 One or more of our A&R staff attended a CACCRAO Staff Development

Workshop this March.

53 One or more of our A&R staff will attend this year's CACCRAO Annual

Conference in Palm Springs.

19. Check all that apply to your college:

23 Parking permits are sold and distributed in the A&R Office.

11 Parking permits are sold and distributed in the Campus Police Office.

30 Parking permits are sold and distributed in the Business Office.

2 We pro-rate parking fees for part time students. If so, how?

1 by units

¼. ½, ¾ or full time 1

20. Check all that apply to your college:

52 Cal Grant GPA verifications are done in the Admissions and Records Office (41); the Financial Aid Office (11); the Counseling Office (2);

Other (5)

35 If in A&R, who is responsible? Various positions in A & R

1 The office responsible for Cal Grant GPA verifications received

additional staffing for the assignment.

34 What is the average turn around time to complete these verifications?

2.13 days.

  1. Our college is considering an Academic Calendar change to one of the

following options:

8 15-5-15

19 16-6-16

9 Another variation ie. 16-8-16; 16-3-16; 16-16-16; 16-4-16

12 We will never change.

QUESTIONS: From Web Survey

A total of 44 colleges were present at the Q & A Session on May 2, 2001.

  1. If you accept concurrently enrolled high school students, do you have a minimum g.p.a. upon entrance? If so, what is it? (3.0; 2.0)

15 Yes


6 2.0+

  1. Do you require all concurrently enrolled high school students to take the assessment test and attend an orientation session? (Do you take into consideration students who are enrolled at various off-campus sites – including their own high school?)

7Assessment and Orientation

  1. International students make up what percentage of your total enrollment?

17 <100

10 100-200

3 200-300

2 300-400

2 400-500

1 600-700

2 700-800

2 900-1,000

0 1,000-1,500

1 1,500-3,000

  1. What registration priority do you give to students in a Middle College High School program affiliated with your college? (Early – like EOPS; Regular – like new matriculated or Walk-In registration?)




  1. Of those colleges that accept transcript requests via the web, how do you

authenticate students?


  1. What colleges, if any, have used TouchNet as a vendor for telephone or web registration?


  1. How many colleges have Counselors sign off on graduation petitions?


16 Presign

8. How many A & R departments are the sole collectors of registration fees?


  1. How many colleges have their Bursar’s Office collect fees for transcripts, etc.?


  1. How many A & R offices are in the “One Stop” mode of operation?


  1. How do you post Tech Prep courses from high school on your transcript?

(i.e., do you post as if student completes your equivalent course?; do

you post your class with a note-code indicating it was a Tech Prep

class?; do you post as Credit-By-Exam?; or do you not post Tech Prep


14 Your class


4 Credit-By-Exam

  1. Who has Concurrent Enrollment Programs involving students who are high

school sophomores and under? How many of you have 1-500 students;

501-1000; over 1001 students?

32 (have programs)


5 501-1,000

1 >1,001

QUESTIONS: From Drop Box

A total of 44 colleges were present at the Q & A Session on May 2, 2001.

1.Do you put disciplinary information on your transcript?

4 Yes

  1. What are other colleges doing about the Hope Scholarship and 1099 forms?
  2. NCS or other outsource18
  3. Homegrown “do it ourselves”22
  4. List other companies
  1. How many colleges print academic standing (probation/dismissal) on the

transcript at the end of the semester? Honors?

31 Probation

27 Dismissal

33 Honors

  1. Are any Admissions Offices responsible for ASB and STUDENT LIFE? Which



  1. Which campuses have residence halls?


  1. Are any colleges using a web application without signatures having any

negative repercussions?


  1. Which colleges have implemented an alternative calendar, and do you have


No one responded as Chancellor’s Office was present.

  1. How many schools are in:

a. Datatel 32

  1. SCT 14
  2. Peoplesoft 4
  1. How many colleges drop students for non-payment of fees?


  1. How many colleges have a policy on when grades are due after final exams?

Are there any consequences?

38 (have a policy…)

8(have consequences..i.e., hold paychecks; faculty fill out individual

grade change and turn in to VP; letter in file; in contract;

reported to Dean; Dean gets grade)

  1. Cabrillo College does not release educational records to parents of dependent students. Do any Colleges have policies which allow this?


11/12/181Created on 4/24/2001