Project Proposal Form

(To be completed by the student)

Student Name: ______

  1. Project Category All approved projects must meet these guidelines. Check which one of the following two broad categories best fits your project. Senior project requires a minimum of 20 documented hours.

_____ Do an Extended Career Research/Extended Job Shadow.

Twenty (20) hours minimum.


_____ Design and create a product, service, system or event. (Examples: build a boat, design a workable/usable computer program for school or business, develop and execute a community service project or event). Student must produce a product, present or perform the new skill.

  1. Project Focus:

Explain what you are doing for this project, be specific.

  1. Project Goal and Knowledge Base:
  1. Why have you selected this project?
  1. What do you already know regarding your area of study?
  1. List what you expect to learn and achieve.

IV.20 Hours of Project Work:

Explain specifically how you plan to meet the 20 hour requirement for the project.


Who is your mentor?

What life experience or training qualifies them to mentor you in this project?

Mentor Statement:

As a mentor for this project your role is to give guidance to this student in achieving their project goal. Asotin High School does not expect you to do the project. That is the student’s responsibility. We ask that you complete the appropriate portion of the mentor sheet atthebeginning, half-way point, and end of the project. Thank you in advance for your support of this student.


I understand and agree to the above proposal:

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Mentor Signature: ______

Class AdvisorSignature______


By signing this document you understand and accept the terms of the following statements and agree to accept full responsibility for the safety of your son/daughter while they are completing their senior project.

The senior project your son/daughter is required to complete for graduation as mandatedby the State of Washington will take place outside of school hours. You (the parent/guardian)are responsible for taking normal precautionary measures to insure that your child is safe since Asotin-Anatone School District will not be providing constant supervision for activities outside of school hours.

Please remember that Asotin-Anatone School Districtdoes not provide medical insurance if your student is injured outside of school hours and that the parents/guardians are responsible for any medical expenses.