Appendix 8: Posters/Presentations

Guidance on Posters/Presentations

You are required to produce and present an A1 poster at the Campus Day on Monday 6th March. The poster and the presentation will form 20% of the marks for the module.

Learning Outcomes Covered

The following learning outcomes are being assessed through the poster and presentation:

  • Understand how the employer’s business fits into the wider economic context, and how your role and activities fit into this;
  • To demonstrate research, presentation and report-writing skills;
  • To have an enhanced understanding of the actions required for your career development.

Poster Content

A basic template will be supplied, which you will need to use as a basis for your poster. This template will allow you to scale up your poster without altering the formatting.

Your poster should contain the following key elements:

  • Brief background to the company;
  • Description of your role;
  • Three significant achievements/events from the year-to-date, and reflection on the impact on your future career plans;
  • Targets for the remainder of the placement.

Poster Assessment

Marks will be awarded for two separate components:

  • Presentation: visual impact (looking like a poster), readability and professionalism.
  • Content: clarity, relevance, structure, appropriate use of English, professionalism.

You will need to include basics such as your name, the company you work for and the degree you are studying for.

Presentation Content

Your poster presentation should last 5 minutes, and will be followed by brief questions from the assessors. Your presentation plus questions will last no longer than 10 minutes in total.

The content of your presentation should follow broadly the same structure as your poster. Further details will be provided in due course.

Presentation Assessment

You will present your poster to an SMSAS academic panel, and you should be prepared to answer questions about the work you do, what you have learned, your company, and your future career aspirations.

The marks awarded will be based on the following criteria:

  • Structure: the information should be presented in a logical, well-structured way that allows the assessors to follow themes and arguments easily;
  • Delivery: your presentation should be delivered in a confident assured way, with good clarity and engagement with the assessors;
  • Answering Questions: you should aim to give clear, well-articulated responses to the questions raised by the assessors.

Assessment Criteria for MA531 Posters / Presentations:

Marking Guide

Grade/Mark / Criteria and Descriptors
High First Class / Outstanding in all aspects:
Clarity, delivery, depth of research, criticality, originality and engagement with scholarship within the time allowed. The content will be accurate throughout and questions from the audience will be handled in an outstanding manner. There will be no significant ways in which the presentation could be improved.
Good First / Exceptional in all aspects:
Clarity, delivery, depth of research, criticality, originality and engagement with scholarship within the time allowed. The content will be accurate throughout and questions will be handled in an exceptional manner. The overall quality of the presentation will far outweigh any shortcomings.
Low First / Excellent in most aspects, with some exceptional elements:
Very good in all aspects:
Clarity, delivery, extensive research, criticality, engagement with scholarship within the time allowed. The content will be accurate and questions will be handled very well. The high quality will predominate, but perhaps not throughout.
Upper Second Class / Good in all aspects:
Clarity, delivery, grasp of concepts, criticality and preparatory research. Questions will generally be well handled.
Lower second class / Satisfactory in most aspects:
Reasonable clarity, delivery, coverage, understanding. Some inaccuracies, perhaps insufficient preparation and limited response to questions in some respects.
Pass / Pass in most aspects:
Not always clear and with some significant omissions and concepts are not always grasped which may indicate insufficient preparatory work. Very limited response to questions.
Marginal Fail / Fail in most aspects:
Generally lacking in clarity, poor delivery, insufficient coverage and grasp of concepts. Seriously limited response to questions.
Serious fail / Serious fail in most aspects:
Serious problems with clarity, delivery, coverage and grasp of concepts. Little response to questions.
Very serious fail / Very serious fail in most aspects:
Very serious problems with clarity, delivery, coverage and grasp of concepts. No response to questions.

For use in 2016-17

Appendix 8: Posters/Presentations

For use in 2016-17