The Baby Owls- PM L 4 – Comprehension Questions
Literal: Show me in the text…
1. Who was asleep on the farm at first?
2. Where did the baby owls live?
3. What did Mother Owl go looking for?
4. Who was the big moth for?
1. All the animals except for the baby owls were asleep. Why do you think the baby owls weren’t?
2. Why didn’t the baby owls go out to find food for themselves?
3. Why would the Mother Owl go looking for moths?
4. Why did the baby owls go to sleep after Mother Owl came back?
1. The illustrator (the person who draws the pictures) drew the Mother Owl and the baby owls very differently. Why do you think the baby owls look so different from Mother Owl?
2. Could Father Owl have got food for the babies?
3. Would it have made a difference if it was day time?
4. How does the illustrator show us that it’s night time in the pictures?
Critical / Interpretive:
1. Why should mothers look after their babies?
2. When should babies start to get their own food?
3. How do you know when it’s time to go to sleep?
4. Why is it important to have enough food and sleep?
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Questions by Linda Latter.