Department of Education & Children’s Services
Issued October 2008
Policy for the Responsible Use of ICT and Internet
Within East Lothian Schools, we recognise that the effective use of ICT offers unprecedented opportunities for teaching and learning in and beyond the classroom. We believe the use of ICT has significant benefits to pupils’ motivation and engagement in learning and can improve achievement across the whole curriculum. New technologies are continually emerging; many have real potential for learning. Our challenge is to develop classroom practice to maximise the benefits technologies can provide and to ensure that all learners including pupils, staff and parents, are able to use them effectively and responsibly.
Impact of this policy on users is that they: -
· Use technology effectively and responsibly for learning.
· Know that technology has an appropriate place in learning.
· Are aware of the learning opportunities ICT offers.
· Know how to work safely online.
· Are aware of their responsibilities towards others when working online.
· Know what to do when things go wrong.
· Understand appropriate use and the consequences of misuse.
· Apply the principles of responsible use across all technologies.
How this will happen: -
East Lothian Council has invested significantly in technology and continues to do so to ensure that computer equipment is refreshed every four years, and that there is a robust, fast and secure infrastructure. Our policy ensures that we have the most up to date software and security to strike the fine balance between appropriate technology for Learning and Teaching as well as safe and secure access.
The Council provides layers of security to help protect users from Malware (Computer Viruses, Trojans, Worms) and inadvertently accessing inappropriate material. These layers include:
· Policies - Policy for the Responsible Use of ICT and the Internet, Schools Internet and Email agreements, Self-Publishing Guidelines for Staff and Pupils.
· Hardware - switches, routers, firewalls.
· Software - web protection, anti virus.
East Lothian Council recognises that new and increasingly affordable technologies are emerging all the time. These can offer real potential in Learning and Teaching, motivating and engaging learners, providing tools for communication and enabling access to endless online resources. We will consider all new and emerging technologies for learning, and promote and support these where appropriate. All technologies should be used within the guidelines outlined in this policy.
Education and Awareness
East Lothian Council believes that the key to appropriate and safe use of Technology and the Internet lies in learners having a full understanding of both the potential and the risks involved. This can only be achieved through ongoing opportunities for Education and Guidance. Education and Children’s Services, the Council’s IT Department, Schools, the Police and Parents have a role to play to ensure all learners gain this full understanding.
Education and Children’s Services provide the following:
· Internet Safety Roadshows for parents which involves input from Education, IT, Community police and representatives from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre).
· Internet Safety Roadshows for teachers, school staff and pupils.
· Training and CPD (Continuous Professional Development) opportunities for School staff to support the development of technologies including online resources for Learning and Teaching.
· Guidelines and advice.
How will we know if this policy is successful?
East Lothian Council is committed to Continuous Improvement. We intend to measure the success of this policy in the following ways in order to update it on an annual basis.
· Measure success from Roadshows, Training and Support evaluation forms and feedback.
· Measure successful and appropriate use of technology in Learning and Teaching through QIO Evaluation visits, SELS surveys, HMIE reports.
· Work with schools to record incidences of cyber bullying, monitor how they were dealt with and provide ongoing advice and support.
· Monitor data regarding:
o Incidences of cyber bullying.
o Inappropriate access to online resources.
o Instances of vandalism of equipment.
Advice for Schools
Pupils should be encouraged to treat all Council equipment with care and may be held responsible for any costs associated with vandalism or lack of care.
Should pupils bring their own equipment into school, such as mobile devices, they will do so at their own risk.
Only hardware provided by East Lothian Council may be connected to the school network.
Technology can only be used in class with permission from the class teacher. This includes computers, laptops, PDAs, games consoles, mobile phones, cameras, and webcams. These must be switched off unless permission is provided.
Schools should ensure that safe use of ICT and the Internet guidelines are distributed to pupils and their parents as part of the enrolment procedures (Appendix 1)
Schools should ensure that Pupils, Staff and Parents are aware of the Self-publishing guidelines, which can be viewed at
Self-publishing Permission Letters should be signed as part of the school’s enrolment procedures. (Appendices 2 & 3)
Cyber-bullying should be included in the school’s anti-bullying policy and should be recorded as a cyber-bullying incident.
Schools should work to educate pupils on appropriate use, model and support good practice and be clear about how to deal with misuse. Advice on responding to incidents and dealing with misuse can be found at …
Advice for School Pupils
The following applies to computers, laptops, PDAs, Games consoles, mobile phones, cameras, webcams and all other portable technologies.
I will:
· Only use technology in class if I am asked to by my teacher or if I have permission from my teacher.
· Make sure I keep my password private and will not use another person’s password or account.
· Take or publish photographs or video of others only if I have their permission.
· Ask permission from everyone in view before using a webcam.
· Take care not to publish my full name, address or phone number or those of others online.
· Make sure I do not publish my name next to a photograph of myself.
· Be respectful when I publish online and use email.
· Make sure I do not use the Internet to disrupt its use by others or to hurt others.
· Take care not to access inappropriate material.
· Tell a member of staff if I find a page, picture or message that I am uncomfortable with.
· Not meet anyone that I chat with online if they are unknown to me.
If I do not follow the rules, I know that I may not be allowed to use ICT facilities and the Internet in school and that further action may be taken
Most importantly of all, users have a duty to use technology in a safe and responsible manner in accordance with the best practice guidelines in this policy.
October 2008