California Alliance for Arts Education Local Advocacy Network
ACTION PLANTemplate for 2015 - 2016
California Alliance for Arts Education Priority Goals:
- Improve teacher preparation
- Increase public funding for the arts
- Ensure equity and access to arts education by closing opportunity gaps and eliminating inequities in access to arts education
Local Advocacy Network Strategies include:
- Advocate for inclusion of arts education in a district Local Control Accountability Plan
- Build relationships with superintendent and school board
- Survey school board candidates before an election
- Attend school board meeting, make a presentation, participate in public comment, or coordinate a student performance and/or testimony
- Pass or update a District Arts Plan
- Undertake an assessment of district or county arts education resources and gaps
- Partner with parents groups, local businesses and arts organization
- Participate in the Student Voices Campaign
Strategies: Awareness, Knowledge, Attitudes, Opinions, Motivations, Action, Decision making, Policies / Activities/Tasks:
Specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time- oriented / Time line: to have completed by, deadline
Develop partnership with the District, and build organizational capacity to support the update of the arts plan
Update District Arts Plan to include professional development for VAPA teachers and a supply budget to support quality arts programs. / Meet with district staff to get Arts Plan update plan and grant approved by District
Review current Arts Plan to make recommendations
Contract a consultant to facilitate Arts Plan process with a Community Arts Team
Attend/have representation at the 4 Community Arts Team planning meetings
Present and have Arts Plan updates approved by school board / August 2015
August 2015
October 2015
October 2015- February 2016
May 2016
Partner with parents groupsto increase awareness/knowledge to take action, and
buildand diversify the number of parent champions and advocates for arts education /
- Contact three new district parent outreach coordinators, plus Teresa Rodriguez from Migrant Ed
- Conduct an educational workshop on benefits of arts education, sharing resources and tools for advocating at the District parent resource fair
- Secure media coverage for the event
Feb 2016
Feb 2016
Strategies: Awareness, Knowledge, Attitudes, Opinions, Motivations, Action, Decision making, Policies / Activities/Tasks:
Specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and time- oriented / Time line: to have completed by, deadline