Sydney Schultze. Thought and Religion.

Questions for reflection: 2 pages plus 1 peer comment=3 PAGES TOTAL
what is special and what is familiar about the ways Russian practiced their religion throughout the centuries?

What were the major periods and major points of change in the history of Russian religious practice?

How the changes in Russian religious practice correspond with the major events in the Russian history that you read about in the previous chapter?

Do you think religion plays a significant role in defining Russian identity and Russian mentality? If so, in what way?

Read your peers' responses and write 1 page comment if you agree or not and why?

Please be polite and respectful of each other’s opinions. Always read the article before making your comments.

Religion in Russia: External Links

Questions for reflection: 2 pages plus 1 peer comment=3 PAGES TOTAL

Please watch three short video clips that you can find in External Links section under "Religion in Russia" and write about your reactions and thoughts.
Werner Herzog is a well known German alternative/independent film director, and he visited Russia to make a film on Russian religious practices "Bells from the Deep". The last clip is a part of this film.
Now and in future, if for some technical reason I can't make the links to youtube website interactive please just copy-paste them into your browser's search window.

Note: for some reason I was unable to make all the links interactive. Please just copy-paste them into your browser.
Note that in Orthodox world Easter is the central holiday of the year,while in the the Western world Christmas seems to play this role.
Moscow Churches
Religion under Communism:
Antennas replaced crosses on church cupolas
Young pioneers on a field trip to museum of atheism located in historical building of Troitse-Sergieva Lavra (one of the most important Russian monasteries).
Postsoviet times:
Russian Orthodox Easter: Morning Service
Werner Herzog, Bells From the Deep.

Read your peers' responses and write 1 page comment if you agree or not and why?

Please be polite and respectful of each other’s opinions. Always read the article before making your comments.

The due date is February 10th for both assignments.