Due no later than December 7, 2018
Home Address:
Are you an LEA member?
Are you a SEC Network participant?
Number of years you have served a Lutheran high school:
Schools that you have served in the past:
Present duties:
Duties during past service:
Education (include dates and major areas of study):
DegreeInstitution Date
Did you graduate from a Lutheran Teacher program?
If not, have you successfully completed a Colloquy program?
If not, are you enrolled in the Colloquy process?
Honors, awards, or recognitions received:
LEA selection committees will give priority to nominees who are synodically trained, colloquized, or currently involved in the Colloquy program. Nominees from all countries are eligible. Each nominee also must
- be a current member of Lutheran Education Association,
- be subscribed to one or more of the LEA Networks,
- be active both in the local as well as the Lutheran community,
- have a strong, demonstrated commitment to serve Jesus,
- have shown a commitment to excellence in meeting the social, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive needs of children, youth, adults, and/or families.
Please answer the following questions in 100 words or less each. You may wish to address the general award criteria above in your responses.
What are your greatest joys as you work with students?
What is your greatest challenge as a Lutheran high school professional?
What is your personal mission statement?
How do you fulfill this mission through your duties?
Cite accomplishments, evidence, and results in your ministry as a Lutheran educator for the criteria below in 200 words or less each.
- Strong commitment to serving Jesus.
- Active in local community as well as Lutheran community.
- Committed to excellence and to meeting the social, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive needs of students.
- Equipped and willing to profess and teach Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective; desirable: Synodically trained, colloquized, or active participant in Colloquy program.
- Demonstrates effective professional skills and relational skills.
- A member of other professional associations.
Please provide the following:
1. An autobiographical sketch or vita of your current and past involvement in local, district, and/or national activities
2. A current photograph
3. Three (3) letters of recommendation as indicated: Please indicate the name and phone contact information for each person you asked to write a recommendation.
Phone: Email:
Have you attached or otherwise included electronic documents of the following?
_____ the Self-Profile form?
_____ autobiographical or vita information?
_____ a current photograph of yourself?
Have you reminded the following to email recommendation letters to
_____ pastor?
_____ administrator?
_____ parent?
Questions? Call LEA at 708.209.3343.
All the above must be received by email to
no later than December 7, 2018.