Power Reduction Using Ant Colony Optimization Based Routing Protocol
Umair Ahmed Zubair Ahmed
Dept.of computer Sciences, Dept.of computer Sciences
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of
Science and Technology, Pakistan Science and Technology, Pakistan
Abstract—Power consumption is always remained a major problem in wireless sensor networks which causes routing problem. In wireless sensor networks battery constraints are very limited which also limit the routing of nodes within the network, so in order to address this issue Ant colony optimization (ACO) based routing algorithm is designed to minimize the power consumption. In ACO based algorithm a table is designed which check the efficiency of each route and assigned the grade based on the route efficiency, so simulation indicates that proposed algorithm well address the issue and transmission between nodes reduce the power consumption.
Keywords—ant colony optimization, power reduction, wireless sensor networks, routing
Wireless sensor networks industry has been developed rapidly because sensors not only detect the change in the environment but also used to transfer the data among the nodes. Wireless sensor network has quite limited battery, sometimes sensor (node) lose the data if battery runs out so it transfers the load to other nodes so power consumption is always remain an issue for wireless sensors.
The following will give brief introductions about the three traditional algorithms applied in the senor networks, including Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), Directed Diffusion (DD) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO).[1]
1-Ad-hoc-demand Distance vector routing (AODV): AODV was proposed by C.E Perkins and E.Royer and was basically used for fixed networks where nodes are in stationary position and for sensor networks. The method that was adopt by AODV for the rout request is that When node S wants to send a packet to node D, but does not know a route to D, node S initiates a route discovery Source node S floods Route Request (RREQ).Each node appends own identifier when forwarding RREQ, When a node re-broadcasts a Route Request, it sets up a reverse path pointing towards the source. AODV assumes symmetric (bi-directional) links when the intended destination receives a Route Request, it replies by sending rout reply along the path which is reverse path of the forward path established by sending rout request.[2]
2-Directed Diffusion (DD): C. Intanagonwiwat presented DD in 2003 In Directed Diffusion the communication path is established only for the known data or the node who wants to communicate established path between the other nodes. The Rout request sends according to the interests for the known data, the data that shows more interest is forward towards the node which is interested for that data. For that purpose intermediate nodes can used their cache memory in order to direct the interest based on previous known data in cache memory .[3]
3-Ant Colony Optimization (ACO): Dorigo proposed ACO in 1997, which imitates the behavior of the ants to look for the shortest
path. A set of cooperating agents tends to find the shortest path for the travelling sales man person called ants. These cooperating agents communicate with each other indirectly by depositing the pheromone on the edge of the travelling sales man person (TSP) graph while building solution.[4] so there exist three features of the ACO
1)-Ants tend to the path left the higher pheromone; 2) the pheromone is speedily accumulated in the shorter path; 3) ants communicate indirectly in pheromone.[5]
Firstly the whole area of transmission is divided in three planes X, Y and Z. This algorithm will keep track of the movement of node within that area surrounded by x, y and z planes. Secondly source node A starts transmission and send rout request to Z in order to find the shortest path based on AODV algorithm node Z send the rout reply to source node A, hence each node has its own cache memory so when node A will move from plane x to y than each successive node of node A will provide the shortest and efficient path to node A so when node A will move in y plane then node A will delete the information about the x plane nodes after finding the shortest path in Y plane and store it in its memory hence the same method is applied on when node A will move to Z plane, each successive node of the Y plane will provide the information for the shortest path hence when node will move to Z plane it will delete the information from its header or cache memory and will starts broadcasting for shortest path in Z plane so advantage of this protocol is that node don’t have to keep information about the previous node in its header the smaller the header size the efficient will be communication and load is balanced among the nodes of the transmission.
1-ACO based algorithm that is applied in that paper is better than ant colony system for travelling sales man person in three different aspects:
I. The state transition rule transforms the one state of the system to other state, exploits the new edges and keeps the balance between the accumulated knowledge and exploiting the priori technique.
II. Ants tends to find the shortest path, so the path that seems to be shortest or seems to be best ant tour then the global updating rule is applied on the edge of the shortest path or best path.
- Local pheromone updating rules are used to construct the solution.[6]
2- Adhoc on demand vector routing has some upper hand over the dynamic source routing in three ways:
I. The larger the size of the header the more complex will be communication, DSR contains the established path in packet headers.
II. .In DSR each node who wants to communicate send rout request then after passing through intermediate nodes rout is established so each rout append its identifier in the packet header but in AODV the routing table is maintained at the nodes so that the data packet don’t have to contain the information in its header.
III. AODV only send the data to those nodes who wants to communicate it means routs are not established before communication it established some node shows some interest for data packet so this is the feature that is same as in DSR.[2]
3-Directed diffusion (DD) and ant colony optimization algorithm is used together because directed diffusion is used in order to save the energy because it is query driven protocol which is used when node comes within the range of transmission and ant colony optimization algorithm is used to find the shortest path so there exist synchronization between directed diffusion (DD) and ACO algorithm.[7]
In this paper, we have presented an Ant colony optimization based routing to reduce the power consumption for wireless sensor network. The proposed method first searches for the shortest path using AODV algorithm then rout the data among the nodes within the x, y and z plane efficiently. The proposed algorithm obtains more balanced transmission among the nodes and reduces the power consumption of the network
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