- Who we are, what we do3
- Overseas Programme4
- Project Guidelines5
- Procedure for the placement of a VM6
- The VMM Agreement/Contract7
- VMM Requirements9
- Application Procedures10
- Medical Clearance10
- Passport10
- Photographs10
- Birth Certificate11
- Marriage Certificate11
- Visas and Work Permits11
- Evidence of Qualifications11
- Driving Licence12
- Police Certificate of Character12
- Health, Vaccinations etc12
- Dental Care12
- Couples / Dependent children13
- Postponed or cancelled departures13
- Fundraising13
- VMMs right to reclaim costs14
- General14
- Bank account details14
- Money transfer overseas14
- Airfare and Tickets14
- Excess baggage allowance15
- Living allowance15
- Personal financial commitment15
- Insurance15
- Social / National Insurance15
- Wills16
- Income tax16
- Assets16
- Extension of Contract16
- Residency Registration17
- VMM Gatherings17
- Work Arrangements17
- Holidays / Special leave17
- Changing Project18
- Change of Status18
- Pregnancy18
- Separation and Divorce18
- Civil Disorder / Natural Disasters / Emergencies18
- Security and Safety Overseas19
- Health20
- Communication20
- Laws of Host Country21
- Illegal Drugs21
- Legal Problems21
- Politics, Religion and Public Comment21
- De-briefing22
- Medical examination22
- Staying Involved22
Who we are, what we do:
The VMM is a lay Christian Movement. Its purpose is to challenge, encourage and support Christians to participate in the Church’s mission of promoting justice and integral human development. Membership of the Movement is open to Christians of all traditions who share its vision of mission and development. The VMM works to achieve its purposes in a number of ways:
1.By seeking out and building partnerships with local communities and Churches who are promoting integral human development through their work.
2.By working with partners at organisational level to develop mission and development projects and programmes
3.By recruiting, preparing and placing Christians with appropriate skills, in projects administered by our partners, and by offering support to its volunteers.
4.By promoting greater awareness at home of the global issues of justice and development with which we are concerned, and the role of the laity in the life and mission of the Church.
5.By creating partnerships at home and abroad aimed at initiating programmes of development with communities who actively support the concept of independent sustainable development through mutual co-operation.
VMM is a membership-based organisation, made up of volunteers currently living and working in overseas projects. It also includes those who have returned to their home countries and who wish to continue their commitment to our aims and objectives. All members, overseas and at home, are part of the worldwide VMM community and identify with its ethos by meeting together, sharing their skills and through reflection.
Volunteer Missionary (VM) placements.
VMMs main activity is in its overseas programme. Since 1969, VMM has responded to the requests of our partners overseas. We have placed over 1,700 volunteers with a broad range of projects in East and Southern Africa and Central America. We are currently working with partners in: Kenya, Tanzania, Southern Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Guatemala and El Salvador.
Skills areas include (non-exhaustive list):
Education; Health; Agriculture; Technical training; Business and Community Development; Project Management; Financial Management; Pastoral, Administration and Youth Work.
Passing on Skills
VMM looks for placements where there is an emphasis on the training of local counterpart(s).
VMs go overseas usually for a period of two years, which may be extended upon mutual agreement. Most VMs come from Britain, Ireland and the USA. A smaller number come from other countries in Europe or other continents.
Project and Programme Development:
VMM works through partnerships with local community groups, NGOs, religious and secular organisations in Africa and Central America. While most of these partnerships involve the placement of a VM, this may not always be the case. The partner organisation may need support in order to reach a stage where a VM can contribute effectively to its work. Some partner organisations may request that VMM continue to provide capacity building and other types of support after a VMs contract has ended. VMM invests time and resources in building long-term strategic partnerships, which extend beyond a VMs two-year contract period.
The Overseas Project Office of the VMM use the following guidelines when making decisions on which projects VMs are sent to:
1.There should be no national personnel available for the work to be done by the VM, i.e. we encourage local employment.
2.Priority is given to projects that
Address the causes as well as the symptoms of poverty
Respond to the needs expressed by the communities concerned
Benefit those most in need
Do not duplicate existing services.
Have Project Partners who engage in partnership with VMM.
1.The local community concerned should be actively involved, where possible, in initiating, planning and implementing the project.
2.VMM favours projects that involve training of local people/nationals. The project should aim to foster self-reliance in the community and be working towards long-term sustainable development.
3.The processes for training counterparts and /or auxiliary staff and for eventual hand-over to local staff should be clearly agreed beforehand.
4.VMM seeks to identify projects where the project holders are in sympathy with our calling as lay missionaries and who are willing to enter into partnership, at programme or project level with VMM.
5.Because of VMMs emphasis on community building amongst its members, wherever possible VMs are placed within one day’s travel of other VMs.
8.There must be adequate funding for the stated purpose of the project and for the VM requested, as well as suitable housing and transport.
9.The partner must be willing to accept the terms of the VMM Agreement/Contract and comply with the guidelines set out in the VMM “Information for Partners Handbook”to ensure adequate support for each VM.
10.The partner must be willing to acknowledge their partnership with VMM in Annual Reports and descriptions of the work carried out by the VM to international donors, the media and visiting dignitaries.
Procedure for the placement of a VM
If a group or institution wishes to enter into partnership with VMM and request a volunteer for a particular project the following procedure will normally be followed:
1.The Project Partner sends a letter to VMM requesting a VM for their project. On receipt of this letter the Project Officer sends the Project Partner a VMM Request Form, to be completed and returned to the Projects Office together with supporting documentation about the project.
2.The request is considered by the VMM Project Office and any clarifications or further information required is obtained
3.A visit is made to the project by the Projects Officer or a designated representative of VMM
4.If the request is approved then the Project Partner is informed and recruiting officers try to identify a suitable volunteer
5.The Projects Office will share the CV of the person identified with the Project Partner. If deemed suitable the potential VM is invited to a preparation course
6.The Project Partner is asked to:
(a)Inform the Projects Office as soon as possible of any changes in the request status
(b)Assist with any in country work such as work permits, visas, etc
(c)Arrange secure, furnished accommodation
(d)Arrange for the VM to be met at the airport and transported to the project
(e)Sign the three copies of the VM Agreement/Contract, keep one and send the other two back to VMM
(f)Arrange permit extensions and flight home as and when the
need arises.
The whole process from submission of application to arrival in country, seldom takes less than six months.
The reasons for this may be due to:
Delays and difficulties in communications
The timing of preparation courses and project assessment visits
Delays in obtaining work permits etc from the host country
Possible delays in finding a suitable volunteer
Securing volunteer funding
Political insecurity in the overseas country.
The VMM Agreement/Contract
When VMM establishes a partnership with a Diocese or other organisation overseas, time is spent fostering a relationship of trust, respect and support. This is the foundation upon which the Agreement/Contract rests. It is presupposed that all parties to the Agreement/Contract will approach the tripartite relationship, which your placement represents, with an open, supportive and professional attitude. The provisions of the Agreement/Contract are to be considered safeguards rather than rules to be followed every day. It may be that once you have read and signed the Agreement/Contract then no further reference to it is needed. We advise that you keep the Agreement/Contract with you for future consultation. VMM support and involvement with overseas partners is entered into as a commitment that is focused on long-term sustainable development objectives. As part of these objectives VMM offers short-term support in the form of VMs on two-year volunteer contracts.
Explanatory notes to the Agreement/Contract:
Section 1: Basic ground rules stating what you will be doing and where,and the guarantee that you have come through the VMM selection procedure. Also, your entitlements as a volunteer may differ from a national who may enjoy other benefits as a fully paid employee
Section 2:States the minimum contract period. Any variation for a shorter or longer period should be negotiated among the three parties.
Section 3:Deals with volunteer remuneration and varies from volunteer to volunteer depending on the source of funding.
Sections 4 ,5
and 6:Identify the Project Partner’s responsibility regarding work permit, visa, and obligations in providing accommodation and transport where necessary for the project.
Section 7:Specifies modalities of health insurance and partner’s obligations in relation to sick pay
Section 8:Delegates responsibility for paying the return fare home depending on whether it is the volunteer, VMM or the partner who break the contract
Section 9:Assigns responsibility to the partner for funding the volunteer to leave the country in the event of civil unrest or disorder. While neither VMM or the partner can be held responsible for these events, which may cause you problems, VMM does not consider itself absolved from any involvement and will provide as much support as can reasonably be expected.
Section 10: VMM negotiates with the Partner a reasonable holiday time allowance, the timing of which will then be negotiated by the VM according to project circumstances.
Section 11: Agreement between the VMM, the partner and the VM is required before any change can be implemented
Section 12: Grievance and dismissal: It is hoped that there will be a commitment from the volunteer, the partner and VMM to communicate regarding any difficulties that may arise. Clearly day-to-day problems will be sorted out by discussion between the VM and the project partner. Where the difficulties are greater or more significant, the procedures are set out to protect the interests of all three parties. They should only be used when informal methods and channels for problem solving have failed. At all stages VMM must be kept fully informed and involved in proceedings.
Section 13: Reports and Debriefing: VMM will supply Joint Assessment Forms to be completed together with your project partner or line manager at the 3, 6, 12 and 18 months stage, and a final summary report just before returning home. The VM agrees to make him/herself available for debriefing within three months of returning home.
Section: 14: Supports & Communication: Details the level and types of support provided to the VM by VMM, and the types of support which the VM is asked to give to VMM; and the support given by the VM and Project Partner to each other.
1.VMM Requirements
Your placement overseas is conditional upon satisfactory references, medical clearance, acceptance by an overseas partner, visa and work permit clearance as well as satisfactory completion of required preparation courses. VMM also requires the following documentation for all candidates who will be placed overseas:
Completed VMM Application form (provided by VMM)
Completed VMM Health Form (provided by VMM)
Medical Assessment Report
Certified copies of your qualifications (degrees/diplomas/certificates)
Satisfactory references
Completed PRSI 15 or National Insurance form CF83 (for Irish/British citizens)
Police certificate of good character
Copy of the front pages of your passport, showing photograph and passport number
8 passport photos
Completed ID and Bank forms (provided by VMM)
2.Processing VM Applications
VMM responds to requests we receive from overseas project holders who then become our partners. Candidates must be accepted by the organisation making the request and often have to be approved by the government of the host country. Several months can pass before confirmation of the placement is received. Although VMM does its best to speed up the process, there are certain elements outside our control.
Every effort is made to obtain as specific a job description as possible but flexibility and tolerance on the part of the volunteer is required. Descriptions of your job can sometimes differ from what you find on arrival. We advise not making any irrevocable decisions e.g. resigning from a job, selling a house, etc. until VMM confirms in writing that a placement has been sourced.
3.Medical Clearance
You should arrange a medical examination with your GP when asked to do so. Payment for this is your own responsibility. Occasionally a second medical opinion is considered necessary and VMM reserves the right to obtain one.
You must have a passport valid for at least the length of the assignment with sufficient blank pages for entry visas. Spouses and children should ideally have their own passports. If you do not possess a passport you are strongly advised to make an application as soon as possible as obtaining one can sometimes take considerable time.
If your passport is stolen or lost while overseas then replacing it can take time. You are therefore advised to take all necessary documentation with you (form, photos, certified copy of your birth certificate). It is also a good idea to write down the serial numbers of all important documents and keep in a safe place; this will facilitate their replacement should the need arise.
The need to produce passport photos while overseas is sure to arise, so we would suggest you bring 12 photos with you as they tend to be expensive and difficult to obtain in some countries.
6.Birth Certificate
It is good practice to bring a certified copy with you as you may need it whilst overseas country
7.Marriage Certificate
Married couples should bring a certified copy of their marriage certificate with them
8.Visas and Work Permits
You may be required to complete country specific forms to obtain a visa and/or work permit. The VMM Projects Office will advise you on this. It is your responsibility to keep your travel and work documents updated, with the assistance of the project partner, and for obtaining all re-entry permits if you leave your country of assignment to visit another country.
9.Evidence of Qualification
VMM requires all volunteers to provide certified copies of their qualifications– certificates, degrees, and diplomas in the English language. Certain host countries may require these in the original form, so make sure you know where they can be obtained and translated into English if necessary.
It is advisable to bring certified copies of all important documents with you when going overseas, unless specifically asked to produce them in the original form. In the event of being requested to provide original documents, DO NOT POST ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS OR GIVE THEM TO ANYONE. VMM advises that prior to departure you obtain replicas of academic and other documents from educational institutions to produce as “originals” whilst overseas and leave the true originals at home.
10.Driving Licence
International driving permits can be obtained from any branch of the AA. These are usually only valid for one year, so bring both your International and European Licences with you. Be guided by the project partner on procedures for securing a local licence.
11.Police Certificate of Character
VMM require a “Police certificate of character”. New legislation pertaining to Police Clearance necessitates that you show a letter from VMM stating why you need this clearance. The police will send the form, which reflects your suitability to work with children and other vulnerable parties, directly to VMM.
12.Health, Vaccinations and Medical Advice
General information on health will be given during the preparation course, but it is your own responsibility to ensure that you have taken the necessary precautions. You are advised to deal with a specialist tropical medical centre or doctor rather than with your local GP. VMM will pay for essential vaccination requirements. These include: Hep A, Hep B, Typhoid, Polio, Tetanus, and Yellow Fever. Any other recommended vaccinations must be approved by VMM before payment is authorised. Start your vaccinations at least two months prior to departure. It is advised to take a six-month supply of malarial tablets with you, if travelling to a malarial area. It is difficult to store medicines safely for longer than six months and the partner will advise you on where to get local supplies.
13.Dental Care
You should have a dental check up before departure, as dental care can be expensive overseas. Payment for check ups or treatment arising out of this treatment is not covered in the insurance.
14.Couples / Dependent Children / Relationships
VMM accepts applications from couples, particularly if both members have skills in demand. Each partner is required to complete the application process. We do not discriminate on the grounds of marital status or sexual orientation but some countries or partners specify that heterosexual couples must be legally married and may not accept same sex partners. Please discuss this with VMM if this is an issue for you.
There are fewer openings for families than for single people as accommodation, education and health facilities for families can be limited, particularly in rural areas. VMM cannot assume financial responsibility or other responsibility for a partner who joins you overseas, or for a dependent you acquire while overseas.