DIISUP Discussion Protocol #3B (SDCOE)

Step 1A: What does our data show about how our current actions/services are meeting the needs of ENGLISH LEARNERs?
DIISUP Action or Service / Goal/State Priority / Available Data Shows…
Step 1B: What does our data show about how our current actions/services are meeting the needs of LOW INCOME STUDENTS?
DIISUP Action or Service / Goal/State Priority / Available Data Shows…
Step 1C: What does our data show about how our current actions/services are meeting the needs of FOSTER YOUTH?
DIISUP Action or Service / Goal/State Priority / Available Data Shows…
Step 2A: Which of our programs, designed to address one of the below unduplicated student groups, seem to be working?
English Learners / Low Income / Foster Youth

[Add rows as necessary]

Step 2B: Which of our programs, designed to address one of the below unduplicated student groups, are not working yet?
English Learners / Low Income / Foster Youth

[Add rows as necessary]

Step 2C: Which of our programs, designed to address one of the below unduplicated student groups, have not worked over time?
English Learners / Low Income / Foster Youth

[Add rows as necessary]

Step 2D: Which programs, designed to address one of the below unduplicated student groups, might we want to consider eliminating?
English Learners / Low Income / Foster Youth

[Add rows as necessary]

Step 2E: Which areas of need do we need to investigate?
English Learners / Low Income / Foster Youth

[Add rows as necessary]

Step 3: What are the current actions and services in your LCAP that address each state priority?
Goal(s) / State Priority / Current Base Program / Current increased/Improved services
ELs / Low Income / Foster Youth
Conditions of Learning / Priority 1: Basics
Teacher assignments, standards-aligned instructional materials, facilities in good repair
Priority 2: State Standards
Implementation of academic content and performance standards
Priority 7: Course Access
Enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all subject areas
Engagement / Priority 3: Parental Involvement
Seek parental input in decision making and promote of parent participation
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement
School attendance, chronic absenteeism, dropout rates, high school graduation rates
Priority 6: School Climate
Pupil suspension rates, expulsion rates, local climate surveys
Pupil Outcomes / Priority 4: Pupil Achievement
SBA, CCI, EL proficiency, AP exams
Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes
Step 4: What actions or services do you believe will increase or improve services for one or more unduplicated student groups and why do you believe each action or service will increase or improve services for one or more unduplicated student groups?
GOAL / State Priority / English Learners / Low Income / Foster Youth
Conditions of Learning / Priority 1: Basics
Teacher assignments, standards-aligned instructional materials, facilities in good repair / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Priority 2: State Standards
Implementation of academic content and performance standards / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Priority 7: Course Access
Enrollment in a broad course of study that includes all subject areas / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Engagement / Priority 3: Parental Involvement
Seek parental input in decision making and promote of parent participation / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Priority 5: Pupil Engagement
School attendance, chronic absenteeism, dropout rates, high school graduation rates / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Priority 6: School Climate
Pupil suspension rates, expulsion rates, local climate surveys / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Pupil Outcomes / Priority 4: Pupil Achievement
SBA, CCI, EL proficiency, AP exams / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?
Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes / What: / What: / What:
Why? / Why? / Why?

Step 5 - Based on the information you have gathered from using the protocol, choose 2-3 actions and services that were reviewed and record them here:

Step 6 - Draft an appropriate narrative to describe it in the DIISUP section:

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