All the bidders who are quoted for Tender No: 1.6/APMSIDC/2017-18, Dated: 07.04.2017., (Bids received on dt:31.10.2017) Supply, Installation, Testing and Training of certain medical equipment with one year warranty for strengthening and Up-gradation of Guntur Medical College, Guntur are hereby requested to send their objections regarding the remarks of Preliminary Technical Evaluation Report which is placed in website within three days i.e. by 11.00 A.M on 30.11.2017.
Mail ID: .
Date: 27.11.2017.
As per the above Qualification Criteria, the tender documents (on-line documents submitted by the participated firm) are evaluated and the details are as follows,
Sl. No / Document Description / M/s. Green Apple Medical Systems / Remarks /1 / Process Fee 5725/- / Pg. No.1; Enclosed
DD No: 470141,
Dt: 30.10.2017, KVB Bank, / Complies
2 / EMD Presence of Bid Security / Exemption of EMD details
Equipment / EMD Amt Rs.
Ventilator / 21300
Automatic tissue processor / 15000
Cryostat, / 42000
Automatic plasma expressor / 15000
Fully automated Microbiology analyzer / 24000
/ 1)Pg. No.1; Enclosed
DD No: 470144, Rs.21,300/-
Dt: 30.10.2017, KVB Bank,
2)Pg. No.1; Enclosed
DD No: 470143, Rs.15,000/-
Dt: 30.10.2017, KVB Bank,
3)Pg. No.2; Enclosed
DD No: 470142, Rs.15,000/-
Dt: 30.10.2017, KVB Bank,
4)Pg. No.2; Enclosed
DD No: 470145, Rs.24,000/-
Dt: 30.10.2017, KVB Bank,
5)Pg. No.2; Enclosed
DD No: 470148, Rs.42,000/-
Dt: 30.10.2017, KVB Bank, / Complies
3 / Bid Form Section VII-A / Pg. No. 11 Enclosed
Period of delivery: 60 days
Bid validity 90 days. / Complies
4 / List of items offered with Make and Model details without prices / Pg. No. 14 Enclosed
Ventilator / Make: Mindray ; Model: SV300
Automatic tissue processor / Make: Leica ; Model:TP1020
Cryostat, / Make: Leica ; Model:CM1950
Automatic plasma expressor / Make: Terumo Penpol, Model::E 300
Fully automated Microbiology analyzer / Make: Biomeruix, Model: Bact Alert 120, Vitek2Compact60
/ Complies
5 / Manufacturers Authorization, wherever required / Ventilator / Pg.No.17 / Enclosed
Automatic tissue processor / Pg.No.15-16 / Enclosed
Cryostat, / Pg.No.15-16 / Enclosed
Automatic plasma expressor / Pg.No.19 / Enclosed
Fully automated Microbiology analyzer / Pg.No.13 / Enclosed
/ Complies
6 / Past Performance Details Format B1
The Authorized Distributor or manufacturer should have supplied equipment as specified in the schedule of requirements to any Indian Institutions, up to the following quantity in any one of the last three calendar/financial years and completed the supplies within the stipulated delivery period. The Supplied units should be in working condition without any adverse remarks for the last two years as on the date of bid notification.
(a). at least equal of the quantity offered or 25, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is 49 (or)
(b). at least 50% of the quantity offered or 70, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 50 and 199
(c). at least 35% of the quantity offered or 125, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 200 and 499
(d). at least 25% of the quantity offered, if the tender quantity is > 500 / Pg. No. 21-24 (Cryostat, Microbiology Analyzer), 43-48 (Plasma Expresser), 49-51 (Ventilator), 53 ( Automatic Tissue processor) enclosed / Complies
7 / End-User Certificates or CA Certificate as per Format B2 / Ventilator / Pg.No.40 Green Apple Medical Systems enclosed
Automatic tissue processor
Automatic plasma expressor
Fully automated Microbiology analyzer
/ Complies
8 / Financial Capability Details Format B3 and Certificate from the Statutory Auditor. The Bidder shall have an Avg. annual turnover in the last three financial years of not less than the amount specified against each item in the Schedule of the Requirements and also to have a positive net worth as per the latest Annual Accounts. The bidder shall have at least Rs. 97,75,000/- / Pg. No: 60 Enclosed
The bidder Turnover:
The Average annual Turn-over in the last three financial years (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17) is Rs. 32.19/- Cr / Complies
9 / Financial Capability Details Format B3-A / Pg. No. 60 Enclosed
Net Worth Rs.4.14 Cr. / Complies
10 / Details & proof of After-Sales Service facilities / Pg. No. 65 Enclosed / Complies
11 / Letter of authorization to sign the bids / Pg.No. 66 enclosed / Complies
12 / Clause-by-clause commentary on technical specifications / Pg.No. 68 – 69 Ventilator, 70 – 71 Automatic tissue processor, 72-73 Cryostat, 74 - Automatic plasma expresser , 75-77 Fully automated Microbiology analyzer enclosed / Complies
13 / Technical and Commercial deviations statements / Pg.No.67 enclosed / Complies
14 / Copy of the GST Certificate and Details of IT Returns- PAN / TIN copies. / 1) Pg.No 78-86 enclosed
IT Returns 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17,
2) Pg.No. 4 enclosed
TIN No. 37278143343
3) Pg.No. 7 enclosed
4) Pg.No. 6 enclosed
GST: 36ADQPV5011R1ZP / Complies
15 / The Manufacturer, must have necessary quality certifications for both processes and products such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management System for Organization) and ISO 13485 (Quality Management System for Medical Devices). / 1) Pg.No.87- 88 enclosed
a.)Leica - EN ISO 13485: 2012, Valid up to 31.01.2018
b) pg no. 99-104 Terumo penpol - EN ISO 13485:2012 Valid up to 12.11.2018
c.) pg no. 108 - 110 - Mindray - ISO 13485:2003 Valid up to 31.12.2018
d.) Pg No . 90 Biomerieux - ISO13485:2003 Valid up to 31.12.2018
2) Pg.No.89 enclosed
a.)Leica - ISO 9001:2008, Valid up to 23.12.2017.
b.)pg no. 92 Biomerieux - ISO9001:2008 Valid up to 14.09.2018
c.) pg no. 94-98 Terumo penpol - ISO9001:2008 Valid up to 14.09.2018
d) pg no. 105- 107 - Mindray - ISO9001:2015 Valid up to 30.06.2020 / Complies
16 / Full Quality Assurance System Approval certificate Management System Certification for Medical Devices and their equivalent International Standards certificates (BIS/CE/USFDA etc) / 1) enclosed
a.) Biomerieux - CE certificate expiry date
pg no 129 Biomerieux - FDA Certificate valid up to 20.10.2017
b ) Pg no. 111 - Leica – EC Declaration of Conformity
c) Pg no. 139 - Terumo penpol – EC Declaration of Conformity
Pg no. 140 - Terumo penpol – CE Valid up to 26.12.2019
d) pg no. 148 - Mindray – EC Certificate Valid up to :21.02.2020
Pg No: 150 - Mindray – CE Declaration of Conformity / Complies
17 / Memorandum of Articles / Not required because bidder is a Proprietor / Complies
Past Performance Details:
S. No / Description Of Item / Tend.Qty / Make: & Model: / Qty Supplied2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
1 / Ventilator / 1 / Make: Mindray ; Model: SV300 / 14 / 33 / 3 / -
2 / Automatic tissue processor / 1 / Make: Leica ; Model:TP1020 / - / 2 / 1 / -
3 / Cryostat, / 1 / Make: Leica ; Model:CM1950 / 1 / 2 / - / -
4 / Automatic plasma expressor / 1 / Make: Terumo Penpol, Model::E 300 / 10 / 7 / 17 / 2
5 / Fully automated Microbiology analyzer / 1 / Make: Biomeruix, Model: Bact Alert 120, Vitek2Compact60 / - / 5 / 5 / -
Provisionally Qualified
Sl. No / Document Description / M/s. Olympus Corporation / Remarks /1 / Process Fee 5725/- / Pg. No.1; Enclosed
DD No: 057682,
Dt: 27.10.2017, HDFC Bank, / Complies
2 / EMD Presence of Bid Security / Exemption of EMD details
Colonoscope EMD : Rs. 18,000/- / Pg. No.2; Enclosed
DD No: 057681, Rs.18,000/-
Dt: 27.10.2017, HDFC Bank, / Complies
3 / Bid Form Section VII-A / Pg. No. 24-25 Enclosed
Period of delivery: 60 days
Bid validity 90 days. / Complies
4 / List of items offered with Make and Model details without prices / Pg. No. 13-14, Enclosed
Make: Olympus, Model: CF-H170L / Complies
5 / Manufacturers Authorization, wherever required / Pg.No.3 enclosed / Complies
6 / Past Performance Details Format B1
The Authorized Distributor or manufacturer should have supplied equipment as specified in the schedule of requirements to any Indian Institutions, up to the following quantity in any one of the last three calendar/financial years and completed the supplies within the stipulated delivery period. The Supplied units should be in working condition without any adverse remarks for the last two years as on the date of bid notification.
(a). at least equal of the quantity offered or 25, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is 49 (or)
(b). at least 50% of the quantity offered or 70, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 50 and 199
(c). at least 35% of the quantity offered or 125, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 200 and 499
(d). at least 25% of the quantity offered, if the tender quantity is > 500 / Pg.No. 55-58 enclosed / Complies
7 / End-User Certificates or CA Certificate as per Format B2 / Pg.No. 77-78 enclosed / Complies
8 / Financial Capability Details Format B3 and Certificate from the Statutory Auditor. The Bidder shall have an Avg. annual turnover in the last three financial years of not less than the amount specified against each item in the Schedule of the Requirements and also to have a positive net worth as per the latest Annual Accounts. The bidder shall have at least Rs. 15,00,000/- / Pg. No: 8 Enclosed
The bidder Turnover:
The Average annual Turn-over in the last three financial years (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17) is Rs. 135.85/- Cr / Complies
9 / Financial Capability Details Format B3-A / Pg. No. 8 Enclosed
Net Worth Rs.88.94 Cr. / Complies
10 / Details & proof of After-Sales Service facilities / Pg. No. 9-12 Enclosed / Complies
11 / Letter of authorization to sign the bids / Pg.No. 4 enclosed / Complies
12 / Clause-by-clause commentary on technical specifications / Pg.No. 4 enclosed / Complies
13 / Technical and Commercial deviations statements / Pg.No.53-54 enclosed / Complies
14 / Copy of the GST Certificate and Details of IT Returns- PAN / TIN copies. / 1) Pg.No. 38-40 enclosed
IT Returns 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17
2) Pg.No. 68 enclosed
TIN No. 06211830181
3) Pg.No. 73 enclosed
4) Pg.No. 26-27 enclosed
GST Provisional id: 06AABCO2131L1ZO / Complies
15 / The Manufacturer, must have necessary quality certifications for both processes and products such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management System for Organization) and ISO 13485 (Quality Management System for Medical Devices). / 1) Pg.No.36-37 enclosed
EN ISO 13485 : 2012, Valid up to 15.10.2018.
2) Pg.No.71 enclosed
ISO 9001:2015, Valid up to 15.07.2020. / Complies
16 / Full Quality Assurance System Approval certificate Management System Certification for Medical Devices and their equivalent International Standards certificates (BIS/CE/USFDA etc) / 1) enclosed
EC certificate expiry date: 02.11.2017 / Complies
17 / Memorandum of Articles / Pg. No. 29-35 Enclosed / Complies
Past Performance Details:
S. No / Description Of Item / Tend.Qty / Make: & Model: / Qty Supplied2015 / 2016 / 2017
1 / Colonoscope / 1 / Make: Olympus, Model: CF-H170L / 3 / 2 / 4
Remarks: Provisionally Qualified
Sl. No / Document Description / M/s. Omni Healthcare / Remarks /1 / Process Fee 5725/- / Pg. No.1; Enclosed
DD No: 025481,
Dt: 26.10.2017, HDFC Bank, / Complies
2 / EMD Presence of Bid Security / Exemption of EMD details
Colonoscope EMD : Rs. 42,000/- / Pg. No.2; Enclosed
DD No: 025503, Rs.42,000/-
Dt: 31.10.2017, HDFC Bank, / Complies
3 / Bid Form Section VII-A / Pg. No. 55 Enclosed
Period of delivery: 60 days
Bid validity 90 days. / Complies
4 / List of items offered with Make and Model details without prices / Pg. No. 102, Enclosed
Make: Weswok Optik, Model: FACM-1090A
Pg. No. 27-28, Brochure Enclosed / Complies
5 / Manufacturers Authorization, wherever required / Pg.No.97 enclosed / Complies
6 / Past Performance Details Format B1
The Authorized Distributor or manufacturer should have supplied equipment as specified in the schedule of requirements to any Indian Institutions, up to the following quantity in any one of the last three calendar/financial years and completed the supplies within the stipulated delivery period. The Supplied units should be in working condition without any adverse remarks for the last two years as on the date of bid notification.
(a). at least equal of the quantity offered or 25, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is 49 (or)
(b). at least 50% of the quantity offered or 70, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 50 and 199
(c). at least 35% of the quantity offered or 125, whichever is lowest, if the tender quantity is between 200 and 499
(d). at least 25% of the quantity offered, if the tender quantity is > 500 / Pg.No. 94-96 enclosed / Complies
7 / End-User Certificates or CA Certificate as per Format B2 / Not enclosed / Not Complies
8 / Financial Capability Details Format B3 and Certificate from the Statutory Auditor. The Bidder shall have an Avg. annual turnover in the last three financial years of not less than the amount specified against each item in the Schedule of the Requirements and also to have a positive net worth as per the latest Annual Accounts. The bidder shall have at least Rs. 35,00,000/- / Pg. No: 15 Enclosed
The bidder Turnover:
The Average annual Turn-over in the last three financial years (2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17) is Rs. 38.55/- Cr / Complies
9 / Financial Capability Details Format B3-A / Pg. No. 15 Enclosed
Net Worth Rs.15.61 Cr. / Complies
10 / Details & proof of After-Sales Service facilities / Pg. No. 17 Enclosed / Complies
11 / Letter of authorization to sign the bids / Pg.No. 18 enclosed / Complies
12 / Clause-by-clause commentary on technical specifications / Pg.No. 98-100 enclosed / Complies
13 / Technical and Commercial deviations statements / Pg.No.54 enclosed / Complies
14 / Copy of the GST Certificate and Details of IT Returns- PAN / TIN copies. / 1) Pg.No. 29,32,35 – Ms. Sujatha Kancherala enclosed
IT Returns 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18.
Pg.No. 29,32,35 , 87,88,89 – Jai Prakasah Agarwal enclosed
IT Returns 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17,
2) Pg.No. 9-12 enclosed
TIN No. 36760155563
3) Pg.No. 4 enclosed
PAN No. KLPA3164G – Jai Prakash Agarwal
4) Pg.No. 3 enclosed
GST: 06AKLPA3164G1ZG / Complies
15 / The Manufacturer, must have necessary quality certifications for both processes and products such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management System for Organization) and ISO 13485 (Quality Management System for Medical Devices). / 1) Pg.No.45 enclosed
EN ISO 13485: 2012, Valid up to 14.10.2019.
2) Pg.No.38 enclosed
ISO 9001:2015, Valid up to 07.09.2020. / Complies
16 / Full Quality Assurance System Approval certificate Management System Certification for Medical Devices and their equivalent International Standards certificates (BIS/CE/USFDA etc) / 1) enclosed
CE certificate expiry date: 04.12.2019
2) Pg.No.83
BIS Certificate valid up to 14.07.2017 (Expired) / Complies
17 / Memorandum of Articles / Not required because bidder is a Proprietor
Past Performance Details: