RHS Course Curriculum
Russell High
Curriculum Guide
Table of Contents
Graduation Requirements p. 3
Grade Level Requirements p. 3
Qualified Admissions p. 3
Scholar’s Curriculum p. 3
Assessments p. 4
College Advantage Classes p. 4
Enrollment Requirements p. 4
Schedule Changes p. 4
Course of Study p. 5
Course Descriptions p. 6
Agriculture Science p. 6
Business Education p. 6
Fine Arts p. 7
Foreign Language p. 8
Language Arts p. 8
Mathematics p. 9
Physical Education p. 10
Science p. 10
Social Studies p. 10
Technology p. 11
Career & Technical Education
Courses p. 12
College Level courses p. 12
Driver Education p. 13
The Mission of Russell High School is to assume the responsibility of motivating
and guiding students to think creatively, constructively, and critically, thus developing a purpose and meaning In their lives in order that they may continue to grow as effective, responsible citizens In a democratic society and a constantly changing world.
RHS Course Curriculum
RHS Graduation Policy
USD #407 shall require 24 or more units of regularly organized classroom instruction for graduation. The Class of 2020 is required to have 26 credits for graduation. Students are required to be enrolled as full-time students. The following units of study are required for graduation from USD #407 high schools:
Language Arts 4
Social Studies 3
American History-1
Am. Government-1
World History-1
Science 3
Mathematics 3
Health/Physical Ed. 1
Fine Arts 1
Electives 9
Grade Level Requirements
Freshmen Credit
English 1 1
Health / Physical Education 1
Math 1
Computer Technology 1
Physical Science 1
Fine Arts 1
English 2 1
Math 1
Biology 1
World History 1
English 3 1
American History 1
Math 1
Science 1
English 4 /AP English 1
Am Government/ AP Government 1
Regents Requirements for
Qualified Admissions
Students applying for entrance into any Regents institution in Kansas are required to take the Qualified Admissions curriculum and complete it with a “C” average and either earn an ACT score of 21 or rank in the top one-third of their graduating class.
The Qualified Admissions curriculum requires completion of:
English 4 units
Natural Science 3 units
One credit must be Chemistry or
Math 3-4 units
Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 and
Trig/Precalculus OR complete Algebra 2 and Meet Readiness on the ACT math benchmark
Social Science 3 units
Electives 3 units
From approved courses
Kansas Regents Universities:
· Emporia State University
· Fort Hays State University
· Kansas State University
· Pittsburg State University
· University of Kansas
· Wichita State University.
Kansas Scholar’s Curriculum
There are three state-sponsored scholarship programs:
· State Scholarship Program
· Minority Scholarship Program
· Kansas Teachers Scholarship
To be eligible for any of the above scholarships, applicants must have the completed all the required courses as prescribed in the Kansas Scholar’s Curriculum.
English 4
Mathematics 4
Algebra 1 1
Geometry 1
Algebra 2 1
Trig/PreCalculus 1
Social Studies 3
American History 1
American Government 1
World History/
World Geography 1
Natural Science 3
Biology 1
Chemistry 1
Physics 1
Foreign Language 2
Two years of one language.
· One credit is equal to successful completion in a two-semester class.
· One-half credit is equal to successful completion in a one-semester class.
PSAT - the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test is given in October of each year. This serves as a good practice test for the SAT and is necessary for National Merit Scholarship competition.
Students should take this test during their junior year; however, sophomores may take it as a practice test.
ACT - The American College Test is required by all Kansas colleges and by many others in the Midwest. The test is offered five times throughout the year.
It is recommended that students take the ACT test at least once in the spring or summer of the junior year. Students may choose to take the ACT test again in the fall of their senior year.
SAT - the Scholastic Aptitude Test(s) are a part of the College Board Testing program and are offered several times during the year. Many selective colleges require these tests.
NOTE: PSAT, ACT AND SAT testing information is available in the guidance office.
Eligible juniors and seniors may enroll for college credit during day and evening classes while completing high school requirements with counselor and administrator approval.
Seniors at RHS may earn college credit by:
· Successfully completing examination requirements at the end of AP courses offered on the high school campus.
· Successfully completing university courses offered through Barton County Community College on the high school campus.
Any course taken by correspondence or high school credit must have the approval of the principal or counselor prior to enrollment in the course. Correspondence courses may not be used to replace a required course unless and until all resources within the school curriculum have been exhausted.
All expenses associated with independent study courses are the responsibility of the student.
All students (9, 10, 11, 12) are expected to enroll in a full course schedule (seven units of credit). Fifth year students who return to complete requirements for graduation may enroll in fewer than seven units of credit with the approval of the principal.
Students should carefully select courses for the coming year during the spring pre-enrollment session. Student-initiated changes will be considered through the 5th school day following the start of the course depending upon the student s career plans and available space in the course requested.
Requests for a schedule change will not be considered after the 5th school day following the start of the course without agreement of the subject teacher, counselor, parent, and administrator that the student is inappropriately placed. A grade of F for the semester will be placed on the permanent record for any course that is dropped without such approval. Administrative changes may be necessary to meet the special needs of the student and/or school.
RHS Course Curriculum
Russell High School
Course of Study
RHS Course Curriculum
Agricultural Science Grade
*Adv Ag Mechanics 11-12
Ag Comm/Leadership 10-12 10-12
Agricultural Mechanics 10-12 1
Animal Science 10-12
Food Science 10-12
Intro to Agriculture 9-10
Plant and Soil Science(2018-19) 10-12
Business Education __ Grade
Accounting 10-12
Advanced Accounting 11-12
Business Law 10-12
Computer Applications I 9-12
Computer Technology 10-12
Consumer/Personal Finance 10-12
Entrepreneurship/Bus. Essen 9-12
Interactive Media 10-12
Library Aide 12
*#Project Management 11-12
Office Aide 12
Teacher Aide 12
# Video Production 10-12
*#Web Page Design 10-12
Fine Arts Grade
# Concert Band 9-12
*#Concert Choir 9-12
Drawing/Arts & Crafts(18-19) 10-12
Graphic Design 10-12
Fundamentals of Art/History 9-12
* # Madrigals 9-12
#Music and Production 9-12
Painting/Sculpture 10-12
*#Women’s Choir 9-12
Foreign Language Grade
German 1 9-12
German 2 10-12
German 3 11-12
Spanish 1 9-12
Spanish 2 10-12
Spanish 3 11-12
Language Arts Grade
AP English 12
*English Comp 1 & 2 11-12
Debate/Creative Writing 9-12
*Digital Media (Journalism 2) 11-12
English 1 9
English 2 10
English 3 11
English 4 12
*Journalism, 21st Century 10-12
Mathematics Grade
Algebra 1 9-12
Algebra 2 10-12
* AP Calculus 12
Applied Algebra 9-12
Applied Geometry 10-12
Geometry 9-12
Statistics 11-12
Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus 11-12
(Pre-Calc = BCC College Algebra)
Physical Education Grade
Health/Physical Education 9
Lifetime Sports 10-12
Fundamentals of S&C 9-12
# Strength & Conditioning 9-12
Science Grade
Anatomy & Physiology 11-12
Biology 1 10
Biology 2 11-12
Chemistry 11-12
Chemistry 2/Physics 2 12 Physical Science 9
Physics 11-12
Social Studies______Grade
American Government 12
American History 11
Anthropology 9-12
* AP Government 12
Holocaust/Cur Pol Thgt(18-19) 11-12
World Geog/Analytic Eval(17-18) 9-12
World History 10
Technology Grade
Cabinetmaking 1 9-12
Cabinetmaking 2 10-12
* Carpentry 1 10-12
* Carpentry 2 11-12
Computer Aided Drafting 1 10-12
Computer Aided Drafting 2 11-12
Intro to Industry/
Blueprint Reading 9-12
BCC Class College Credit
* College Algebra 3 cr. hours
* English Composition 1 3 cr. hours
* English Composition 2 3 cr. hours
General Psychology 3 cr. hours
Public Speaking 3 cr. hours
Cert Nurse Aide 3 cr. hours
For Juniors and Seniors only!
Subject Required
Language Arts 4 Credits
Mathematics 3 Credits
Social Studies 3 Credits
Government-Am History-
World History
Science 3 Credits
Health/P.E. 1 Credit
Fine Arts 1 Credit
Electives -Class of 2018 & 19 9 Credits
Class of 2020 & beyond 11 Credits
Total Credits Required 24 Credits
Class of 2020 & beyond 26 Credits
* Select enrollment. May require prerequisites, application or audition.
# Classes may be re-taken for credit
Agricultural Science
Ag Communications & Leadership
Agricultural Leadership courses help students develop leadership skills with a focus on opportunities in the food, fiber, and natural resources industries. Topics may include but are not limited to human relationships and effective communication, decision-making and problem-solving, leadership qualities and styles, and ensuring successful completion of group activities.
Grade Levels: 10-12
Prerequisite: Intro. to Agriculture
Lab Fee: $10.00
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 133041; 133042
Agricultural Mechanics Practices
This course highlights a variety of opportunities in the mechanical side of the agriculture industry. Topics covered will include land use, cropland and home site evaluation, careers, alternative fuels and energy sources, electricity and wiring, and global positioning systems. An additional major component of the course will include welding and torch cutting skills, and small project construction. FFA is an integrated part of the course curriculum. Limited enrollment due to equipment needs.
Grade Levels: 10-12
Prerequisite: Intro. to Agriculture
Lab Fee: $10.00
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 124041; 124042
Advanced Ag Mechanics
This course will focus on taking topics covered in Ag Mechanics Practices a step further. Topics covered will include advanced electricity and wiring, renewable energy sources, and global positioning. Another major component of the course will be metal project construction
Grade Levels: 11-12
Prerequisite: By instructor permission only. Ag Mechanics or two previous Agriculture Education courses
Lab Fee: $10.00
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 134041; 134042
Animal Science
This course involves the study of animal anatomy and physiology, nutrition, reproduction, evaluation and selection. Topics covered also include fish production, wildlife management and habitat, range evaluation, animal products (meats, poultry, and dairy products), animal health, animal breeds, livestock management, FFA, parliamentary procedure, leadership, animal science careers, record keeping, and school farm livestock operations.
Grade Levels: 10-12
Prerequisite: Intro. to Agriculture
Lab Fee: $10.00
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 125041; 125042
Food Science
This course will be an in depth look at various concepts of importance in the food science industry. Topics addressed will include food safety, handling, composition, health and nutrition requirements. Participation in food-related FFA CDE’s will be required. Leadership concepts also integrated may include team building, public speaking, radio, and print media, planning and organization, job interview and application & scholarship application.
Grade Level: 10-12
Lab Fee: $10
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 123041; 123042
Introduction to Agriculture
This is an orientation class for students who wish to learn more about the agriculture industry. The course includes agricultural career exploration, FFA, leadership, parliamentary procedure, record keeping, agriculture mechanics, plant and soil science, public speaking, introduction to horticulture, school farm operations, ag computer applications, and contest preparation.
Grade Levels: 9-10
Lab Fee: $10.00
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 111041; 111042
Plant and Soil Science
This course is for interested students to do an in depth study of plant growth and soil science. It includes: soil development and conservation, soil fertility and testing, soil surveying, weed control and sprayer calibration, machinery selection and adjustment, plant development and reproduction, crop cultural practices, genetic engineering, problem solving, range management, plant identification, agricultural aviation, FFA, entomology science, and school farm crop and soil activities.
This is a course for any student with an interest in horticulture. Important components are: elements of plant and soil science, soil fertility and testing, greenhouse production, landscaping and ornamental horticulture, turf and lawn management, pruning, bedding plants and plant propagation, plant and tree identification, floriculture, container grown plants, record keeping, and FFA activities.
Grade Levels: 10-12
Prerequisite: Intro. to Agriculture
Lab Fee: $10.00
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 122041; 122042
Business Education
Accounting is designed to acquaint the student with the basic principles and practices of accounting. Use of a cash journal, special journals, and the expanded journal will be stressed as well as the use of the general ledger and subsidiary ledgers. Preparation of basic financial statements necessary for a business will be emphasized.
Grade Levels: 10-12
Prerequisites: Algebra Completed
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 223041; 223042
Advanced Accounting
Advanced Accounting is designed to provide the student with a review of the basic principles of accounting and to become knowledgeable in the areas of depreciation, notes, interest, fixed assets, accrued income, and accrued expenses. It will also develop skills in applying automated principals and methods used in accounting systems.
Grade Levels: 11-12
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Accounting
Credit: 1
Course type: Elective
Course #: 233041; 233042
Business Law
In this course, the students will take a practical approach to law. The course will show how laws that govern business are relevant to everyday life. The evolution of law at every level of government will be researched and studied. Case studies will include computer law, sexual harassment, contracts, property and employment.