Application form for becoming a laboratory
appointed by REAL Compost Certification Scheme
Your business details
Business name (legal entity)Trading name (if different)
Individual contact details
Primary contact details / Billing contact name (if different)Position / Position
Email / Email
Additional information
Please can you provide a copy of your laboratory’s organogram.
- By signing this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions and requirements specified in Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) for laboratories appointed to undertake the testing of compost under the Compost Certification Scheme aligned to PAS 100 and the Compost Quality Protocol.
- I will pay all fees and costs related to achieving and maintaining the status of appointed laboratory.
Signature / Date
Full name / Position
CCS Application form for laboratories, May 2016
Information about sub-contractors
No / Parameter description / Method / Performed by this labYes/No / If sub-contracted, name and contact details / Notes
Pathogens (indicator species for humans)
1 / Escherichia coli / BS ISO 16649-2
2 / Salmonella spp / BS EN ISO 6579
3 / Cadmium (Cd) / BS EN 13650
4 / Chromium (Cr) / BS EN 13650
5 / Copper (Cu) / BS EN 13650
6 / Lead (Pb) / BS EN 13650
7 / Mercury (Hg) / BS ISO 16772
8 / Nickel (Ni) / BS EN 13650
9 / Zinc (Zn) / BS EN 13650
10 / Microbial respiration rate / ORG 0020
Weed seeds and propagules
11 / Germinating weed seeds or propagule regrowth / OFW004-006
Physical contaminants
12 / Total glass, metal, plastic and any ‘other’ non-stone fragments > 2mm / AfOR MT PC&S
13a / Stones > 4 mm in grades other than ‘mulch’ / AfOR MT PC&S
13b / Stones > 4 mm in ‘mulch’ grade / AfOR MT PC&S
Minimum plant response
1 / Tomato plant germination / OFW004-006
2 / Tomato plant growth / OFW004-006
3 / Tomato plant abnormalities / OFW004-006
CCS Application form for laboratories, May 2016
Parameter description / Method / Performed by this labYes/No / If sub-contracted, name and contact details / Notes
Particle size distribution / Afor MT PC&S
Moisture or dry matter / BS EN 13040
Loss on ignition (organic matter) / BS EN 13039
Total organic carbon / Calculated by dividing loss on ignition result by 1.72
C:N (carbon to nitrogen ratio) / Calculated by dividing total organic carbon by total nitrogen
Electrical conductivity / BS EN 13038
pH / BS EN 13037
‘Total’ nitrogen [N] / BS EN 13654-1 (Kjeldahl) or BS EN 13654-2 (Dumas), as appropriate
‘Total other’ nutrients and sodium salts
Primary; phosphorus [P], potassium [K] / BS EN 13650
Secondary; calcium [Ca], magnesium [Mg], sulphur [S] / BS EN 13650
Trace; boron [B], copper [Cu], iron [Fe], manganese [Mn], zinc [Zn] / BS EN 13650
Sodium / BS EN 13650
Calcium chloride and DTPA (‘CAT’) soluble nutrients and sodium salts
Primary; phosphorus [P], potassium [K] / BS EN 13651
Secondary; magnesium [Mg], sulphur [S] / BS EN 13651
Trace; boron [B], copper [Cu], iron [Fe], manganese [Mn], zinc [Zn] / BS EN 13651
Sodium [Na] / BS EN 13651
Water soluble nutrients and sodium salts
Primary; ammoniacal-N, nitrate-N, phosphorus [P], potassium [K] / BS EN 13652
Secondary; calcium [Ca], magnesium [Mg], sulphur [S] / BS EN 13652
Trace; boron [B], chloride [Cl], copper [Cu], iron [Fe], manganese [Mn], zinc [Zn] / BS EN 13652
Sodium [Na] / BS EN 13652
Neutralising value (liming potential, expressed as %mass/mass CaO) / BS EN 13652
CCS Application form for laboratories, May 2016