Program 8 – City Governance
Program Goal
City Governance is open, transparent and delivers value for money community outcomes through strategic planning, risk management, information services and sound financial management. The community is engaged in, and all of Council's plans are directed at, achieving the Brisbane Vision.
Council is an employer of choice. Council's people are enthusiastic, well trained, appropriately resourced and dedicated to a better Brisbane.
Program Description
Consistent with legislative requirements, Council's governance practices deliver transparency and accountability to ensure responsible management of public resources, efficient delivery of services and sustainable development and administration. Council's Annual Plan and Budget is directed at achieving Corporate Plan objectives and through these, contributing to the achievement of the Brisbane Vision.
The program will maintain and improve the capabilities of Council's people, its processes, systems and communication. Since last year’s budget restatement, this program has changed because of Council’s best practice reporting model and shared costs are now distributed through to programs and services.
The City Governance program provides for effective city governance by:
- providing transparent, accountable and responsive city management
- enabling community involvement in city governance
- communicating widely and accessibly
- partnering with local, Queensland, Australian and international governments and businesses
- ensuring Council's plans contribute to achieving the Brisbane Vision targets and aspirations, deliver the Corporate Plan objectives for the community and address emerging issues for the city
- providing information and communication technology solutions that support improved business functions
- developing a flexible, adaptive and future focused organisation whose people have the commitment and the capability necessary to deliver cost effective community and customer services
- planning, organising, co-ordinating and implementing measures to mitigate, prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters in the Brisbane area
- supporting efficient operations and enhanced standards of service by all areas of Council.
Brisbane City Council demonstrates best governance practice in local government through its:
- emphasis on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of operations
- effective local laws
- election processes
- community research
- planning and performance reporting
- community participation in decision making through public access to Council meetings, committee meetings, Lord Mayor and Civic Cabinet Listens forums as well as the Lord Mayor's Youth Advisory Council meetings
- value for money procurement processes
- cost effective management of legal matters
- strong budget and financial management
- centre led management of information and communication technology
- responsible stewardship of community assets and effective asset management
- centre led communication of Council's initiatives, priorities and plans
- effective risk management and continuity planning.
Program OutcomesandFinancialSummary
Program Outcomes / Anticipated / Proposed / Anticipated / Proposed / Anticipated / Proposed2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
$000 / $000 / $000 / $000 / $000 / $000
Expense / Revenue / Capital
8.1 - Civic Administration and Support / 28,857 / 28,657 / 109 / 112 / - / -
8.2 - Regional and International Activities / 4,420 / 4,330 / 426 / 494 / - / -
8.3 - Strong and Responsible Financial Management / 226,921 / 133,217 / 1,129,639 / 1,021,742 / 2,014 / 8,937
8.4 - Value for Money Support Services / 21,455 / 10,507 / 10,027 / 5,486 / 128,393 / 24,268
8.5 –Corporate Communication / 3,830 / 2,006 / - / - / - / 100
8.6 –ICT – Information and Communications Technology / 11,040 / 9,604 / 1,145 / 656 / 8,765 / 6,438
8.7 –Disaster Response and Recovery / 3,741 / 3,858 / - / - / - / -
300,264 / 192,179 / 1,141,346 / 1,028,490 / 139,172 / 39,743
$000 / 2016-17
$000 / 2017-18
RecurrentOperationsContracts / 22,768 / 23,337 / 23,921
Outcome 8.1 CivicAdministrationandSupport
Outcome description
Deliver effective and open government through legislation, support for elected representatives and community participation in transparent, fair and accessible elections.
Where we are now
Council's elected members comprise of the Lord Mayor and 26 Councillors (including Committee Chairmen).
Under the City of Brisbane Act 2010, the Lord Mayor has the power to formulate general policies concerning the governance of the city. The Lord Mayor shall also be responsible to Council for the control of the workings and business of Council and for implementing policies adopted by Council. Each year in June, the Lord Mayor presents a budget to Council for adoption.
Council ensures the statutory processes of local government and public administration are carried out efficiently and transparently.
Where we want to be
Council provides open, effective, accountable, democratic governance policies, processes and practices as well as effective legislative frameworks. Information and governance processes are open and accessible. Council ensures community participation and optimum value for money in its governance and decision making processes. Council continually updates legislation so that it remains relevant and reflects community concerns, and works to make Council rules and procedures easy for everyone to understand.
Strategy 8.1.1 Support for Elected Representatives
Facilitate good government in the interest of the people of Brisbane through Councillor representation
Service Support for Elected Representatives
This service:
- ensures operation of 26 Ward Offices and seven Chairmen's Offices with accountability structures that ensure public money is used to benefit the community
- provides administrative support and salaries for elected representatives
- ensures a high level of accountability in the expenditure of funds by elected representatives
- provides administrative and event support to the Lord Mayor's Community Trust
- operates a public register of paid expenses for the Lord Mayor, Committee Chairmen and the Leader of the Opposition
- ensures that the salaries and allowances of the Lord Mayor, all Committee Chairmen and the Leader of the Opposition are published in the Annual Report
- reports costs (including travel costs) associated with the Lord Mayor's Office and Civic Cabinet
- actions Lord Mayoral correspondence
- provides administrative support to Council and Standing Committee meetings and ensures all decisions comply with relevant legislation, policies and conventions
- provides accurate advice and assistance on procedural matters to Councillors, staff and members of the public
- ensures open and transparent government by coordinating the production of Hansard style reporting for Council meetings.
Operating / Anticipated
$000 / Proposed
Expense / 25,477 / 25,240
Revenue / - / -
Projects / 2014-15
$000 / 2015-16
$000 / 2016-17
$000 / 2017-18
ACT Upgrade - Ward Office Rollout / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / - / 141 / - / -
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Administer Elections / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 96 / 5,783 / 108 / 109
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Electronic Meeting Paper Distribution / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 30 / - / - / -
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Service Community Involvement
This service:
- co-ordinates and manages community involvement initiatives such as the Lord Mayor and Civic Cabinet Listens forums held across Brisbane
- conducts Lord Mayor's Youth Advisory Council meetings to advise the Lord Mayor on youth issues in Brisbane
- responds to correspondence generated through various community meetings and prepares responses and briefs to issues raised
- manages the Lord Mayor's Multicultural Round Table program of projects and events with emphasis on initiatives that deliver economic outcomes from multicultural businesses and to promote Brisbane as a multicultural, inclusive and safe city locally, nationally and internationally
- conducts one welcome function for refugees each year
- co-ordinates and stages civic functions, events and receptions including hospitality for major ceremonial and community events and activities (such as Freedom of Entry to the City ceremonies, Keys to the City presentations, Official Dignitaries Visits Program, citizenship ceremonies and other major community events).
Operating / Anticipated
$000 / Proposed
Expense / 1,700 / 1,490
Revenue / - / -
Strategy 8.1.2 Local Laws Maintenance
Facilitate the interests of Brisbane by developing responsive local laws and lobbying for effective legislation.
Service Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives
This service develops and maintains Council's local laws and influences new legislation proposed by the Queensland and Federal governments to meet community and Council needs.
Activities include:
- co-ordinating and preparing new legislation for improved effectiveness
- providing advice to Council on potential impacts of legislation
- writing and co-ordinating Council's submissions to the Queensland and Federal governments on legislation, policy or discussion papers
- monitoring and reviewing local laws and supporting policies and processes
- maintaining and reviewing Council's register of administrative arrangements (delegations, appointments and authorisations)
- monitoring and aligning Council's regulatory documentation for improved effectiveness
- operating the Office of Disputes Commissioner
- facilitating open governance and compliance with the City of Brisbane Act 2010 and the City of Brisbane Regulation 2012, the Right To Information Act 2009 and the Information Privacy Act 2009
- operating a statutory complaints process to resolve complaints by affected persons about administrative actions of Council or alleged misconduct or inappropriate conduct by Councillors
- preparing submissions to the Queensland Government for necessary changes to legislation to reflect the changing nature of the governance and the environment in Brisbane.
Operating / Anticipated
$000 / Proposed
Expense / 1,556 / 1,800
Revenue / 109 / 112
Outcome 8.2 RegionalandInternationalActivities
Outcome description
Advance the community's interests by developing and maintaining strong regional and international relationships that offer economic development opportunities.
Where we are now
Council works with other government bodies and maintains an active and prominent role in a large number of regional, statewide and national working groups such as Council of Mayors (SEQ), the Regional Planning Committee for South East Queensland, the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors (CCCLM) and represents the interests of the City of Brisbane in decisions made by these organisations and by the Queensland and Australian governments.
As part of this advocacy work, Council assists with the identification of priorities, issues and processes to resolve issues faced by South East Queensland councils and other Australian capital cities. These issues fall under the priorities of strategic planning, economic development, infrastructure, transport and environment. Council also contributes to regional programs to continually improve services such as development assessment. In the international arena, Brisbane has formal Sister City relationships in the Asia Pacific region and the Middle East, partnerships with other cities and affiliations with organisations around the world. These relationships support regional economic growth and capacity building through mutually beneficial business, cultural and exchange programs and activities. Council manages the Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) Secretariat and alternates with other Asia Pacific cities as host of the biennial Asia Pacific Cities Summit series.
Where we want to be
Council will continue to build alliances that maximise opportunities to influence policies and decisions important to the future of Brisbane and the region.
Council will advance the community's interests by developing and maintaining strong regional and international relationships that offer economic development opportunities.
Council believes in the economic and cultural benefits of Sister City relationships. Council will achieve these benefits with the support and assistance of our locally based international communities and through improved co-ordination and co-operation with key stakeholders including Brisbane Marketing, Austrade and the Queensland Government.
Council will continue to support international staff exchanges that contribute to innovation within Council, Brisbane's economic development and the development of a global workforce.
Strategy 8.2.1 Building Networks and Alliances
Develop international networks and build alliances that influence government business decisions and support the interests of the Brisbane business community.
Service Regional and International Initiatives
This service supports Council's involvement in networks and alliances such as the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors (CCCLM), Regional Planning Committee, Local Government Association of Queensland, Australian Local Government Association, Council of Mayors (SEQ) and SEQ Councils CEOs' Forum. The service will implement a program to improve the profile and standing of the City of Brisbane locally, nationally and internationally. The program will incorporate quantitative measures of success.
Activities within this service include:
- developing and maintaining relationships with Sister Cities and liaising closely with Brisbane Marketing and relevant Council divisions to identify business opportunities for Brisbane companies
- providing the secretariat function for the Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) and preparing for the 2015 event in Brisbane
- co-ordinating international activities with stakeholders including staff exchanges and secondments and arrangements for visiting international dignitaries
- co-ordinating and implementing regional initiatives in collaboration with the Council of Mayors (SEQ) and the SEQ Councils' CEOs' Forum
- observing Sister City links.
Operating / Anticipated
$000 / Proposed
Expense / 2,326 / 2,774
Revenue / - / -
Projects / 2014-15
$000 / 2015-16
$000 / 2016-17
$000 / 2017-18
Asia Pacific Cities Biennial Summit / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 427 / 720 / 330 / 470
Revenue / - / - / - / -
CCCLM Executive Directorate Canberra / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 494 / 516 / 512 / 513
Revenue / 494 / 516 / 512 / 513
Council of Mayors SEQ Executive Directorate / Capital / - / - / - / -
Expense / 635 / 680 / 715 / 717
Revenue / - / - / - / -
Outcome 8.3 StrongandResponsible FinancialManagement
Outcome description
Provide sound financial management and planning to deliver community services, infrastructure and leadership that will support Council to achieve the Brisbane Vision.
Where we are now
Brisbane City Council has a responsibility to manage its finances effectively in the best interests of its ratepayers. It also has the responsibility to ensure its financial management, planning and reporting practices meet the requirements of legislation, including the City of Brisbane Act 2010 and City of Brisbane Regulation 2012.
Council has adopted the Brisbane Vision as its long term plan for the city. It has adopted a medium term Corporate Plan and a Long Term Asset Management Plan. The aspirations and targets of the Brisbane Vision, and the medium term objectives of the Corporate Plan, are integrated in Council's planning and performance reporting and financial management.
Council delivers value for money for ratepayers by keeping average net rates bills among the lowest in the region. This is despite the fact that Council provides funding for services, such as buses and ferries, that are not provided by other Councils.
Council continues to strengthen its financial management and planning. Responsible and effective financial management and planning will ensure that Council can continue to deliver best community value from its investments in community services and infrastructure assets.
Where we want to be
Council will continue to improve its financial management and planning capabilities, structures, processes and systems to ensure Council achieves optimum performance and provides the best possible funding solutions.
This outcome will ensure:
- best practice management and performance of our assets
- Council receives value for money and optimises return on investment
- our properties and facilities are managed to best practice standards
- aligned plans deliver community services efficiently and effectively.
Council will continue to work to obtain efficiency savings through ongoing review of Council's processes, practices and procedures. Council will also continue to identify and deliver efficiencies and savings in the management and delivery of Council operations and services to ensure more frontline services are delivered for ratepayers.
Strategy 8.3.1 Planning and Managing Finances
Ensure Council has the capability to plan and manage its finances effectively.
Service Financial Management and Planning
The objective of this service is to provide strategic advice and deliver financial, planning and reporting services to the Lord Mayor, Civic Cabinet and Council.
Co-ordinating Council's budget processes includes but is not limited to:
- annual budget development
- in-year budget reviews
- fees and charges
- co-ordinating development of rates policy
- co-ordinating Grants and Subsidies
- modelling the short, medium and long term financial position of Council to ensure financial sustainability
- developing strategies to address emerging issues with the potential to affect Council's financial stability
Co-ordinating planning and reporting includes but is not limited to:
- improving planning capability, processes and systems
- maintaining the alignment of the Annual Plan and Budget with the Corporate Plan and the Brisbane Vision
- Corporate Plan development
- Annual Plan development
- Annual Report development
- statutory reporting to Council on financial and non-financial performance.
Providing treasury, financial risk management, corporate advisory and financial analysis services for the whole of Council includes but is not limited to:
- investment and portfolio management of surplus funds to generate interest earnings
- portfolio funding through borrowings and other forms of credit to minimise interest expense
- hedging of financial market risk, including exposures to interest rates, foreign exchange and commodity and energy prices (where applicable) to reduce price volatility
- cashflow management to meet Council's financial obligations in a timely manner at least cost
- budget and accounting management of treasury services to ensure accurate financial information
- management of banking contractual arrangements to ensure effective payment mechanism operations at competitive rates
- credit review processes in order to deliver the most effective statement of Council's future financial outcome
- financial risk management services at a management, policy and operational level
- corporate advisory and financial analysis services.
This service also provides financial support to and receives dividends from Council’s controlled entities including the City of Brisbane Investment Corporation.
Operating / Anticipated2013-14
$000 / Proposed
Expense / 77,764 / 87,879
Revenue / 250,090 / 210,660
Strategy 8.3.2 Strong Financial Management
Ensure Council has strong financial and fiscal management.
Service Management of Financial Systems and Processes
The objective of this service is to continuously improve the effectiveness of financial management and support the Chief Financial Officer by reporting and advising on financial performance.
The key activities under this service include:
- providing and developing effective financial management including:
•financial reports that meet Council's audit standards and legislative requirements