I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT a meeting of the Hexham Town Council Community Engagement Committee will be held in the Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery, West Road, Hexham on Tuesday 7 October 2014 at 7.00PM when the following matters will be considered:-


1.  Apologies for absence.

2.  To receive minutes of the Community Engagement Committee meeting held 18 August 2014 enclosed.

3.  Matters arising [if any].

4.  Councillors Declarations of interest. [See memorandum enclosed].

5.  To receive minutes of the Community Engagement Remembrance Day Sub Committee meeting held 18 August 2014, enclosed.

6.  To consider any urgent recommendations arising from the Community Engagement Remembrance Day Sub Committee meeting held on 7 October 2014.

7.  Report by Cllr T G E Gillanders on Northumbria in Bloom. Minute 110a refers.

8.  Report by Cllr. D Clegg on Hexham Ceilidh. Minute 110c refers.

9.  Towns Alive - To consider an updated benchmark survey. Minute 115 refers.

10.  Report by Cllr T G E Gillanders on Town Twinning. Minute 116 refers.

11.  Oral update by the Clerk on Commonwealth Day 2015. Minute 118 refers.

12.  To receive enclosed report on War Memorial. [Remembrance Day subcommittee Minute 58 refers].

13.  Christmas lights – to consider installation of additional lights/display units. Minute 119 refers.

14.  To consider any action Committee can recommend to Council on historic buildings. See memorandum enclosed.

15.  To agree a date and time for the next meeting.

16.  Any urgent matters at the Chairman of the meetings discretion. [Matters to be raised under this item should be written out [if possible] and handed to the Chairman of the meeting or the Clerk of the Council before the meeting begins.]

Derick Tiffin,

Clerk of the Council

24 September 2014

Hexham Town Council

Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery

West Road, Hexham NE46 3RR





107. PRESENT. Cllr T G E Gillanders in the Chair together with Cllrs T Cessford, T Robson, Mrs. I C Brook, Mrs. C Hanley and D Clegg.

108. APOLOGIES. No apologies for absence were received.

109. MINUTES. It was AGREED the minutes of the Community Engagement Committee meeting held on 27 May 2014, having been circulated, be signed as a true record.


a.  NORTHUMBRIA IN BLOOM. Minute 100 refers. Cllr T G E Gillanders advised Committee he had been advised the Council and a number of other entries should try to attend the Northumbria in Bloom presentation on 16 September 2014. He hoped this meant there will be a number of prizes for the Hexham entries. He will be reporting to the next meeting. Cllr T Cessford considered the weeds were very unattractive and if the County Council is carrying out weed killing it needs to be done in advance of any visit by Northumbria in Bloom Judges. It was AGREED weed treatment should be requested at least a month in advance of the 2015 Judges visits. The weed treatment programme will be ascertained and also concern would be expressed at the 2014 weed treatments [or the lack of any].

b.  NEWSLETTER. Minute 96c refers. Cllr T Cessford considered the content and appearance of the newsletter had been ‘unappealing’. Cllr T G E Gillanders advised that the next issue will be much more appealing – he hoped!

c.  HEXHAM CEILIDH. Minute 102 refers. It was AGREED Cllr D Clegg determine the available dates when such an event could be held at Wentworth Leisure Centre. This subject to be considered at the next Committee meeting.

111. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr. T G E Gillanders declared an interest in Agenda item 15. [Hexham Orpheus Choir].

112. REMEMBRANCE DAY SUB COMMITTEE. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Sub Committee meeting held on 31 March 2014.

113. REMEMBRANCE DAY SUB COMMITTEE. No urgent matters had arisen from the meeting of the Remembrance Sub Committee held immediately preceding the Committee meeting.

114. FREEDOM AND FAREWELL PARADE. 39 Regiment RA has further considered the route and has agreed to parade from Wentworth car park via Loosing Hill, Priestpopple, Battle Hill, Hencotes, Sele Gates, Sele Walk and thence to Cowgarth where there will be an inspection and speeches, including one by the Mayor. After the Parade inspection the Regiment will attend a Service in the Abbey. Afterwards all troops will return to Albemarle. Councillors will be receiving an invitation to a reception at Albemarle in due course.

115. ACTION FOR MARKET TOWNS BENCHMARK SURVEY. It was noted the organisation is henceforth to be known as ‘Towns Alive’. After consideration of the cost to renew the license enabling the Benchmark report to be updated in 2015 it was AGREED the license fee of £350.00 should be paid. It was felt some of the key performance indicators could be updated by Councillors rather than a Towns Alive Consultant; however until the survey system license fee is paid volunteers will not be decided. This subject will be further considered at the next Committee meeting. On a related matter it was AGREED to request Lynne Ryan of Northumberland County Council supply a copy of the final report into free car parking.

116. TOWN TWINNING 25 YEAR ANNIVERSARY. Minute 87 refers. The following items were considered and after noting and considering the memorandum circulated it was AGREED:

a.  The Fusilier Garden is not considered a suitable site for a Twinning Anniversary Commemoration seat. The former wishing well site on Beaumont Street could be suitable and it was AGREED Cllr T G E Gillanders and the Clerk of the Council have a site visit with the Twinning Association to agree details for one of the existing seats to be designated for a commemorative plaque. [To be supplied by the Twinning Association]. It was noted the 3rd Recce Regiment OCA has yet to say whether it has funds for a replacement seat to be provided at the Fusilier’s Garden.

b.  The Welcome Reception in the Ballroom of the Beaumont Hotel will need to be at 1.00pm as before this Councillors are attending the War Graves Remembrance ceremony. It was AGREED the reception will serve wine such as Prosecco and Canapés. The cost per head is estimated at £5.00. The number of Twinning Association members, guests and visitors needs to be determined so the reception cost can be finalised. It was also AGREED the Hexham Village Band should be booked for a ‘pop up’ at a £30.00 fee.

c.  Herr Dr. Fiedler the Metzingen Oberbuergermeister has been booked at Beaumont Hotel from 7th and 8th November at £150.00. [Mrs. A Reid accommodation no longer available]. He has been invited to the Remembrance Day Parade and Service and will lay a poppy cross [£13.50] and attend the Luncheon afterwards.

d.  A dinner will be booked for up to 8 guests at 8.00 pm on 8 November at Danielle’s Restaurant. The cost to be taken from the Mayor’s allowance. The Twinning Association is to decide the invitees.

e.  Presentation. It was AGREED a dressed walking stick be obtained for the Mayor to give to the Oberbuergermeister of Metzingen. In the first instance an approach for advice will be made to Nick Short [2014 Steward & Bailiff].

f.  Direction signpost. The existing signpost in the Market Place could be moved [subject to checking the actual site by the Clerk with Cllr T G E Gillanders] and two finger direction signs will be fitted with country logo and distance to Hexham twin towns. The cost for the signs, supplied by Malcolm Lane Ltd, is expected to be c£250.00-£300.00 with a further £300.00 for NCC to move the sign.

117. HAWICK 500. After noting the memorandum circulated it was AGREED to note the retailers who had supported the event by agreeing to accept for and drink vouchers and also the budget balance of £2651.92 be transferred from the Committee budget [7880] to the Support for Events budget [5130].

118. COMMONWEALTH DAY 2015. Council minute 6184 refers. Council had referred this matter to the Committee for a decision. The NALC has been asked to support Commonwealth Day and has requested all Councils ‘Fly a flag’ for the Commonwealth at 10.00 am on 9 March 2015. It was AGREED the Clerk ascertain any cost and the subject will be considered at a future meeting.

119. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS CONTRACT. The present contract for the erection, dismantling and storage of the lights ends on 1 November 2014. Tenders had been sought from the current contractor and from local electrical contractors. In addition Carlisle Council had expressed an interest but ultimately did not quote. Sealed quotes submitted by the closing date of 11 August 2014 had been opened by Cllr J V R Hare in the presence of the Clerk of the Council and were:-

a.  BW Electrical Solutions Ltd £17595.00

b.  Christmas Plus Ltd £16725.00

It was AGREED to accept the lowest quote of £16725.00. It was noted the contract is for three years and the annual cost is therefore £5575.00. It was also AGREED the Committee will consider providing additional light displays at the next meeting.

120. COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD. Cllr Mrs. C R Homer had requested the Committee consider providing an additional notice board for use by the general public and community organisations. The Committee had previously considered and decided such a notice board should not be provided and it was AGREED no further action be taken.

121. REMEMBRANCE DAY 2014. This agenda item was deleted as the Remembrance Day Sub Committee had considered this subject already.

122. HEXHAM ORPHEUS CHOIR CONCERT. The Choir is holding a concert of Remembrance for the WW1 anniversary in Hexham Abbey on 22 November 2014 entitled Dona Nobis Pacem [Grant Us Peace] and has requested a donation of £500.00. Part of the proceeds of the Concert will be given to the Royal British Legion. It was AGREED as the Committee budget does not cover donations the Council will be RECOMMENDED to make a donation of £300.00. Having declared an interest in this item Cllr T G E Gillanders took no part in the discussion and voting thereon.

123. COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS 2014. Cllr T Cessford confirmed the Council was being asked to co-organize market stalls and indeed this had already been arranged and this did not require any Council funding. However the Council was also being asked to contribute the cost of a roller skate rink. It was AGREED Cllr G M Graham be RECOMMENDED to report to the next Council meeting to confirm the funding required from the Council.

124. NEXT MEETING. It was AGREED the next Committee meeting will be held at 7.00pm on 7 October 2014 in the Council Office, St Andrews Cemetery, Hexham.

…………………………………………… Chairman


Under the Code of Conduct adopted by the Council on 3 September 2012 Councillors must declare if they have a disclosable interest in any matters under consideration.

To do so Councilors should use one of the following statements:-

1.  “I have a disclosable pecuniary interest in…………………………………………………. [for example:-] Agenda item 3, Planning application number 13/1234”.

[NOTE: Code of Conduct paragraphs 11&15 apply].

2.  “I have a disclosable personal interest in………………………………………………….... [for example:-] Agenda item 4, Grant aid application by Hexham Youth Initiative

[NOTE: Code of Conduct paragraph 13 applies].

Councillors should familiarise themselves with the Code of Conduct regarding the definitions of [A] pecuniary interest and [B] other personal interest and their obligations when declaring any such interests.

To ensure Councillors interests are correctly minuted please use one of the above statements when declaring an interest.

[NB. Should a Councillor wish to take part in the consideration and voting on a matter or matters in which he/she has a disclosable interest then they may request a dispensation be granted to enable them to take part in the discussion and voting on it but at least 10 days’ notice must be given for any dispensation request.]

Derick Tiffin,

Clerk of the Council

1 February 2013



49.  PRESENT. Cllr T G E Gillanders in the Chair; Cllrs: T Robson, T Cessford, Mrs. I C Brook, Mrs. C Hanley and Messrs. P S Robson, P Clark, G Robinson and D M Coates.

50.  CHAIRMAN. It was AGREED Cllr T G E Gillanders continue as Sub Committee Chairman.

51.  APOLOGIES. Apologies for absence were given on behalf of Cllr J V R Hare and Capt. A I B Moffatt RD.

52.  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. No declarations of interest were received.

53.  MINUTES. It was AGREED to receive the minutes of the Sub Committee meeting held on 31 March 2014.


a.  ROYAL REGIMENT OF FUSILIERS. Minute 44a refers. Cllr T Cessford confirmed he had attended the opening of the new Army Reserve Centre on 26 April 2014.


a.  Cllr T G E Gillanders confirmed the Lord Lieutenant the Duchess of Northumberland had arranged with the Northumberland County Council a Service in the Abbey on 3 August 2014 and this had been attended by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor and by many more from all over Northumberland.

b.  The Deputy Mayor and the Clerk of the Council had stood for a minute in silence at 11.00am at the War Memorial on the 4 August 2014.