Name: ______

English 3 CP

Lord of the Flies Moodle Unit

For our Lord of the Flies unit, we will be testing out an on-line class system known as Moodle. While we will still be working in class on assignments and class discussions, we will be submitting most of the projects, quizzes, and tests on-line. Check out the class wikispace ( for a further explanation of what Moodle is and how it works.

Chapter Assignments:

þ  Chapters 1-4 should be read by Thursday, May 7th

þ  Chapters 5-8 should be read by Thursday, May 14th

(*Monday, May 11th is an in-class reading day.)

þ  Chapters 9-12 should be read by Thursday, May 21st

(*Monday, May 18th is an in-class reading day.)

Unit Activities:

þ  WEEK 1 – LOTF Intro & Moodle Explanation (5/1-5/3)

o  Enroll in Class (5/1)

o  Edit Personal Profile (5/1)

o  Morality Forum – (Opens 5/1; Closes 5/6)

þ  WEEK 2 – Society and Human Behavior (5/4-5/10)

o  Introduction Activities to: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Island Survival, Human Behavior Theories, and Good vs. Evil

o  Reading Check: Chpts. 1-4 (Opens 5/2; Closes 5/6)

þ  WEEK 3 – Fear & the Power of Authority (5/11-5/17)

o  Reading Day (5/11)

o  On-Line Chat (5/12)

o  Reading Check: Chpts. 5-8 (Opens 5/9; Closes 5/13)

þ  WEEK 4 – Good vs. Evil (5/18-5/24)

o  Reading Day (5/18)

o  On-Line Journal (5/19)

o  Reading Check: Chpts. 9-12 (Opens 5/16; Closes 5/20)

þ  WEEK 5 – LOTF Wrap-Up (5/25-5/31)

o  School Closed (5/25)

o  Review Day (5/26)

o  Final Test In-Class (5/28)

o  Complete survey (5/30)

§  Re-Test (Opens 5/28; Closes 5/30)


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Lord of the Flies Moodle Unit

Grade Tracker

All of your assignments will still be kept in the PHS grade book system. Grades will NOT be posted on the Moodle site at all. In order to keep track of the grades on your own, here is a list of activities and assessments, along with how their point values.

WEEK 1 – LOTF Intro & Moodle Explanation (5/1-5/3)

þ  No graded assignments

WEEK 2 – Society and Human Behavior (5/4-5/10)

þ  Reading Check: Chpts. 1-4 (Opens 5/2; Closes 5/6) ______/ 10

þ  Morality Forum – (Opens 5/1; Closes 5/6) ______/ 18

WEEK 3 – Fear & the Power of Authority (5/11-5/17)

þ  On-Line Chat (5/12) ______/ 20

þ  Reading Check: Chpts. 5-8 (Opens 5/9; Closes 5/13) ______/ 8

WEEK 4 – Good vs. Evil (5/18-5/24)

þ  On-Line Journal (5/19) ______/ 20

þ  Reading Check: Chpts. 9-12 (Opens 5/16; Closes 5/20) ______/ 10

WEEK 5 – LOTF Wrap-Up (5/25-5/31)

þ  Final Test (Opens 5/28) ______/ 60

o  Re-Test (Opens 5/28; Closes 5/30) ( ______/ 60 )

þ  Survey ______/ 14

TOTAL POINTS: ______/ 160


With our Moodle, we have the option of conducting on-line chats. For chat sessions, each student will be assigned a group to conduct his/her in-class chat session. That means you will not be able to chat with everyone in the class, but only with classmates assigned to your group. In your chat session, you will have roughly 25 minutes to discuss the given prompt with each other. You should be respectful to each other's opinions, but, at the same time, challenge each other to have a detailed, insightful discussion. You must stay on task and use appropriate school language.

At the end of the allotted chat time, have one person in your group print out a copy of your groups chat BEFORE closing your screens and logging out. You must put all of your names on the printout and hand it in to Ms. McQuillan before you leave class. Each individual student will use the last 10 minutes of class to hand-write a brief summary of what was discussed and decided in your group chat.


A forum is a platform to have group/class discussions on-line. They are not live. Students typically will respond to a given prompt or questions in a thoughtful and detailed paragraph (6-10 sentences). Then, by a given date, students will also have to go back and respond to two (2) classmates. You will be graded on your initial response (10pts.), as well as your responses to your classmates. You are required to reply to two (2) classmates in an insightful manner, so make sure you check back in to see what others commented on about your initial response. These responses are worth 4 pts. each.


Students also have an opportunity to work on and submit journal entries through the on-line Moodle as well. The prompt and/or specific information about the journal’s requirements will be located in the introduction to the journal assessment. Keep in mind, journal entries are private and no other students will be able to view your journal entries.

There will always be an “open” and “close” date given for each journal entry. You may not work on the journal until the date it is opened. On the given close date, the system will shut you out at 11:59pm. If you do not finish the journal in the given time frame, you will receive a zero.

READING CHECKS (under Quizzes)

A reading check consists of a few basic questions based on the assigned reading to check for completion and comprehension. The questions are almost purely plot-based or focused on discussions from previous classes. You will have 25 minutes to complete the reading check once you’ve started. You only have 1 attempt to take this reading check and you may NOT log out of the reading check once you’ve started.

There will always be an “open” and “close” date given for each reading check. You may not take the reading check until the date it is opened. The reading check will typically be available to take for 5-7 days. On the given close date, the system will shut you out at 11:59pm. That means, you must complete this reading check BEFORE COMING TO CLASS. If you do not take the quiz in that time frame, you will receive a zero.

TESTS (under Quizzes)

The unit test will be available to take on-line. Even thought it is on-line, it may consist of all types of questions, just like in class (multiple-choice, short answer, matching, essay, etc.). There will always be an “open” and “close” date given for each test. You may not take the test until the date it is opened. The test will typically be available to take for 5-7 days. On the given close date, the system will shut you out at 11:59pm. That means if you do not take the test in that time frame, you will receive a zero.

You will have 60 minutes to complete the test once you’ve started. You have two (2) attempts to take tests. That means, if you don't do well on the first attempt, you have can go back, study more, and take the test again. The second attempt will not open for one (1) hour after completing your first attempt.