Development of Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership Website

Issued On DATE


/ Invitation to Quote /
QQ 1 / Introduction
QQ 2 / Instructions to Bidders
QQ 3 / Quotation Evaluation
QQ 4 / Timetable
QQ 5 / Freedom of Information
QQ 6 / Service Specification

Section QQ 1 - Introduction

Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (The ADP) is responsible for providing a range of services to the population of Aberdeenshire. Aberdeenshire extends to 6,313 sq km (2,437 square miles), representing 8% of Scotland's overall territory. Aberdeenshire's population represents 4.7% of Scotland's total, standing at 241,460 (2008). Major towns are Peterhead (17,450), Fraserburgh (12,370), Inverurie (11,030), Stonehaven (10,760), Westhill (10,100) and Ellon (9,910). The ADP has six administrative areas: Banff and Buchan; Buchan; Formartine; Garioch; Marr; Kincardine and Mearns.

The Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) is a multi-agency strategic partnership with representation from statutory and voluntary sector organisations.

As its primary purpose is to deliver Scottish Government’s strategy in relation to drugs and alcohol, The Aberdeenshire ADP aims to draw all its Partners together on behalf of Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership to ensure that the citizens of Aberdeenshire benefit from a collective, cohesive and effective response to the problems of substance misuse.

The ADP works with communities on prevention, public protection, harm reduction, recovery and inclusion. This is done through the involvement and engagement of local peoplein the community forums. Each forum aims to support community members in developing their ideas.

Aberdeenshire ADP vision:

People live rich, meaningful and autonomous lives free from harm due to alcohol or other drugs

Our Priorities for the Next Three Years

As a partnership we want to see the following outcomes achieved over the life of this plan:

Prevention & early intervention

Adults and children will be better informed to make their own decisions about their use of alcohol and other drugs resulting in fewer drinking or using drugs at levels that are damaging to themselves or others. We’ll achieve a culture of responsible drinking across the whole population that makes abstinence or alcohol consumption within responsible drinking limits the norm.

Protection and harm reduction

People misusing alcohol or drugs, children, families and communities will be safer, well-supported, have improved life-chances and live in an environment where alcohol and other drugs are less readily available.

Treatment and recovery

People will be able to access the treatment and support they need and be effectively supported on their personalised recovery journey through improved access to community co-production and greater use of voluntary organisations to bolster recovery capital and more focused use of specialist services to deliver the recovery interventions only they can provide.


Previously marginalised communities will be empowered and supported to make a difference by getting involved and using their insights to create local solutions and have a positive influence on all aspects of service planning, community planning and licensing in their area.

Purpose of this Document

The purpose of this document is to invite quotations for the provision of:

The development of Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership website.

The current website should be one of the Partnership’s key communication tools but it has become tired and out of date.

We would like a new public website to help us communicate better with our key audiences whilst being user friendly for all our visitors in the broadest sense i.e. anybody in Aberdeenshire that might have a concern about alcohol and drugs or who need advice, support or accurate information on alcohol and drugs.

We require simple navigation routes for both individuals and their families who require information on local support and services. We would like the website to be viewable in the widest range of web-browsing technology. We require the website to provide access to a range of information about all aspects of the ADP and we are hoping this in turn will help us to deliver continuous improvement by listening and responding to our customers’ needs, and to ensure all communications activities deliver best value. We have consulted with our key audiences which will provide the foundation for the website content.

Because the requirement has a value of less than £60,000, the ADP is using the Quick Quotes facility, and distributing the invitation to quote to selected providers.
Section QQ 2 – Instructions to Bidders

The named contact for this bid is:

Gillian Robertson, Commissioning and Performance Manager, Aberdeenshire ADP, Summerfield House, Eday Road, Aberdeen.

Bidders should note the timetable included at Section QQ 4, particularly the final submission date. Bidders should also note the quotation evaluation information included at Section

QQ 3.

Any questions or clarifications relating to the invitation to quote should be raised via Leah Dawson, 01224 558701

Ownership and Copyright

The ownership of all creative, artwork, brand which is produced as a result will lie with Aberdeenshire ADP to be used in any way they deem appropriate.

Contract Price

This must cover liability for all costs including staff costs, attendance at meetings, equipment, travel and subsistence and any reimbursements to research participants.

Format of the Response:

A copy of the complete Quotation Response should be sent to and must be in word or excel format and the maximum acceptable file size is 15mb.

Quotation Response to be emailed by no later than 17.00 hours on the final submission date (see Quotation Timetable included at Section QQ 4).

The response will consist of the following:

1.  Completed Pre-contractual Questionnaire, including separate Accounts spreadsheet (Section S 4)

2.  Completed Award Questionnaire (Section S 1)

3.  Completed Price Schedule (Section S 2)

4.  Completed Service Specification Acceptance (Section S 3)

Please do not submit any additional information unless specifically requested; additional information will be disregarded in relation to evaluation of the Response.

The award will be subject to successful completion of the pre-contractual questionnaire and a 45 minute presentation to the ADP support team on 9/11/16. Please contact Leah Dawson to arrange a suitable time slot.

Section QQ 3 – Quotation Evaluation

Quotation Responses will be evaluated against pre-determined Evaluation Criteria as provided below. The award will be on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender to the ADP.

Award Criteria

Criteria for the Evaluation of Tender:

1.  Understanding of the brief – appreciation and interpretation of the requirements, and how these are translated into a workable methodology that can be delivered within timescale.

2.  Experience – Examples of experience and knowledge demonstrated relevant to that required to fulfil brief of the specification.

3.  Providing an outline of the site including a site map, functionalities and potential options for different features and services.

4.  Quality control mechanisms – in relation to ensuring continuity of quality throughout different parts of the overall project.

5.  Cost – demonstrating value for money

6.  Approach to risk management – discussion of loss of data, cover if people leave, etc.

7.  Timescales

8.  Service offered – whole package (including anything else you feel may support your bid).

Each of the above criteria will be scored on the following scoring rationale:

0 / Unacceptable / Nil or inadequate response. Fails to demonstrate an ability to meet the requirement
1 / Poor / Response is partially relevant and poor. The response addresses some elements of the requirement but contains insufficient/limited detail or explanation to demonstrate how the requirement will be fulfilled
2 / Acceptable / Response is relevant and acceptable. The response addresses a broad understanding of the requirement but may lack details on how the requirement will be fulfilled in certain areas
3 / Good / Response is relevant and good. The response is sufficiently detailed to demonstrate a good understanding and provides details on how the requirements will be fulfilled
4 / Excellent / Response is completely relevant and excellent overall. The response is comprehensive, unambiguous and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the requirement and provides details of how the requirement will be met in full

A score of 0 on any of the criteria will result in the response being disqualified.

The ADP reserves the right to invite any Bidder to a Question and Answer session to clarify any aspect of their response.

Following evaluation of the responses, the most suitable Quotation Response will be selected and will then be further subject to the approval of the ADP Commissioning Performance and Finance group..

Section QQ 4 - Quotation Timetable

Activity / Date
Publication on ADP Website - Quick Quote / 17/10/2016
Last date for questions from Bidders / 31/10/2016
Final submission date for Quotations / 07/11/2016

Section QQ 5 – Freedom of Information

Bidders are required to acknowledge that the ADP has an obligation under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“The Act”) and to acknowledge in particular that the ADP may be required to provide information relating to this Quick Quote or the Quotation to any person on request in order to comply with the Act, and will be so required if it is in the public interest to do so.

Where the ADP seeks to consult with the Bidder in connection with a request for information made under the Act, the Bidder will facilitate the Authority’s compliance with the Act by consulting timeously with the ADP.

In the event that the Bidder is or becomes a designated Scottish public authority by the Order of the Scottish Ministers under Section 5 of the 2002 Act the Bidder shall comply with the said Act.

Section QQ 6 – Service Specification

Please read the following Service Specification thoroughly. If the Bidder does not already have a contractual relationship with the ADP, the ADP reserve the right to request sight of policies and procedures that evidence compliance with the Service Specification before making final selection of the successful Quotation Response.

1.0 Introduction:

1.1 We need to update our website to reflect on what we are doing and provide information to meet our target audience needs. We are looking for the services of a company that can redesign and build our website to reflect our partnership style and ethos. The website should be intuitive, clear, comprehensive, stylish, and accessible. Our decision will be based 60% on content and 40% on fee. We reserve the right not to accept the cheapest quote.

1.2 The current website is:
The site is currently hosted by Aberdeen Council for Voluntary Organisations (ACVO) but we would like you to include separate options and costs for hosting.

2.0 ADP background:

2.1 Aberdeenshire ADP works as a partnership to provide a range of services and information to people wishing to and in recovery from drug and alcohol misuse. It also supports family members and the wider communities. The client base includes people in recovery, family members, professional services, and community groups.

2.2 Aberdeenshire ADP was established in 2009 and provides a wide range of services, information, support and advice to a diverse customer group.

We have supported some prestigious and innovative projects and we are proud of the quality and range of services we provide. We also have some real life information on the differences to peoples lives these projects have made. This is not reflected in our current website.

2.3 Our ethos. The partnership aim for high quality with attention to detail and to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for clients. However, ultimately what really matters is what happens on the ground, as we want to make a difference to the landscape, translating theory and policies into practical solutions and guidance for clients. However we have been too busy to monitor our image.

3.0 Scope of services:

3.1 We would like you to provide us with options that will allow us to have a dynamic website which meets our customers needs.

3.2 We will have some capacity within our resources to manage some upkeep of the website and would like information on options for this.

3.2 To design a new website aimed at the public and in particular people who require advice and support in regards to substance use / misuse. The public access site is to serve alcohol and drug service users, their families and general members of communities who need help, information, advice and support on all aspects of drug and alcohol addiction. We have attached some further information gathered from existing service users and families on the key areas they would like to see on the website, please see Appendix 1. The website should be a one stop shop showing people what’s available locally and also provide appropriate links to National help and resources.

3.3 To feed back to us your initial concept and take on board our suggestions, refining as required. Please allow for three meetings in your costings.

3.4 Please find at Appendix 2 some recent marketing material which you may find useful when considering branding etc.

3.5 To produce the final design and build the site and present to Aberdeenshire ADP

3.6 To provide a fully operational website by 31/3/2017.

3.7 Provide suggestions for effectively monitoring the website usage and include this within the presentation to the ADP support team.

4.0 Our market:

We are not exactly sure who looks at our website, but it is likely to include the following groups: Prospective and existing clients (Service Users and their families/friends etc). Professional organisations and workers, to see both what is available and to see how effective we are. Communities for the broadest range of information.

5.0 The function of the website:

Most of our clients are extremely short of time.
At a glance, the site should say what we do and who we are. The style should reflect the quality of our work: Clear contact details, Project examples, Range of services, good news stories etc.

To increase our visibility, reach, impact and performance.

To have information appropriate to people including how to access recovery support, as well as a wider range of advice and information.

To have a site that is easy to navigate to allow people to source what they require as quickly as possible.