ECOWARM - production and sale of pellets and briquettes from waste wood
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you in advance for your attention to this letter!
Let me introduce our company to you and our potential Netherlands partners!
Ecowarm Ukraine is manufacturer of solid biofuel for European market. We are actively collaborating with customers from Austria, Germany, Poland and Czech Republic.
We are looking for business contacts with partners from Netherlands.
We offer a wide array of biofuels:
- Sawdust fuel pellets (diameter 6 or 8 mm);
- Fuel sawdust briquettes (Nestro, RUF, Pini Kay);
- Peat Briquettes;
- Briquettes of coal;
- Firewood.
Thank you for considering our request! We will be grateful for any help you can provide.
Best regards,
Export Manager,
Ms Kateryna Pidtserkovna
Contact Us
Skype: sales2ecowarm
+42 022 888-31-17;
+380 94 711-31-90
Ecowarm Energy s.r.o.
Dopravni 500/9, Uhrineves, 104 00 Prague 10
identification number 05136628 , с\а 9382328001 in «Raiffeisen Bank» in Prague 4, Code of bank 5500
Tel. +42 (022) 888 31 17; +380 94 711-31-90;
Commercial Offer
Ecowarm Energy s.r.o. specialise on produce and purchasing fuels briquettes, pellets from sawdust and other solid fuels in the European and Ukrainian markets. All products are certified according to international standards and relevant laboratory tests. The quality of our product and packaging meets the requirements of European consumers.
The company can supply the following products:
Fuel pellets – Premium Soft/ Description: Wood pellet have high quality (white) with a diameter of 6 or 8 mm and abrasion index coefficient of less than 1. Made from dried sawdust softwood trees. They have the highest rates of ash, moisture and calorific value. Comply with the most stringent requirements of the modern world for this type of fuel. Absolutely pure ecological fuel. Doesn’t contain any chemicals. They are used for heating residential and commercial premises by burning a small pellet stoves or solid fuel fired boilers with automatic or manual feed fuel mixture. Packed in transparent plastic bags of 80 Density g / cm 3 to 15 kg with the logo TM Ecowarm. Bags compose on pallet on 66 stacked on pallet for 66 pieces, weighing 990 kg. Covered with stretch film and pull off polypropylen ribbon for safe transportation.
Ash to 0,7%
Moisture - 4-7%
Calorific value - 17-19 MJ
Standartisation: En Plus A1
Packaging: 15 kg plactic bag
Pallet: Europallet 0,8х1,2 m.
Term of delivery: DAP
Fuel pellets – Classic Soft
/ Description: Wood pellet with 6 or 8 mm and abrasion index coefficient of less than 1. Made from dried sawdust softwood trees. They can contain slight volume bark and consequently have average for ash and calorific value. This is the best solution in terms of value for money. The most common type of pellets.Comply with the most stringent requirements of the modern world for this type of fuel. Absolutely pure ecological fuel. Doesn’t contain any chemicals. Packed in transparent plastic bags of 80 Density g / cm 3 to 15 kg with the logo TM Ecowarm. Bags compose on pallet on 66 stacked on pallet for 66 pieces, weighing 990 kg. Covered with stretch film and pull off polypropylen ribbon for safe transportation.
Ash to 1,5%
Moisure - 7-9%
Calorific value - 16,3-17 MJ
Standartisation: En Plus A1
Packaging: 15 kg plactic bag
1 tonn Big Bag
Pallet: Europallet 0,8х1,2 m.
Term of delivery: DAP
Type of briquette - Pini Kay
/ Description: Briquette has 4 facets with radial hole produced by a combination of very high pressure - 1000-1100 bar - and heat treatment. Briquette PINI-KAY through heat treatment has a characteristic black or dark brown outer surface. Made of hardwood sawdust. They have the best performance calorific value, ash and all kinds of cakes. Their advantages: resistance to mechanical damage, high humidity. Briquette PINI-KAY has a high calorific value and long burning time up to 3-5 hours. Suitable for all types of solid fuel boilers, stoves, fireplaces, barbecues. Packed in 12 pcs. a transparent termoplivtsi weighing 10 kg.Bags compose on pallet on 96 stacked on pallet for 66 pieces, weighing 960 kg.Covered with stretch film and pull off polypropylen ribbon for safe transportation.
Ash to 1%
Moisure - 4-7%
Calorific value - 17-19 MJ
Packaging: 12 kg in termo foil
Pallet: Europallet 0,8х1,2 m.
Term of delivery: DAP
Type of briquette – RUF Hard
/ Description: Briquettes rectangular (shape - a small brick, manufactured hydraulic presses at pressures of 300-400 bar). Made of hardwood sawdust. The most common type of sawdust briquettes through the best combination of indexes of and price and quality compact size. Suitable for all types of solid fuel boilers, stoves, fireplaces, barbecues. Absolutely pure ecological fuel. It does not contain any chemicals. Briquettes packaged in packaging in termo foil weighing 10 kg that best protects against moisture briquettes.Bags compose on pallet on 96 stacked on pallet for 66 pieces, weighing 960 kg.Covered with stretch film and pull off polypropylen ribbon for safe transportation.
Ash to 1-3%
Moisure - 6-9%
Calorific value - 17-18 MJ
Packaging: 10 kg in termo foil
Pallet: Europallet 0,8х1,2 m.
Term of delivery: DAP
Type of briquette – RUF Soft
/ Description: Briquettes rectangular (shape - a small brick, manufactured hydraulic presses at pressures of 300-400 bar). Made of mix softwood and hardwood sawdust. The cheapest type of briquettes from sawdust. Suitable for all types of solid fuel boilers, stoves, fireplaces, barbecues. Absolutely pure ecological fuel. It does not contain any chemicals. Briquettes packaged in packaging in transparent film weighing 10 kg that best protects against moisture briquettes.Bags compose on pallet on 96 stacked on pallet for 66 pieces, weighing 960 kg.Covered with stretch film and pull off polypropylen ribbon for safe transportation.
Ash to 2-4%
Moisure - 7-10%
Calorific value - 16-17 Мj
Packaging: 10 kg in termo foil
Pallet: Europallet 0,8х1,2 m.
Term of delivery: DAP
Briquette of peat
/ Description: Peat - a minerals plant origin, which is one of the oldest types of fuel. Peat pellets made by compressing under high pressure dried chips and peat. Usually peat briquettes have dimensions of a small brick 15h8h5sm. The cost of peat briquettes 2 times lower than anthracite and coal inferior to the caloric total of 20%. Composition 100% peat.
Ash - from 15%
Moisure - from 10%
Calorific value - till 18,8 MJ
Packaging: Polypropylen Bags
Weight: 40 kg
Term of delivery: DAP
Briquette of straw - Nestro
/ Description: Briquettes Nestro with straw - greenest type of solid fuel, which is made of natural straw (wheat, barley) is a renewable fuel.With pre-chopped straw, without any binders and other additives make these briquettes Nestro. This type of briquette has the lowest ash content and with different impurities. And despite this indicators of his calorific value around 5-10% lower than the briquettes from sawdust. Also, due to the absence resin composed of straw, straw briquettes minimally polluting fuel boilers and chimneys tar deposits on the walls.
Ash 3-5%
Moisure - 7-10%
Calorific value - 15-16 MJ
Packaging: Polypropylen Bags
Weight: 40 kg
Term of delivery: DAP
/ Description: Firewood of hardwood oldest fuel known each since childhood. Firewood of hardwood have a higher calorific value as opposed to only a soft wood with wood to 10-20%. We propose to our customers the best dried firewood of hardwood, with beech tree, ashtree or hornbeam packed in skladometr standardized length of 24-25 cm or 31-33 cm and measure humidity to 18%. Wood briquettes - ecologically clean fuel briquettes, which meets European quality standards.
Ash - till 2%
Moisure - from 15%
Calorific value - 14-15 MJ
Term of delivery: DAP
Briquette of coal
/ Description: Briquettes of coal - economical and comfortable fuel, which is used in production and in daily life for heating residential and industrial premises. Due to its compactness, briquettes comfortable during transportation and storage. The sizes briquette: 30x30 mm 60h30mm. It should be noted that coal briquettes burn almost without smoke, without releasing carbon monoxide, it can be used in their premises. High heat, the combustion briquette ash which is easily decomposed.
Ash 20%
Moisure from 5%
Calorific value 25 MJ
Packaging in 40 kg polypropilen bag
Term of delivery: DAP