Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting held on 25th October 2013
1. Welcome and apologies for absence:
Present: Electors: S. Strickland (Chairman), G. Abell (Treasurer), A. Abell (Amanuensis), J. Cary, V. Donovan, J. Evans, J. Hamilton, E. McCormick, K. Maunder, C. Palmer, K. Riches, J. & J. Salusbury, W. Samuel, J. Sharp, C. Weatherby, J. Whitby, M. & B. White.
Visitors: Cllr. B. Slater (SCDC), Cllr M. Gower (SCC), N. Mayo (Dunwich Town Trust, DTT), C. Woodage (DTT).
Apologies: G. Andersen, C. & M. Barnett, G. Baverstock, M. Clark, S. Donovan, S. Nicholson, R. & C. Oldham, M. Palmer, Lady Parks, R Smith, R. Walter, M. Whitby, G. & M. Williams, J. Zarins,
2. Minutes of the Parish Meeting of 26th July 2013:
Minutes of 26th July were proposed (J. Hamilton), seconded (J. Sharp) and approved nem. con.
3. Matters arising from the Minutes not otherwise on the agenda:
Item 6: in response to an elector’s concern, SCDC Planning Dept were checking the level of the entrance to the building site on Duncan’s Field for compliance with approved plans.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
The current balance was £2,806.34. DPM agreed nem. con. to pay £20 for the Poppy Day wreath.
After discussion and a show of hands, DPM agreed to donate £150 Leiston Citizens Advice Bureau.
5. Amenity Report:
Broadband: Officers of the Parish Meeting, Town Trust, Cllr M. Gower and Jonathan Chown, Project Manager of Suffolk Better Broadband, had met. Following re-evaluation, Dunwich was no longer in plan phase two but in the 10 per cent without fibre-optic coverage, so would receive the minimum 2Mbps. Contingency funds might enable superfast broadband: the outcome would be known by year end. A wireless system operated on the Wilford Peninsula. A private network offered similar options. Alternatives were temporary solutions. Cllr Gower urged DPM to await Better Broadband’s outcome.
Sizewell: Suffolk Parishes Liaison Group had met the lead officer of the Sizewell Planning Inquiry. A further 2014 EdF consultation would precede full application in early 2015, with decision after 15 months. The inquiry would cover siting of plant and peripheral facilities. Design, safety, transport and storage would be the responsibility of The Nuclear Regulatory Authority. Suffolk Resilience Forum’s Provisional Sizewell Off-site Emergency Plan (at www.suffolkresilience.com) was open to consultation and comment by 14th November. J. Whitby kindly offered to draft a response for DPM.
Action: draft response to Chairman by 29th October.
Endurance Life Run: 300 runners were expected on Saturday to undertake long distance runs starting from 8am. Runs would start and finish at Greyfriars Monastery with parking in the beach car park.
Westleton shop: Following sale, new owners would take over in early December.
6. Coastal defence and flood committee:
There were no new matters to report. Concern was expressed about the continuing need to address risks of cliff and shingle bank erosion over the long term. It was agreed that Paul Patterson, Senior Coastal Engineer for Waveney and Suffolk Coastal District Council, and Andrew Hawes, consulting engineer, should be invited to attend the January meeting.
7. Planning issues:
SCDC had approved plans to extend and alter Middlegate Barn, and to extend the rear and alter the front façade of 1 Church Cottage. Work on both was proceeding.
8. Election of two Parish Meeting Representative Trustees to Dunwich Town Trust:
The three candidates were John Cary (JC), Keith Maunder (KM) and Caroline Weatherby (CW). Each spoke briefly. Cllr B. Slater acted as teller. Ballot results were: CW 15, KM 12, JC 11; therefore, CW and KM were duly elected as representative trustees of DTT with effect from 1st January 2014.
9. Traffic Management:
Parking: Small notices saying ‘Please use the free car park’ had been fixed along St James Street, and larger notices both on the McCormick’s field and between the Church and bridge. The latter signs had been vandalised and removed within a week. The impact of this experiment was unclear. SCC should be asked to reconsider allowing such notices on Dunwich entry signs; David Chenery, Road Safety Group Manager, SCC, should be invited to Dunwich to view the site and practicalities.
Dunwich Dymano: The police had acknowledged the challenge and would offer suggestions. Police and Dunwich Dynamo organisers could be invited for discussions at the next DPM.
Action: G. Abell to write to SCC copied to M. Gower; invitation to David Chenery to visit Dunwich; invitations to Dunwich Dynamo organiser and police to the next DPM.
10. Other business:
i) SALC invited nominations for the Town or Parish Council of The year award; theme: Support to Young People.
ii) SALC AGM would be on 12th November at the Henley Community Centre; guest speaker Peter Cook, Suffolk Radio (to book phone 01473 833713).
iii) J. Godfrey had written to thank all who had supported her recent (30th) 38 mile ride with the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride; their generosity had raised £200 for charity.
iv) July’s Current Archaeology reported on ‘Mapping Medieval Dunwich’; see www.dunwich.org.uk.
v) Therese Coffey, MP, had recently visited the village; one person present had attended.
vi) SCDC Home Start had sought a donation, which would be discussed at the next meeting; there was information on volunteering. The web-site was www.homestarteastsuffolk.org.uk/
vii) DTT Minutes were no longer displayed on the notice board; but anyone seeking these could provide their e-mail address to the Chairman via G. Abell or request a hard copy.
viii) Cllr M. Gower had kindly facilitated a Greyfriars handover ceremony on Tuesday 29th October. He would symbolically hand over a corbel, found in Greyfriars Wood, to G. Abell as DGT Chairman.
ix) The police warned of oil thefts; mitigation methods ranged from padlocking to camouflaging tanks.
x) A. Abell was standing down as note taker. In thanking her, the Chairman gave her a gift and a copy of ‘Churchill’s call for brevity’ which should inspire the next minute taker.
The Trustees of DTT invited all present to share some refreshment and to continue the DTT Open Meeting exhibition which had begun prior to the Parish Meeting.
Next DPM: AGM Friday 31st January 2014 at 7.30 pm. The meeting closed at 9 pm.
Signed as a correct record Chairman. Date
CHAIRMAN: S Strickland, Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DT. Tel: 01728 648792.