Career Pathway: Nutrition and Food Science

Course Title: Food, Nutrition, and Wellness

Instructor’s Name: Leslie McDonald


Phone: 229-409-5530 Room: 104

Course Standards GeorgiaPerformance Standards, GPS:

HUM-FNW-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.

HUM-FNW-2 Examine how related student organizations (FCCLA) are integral parts of career and technology education courses through leadership development, school and community service projects, and competitive events.

HUM-FNW-3 Analyze factors that influence food choices and quality diet.

HUM-FNW-4 Evaluate nutritional information in relation to wellness for individual families.

HUM-FNW-5 Analyze the effects of food eating behaviors on wellness.

HUM-FNW-6 Investigate the health and nutrition requirements of individuals and families with special needs.

HUM-FNW-7 Analyze food safety and sanitation practices from production to consumption.

HUM-FNW-8 Compare the causes and foods at risk for illnesses.

HUM-FNW-9 Evaluate scientific and technical advances in food processing, storage, production development and distribution for nutrition and wellness.

HUM-FNW-10 Design and demonstrate ability to select, store, prepare and serve nutritious, safe and appealing foods.

HUM-FNW-11 Research careers related to food, nutrition and wellness.

Course Description:

Food, Nutrition and Wellness is the foundational course in the nutrition and food science pathway. The focus of the course is centered on healthy food and lifestyle choices. Students will investigate the interrelationship of food, nutrition and wellness to promote good health.
Mastery of standards through project-based learning, technical skills practice, and leadership development activities of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) will provide students with a competitive edge for either entry into the education global marketplace and/or the post-secondary institution of their choice to continue their education and training. Pre-requisite for this course is advisor approval.

It is strongly suggested that you become a member of FCCLA! Dues are $12 or $20 with chapter t-shirt

Grading Scale:End of Quarter Assessment 20%, Minor Grades 30%, Major Grades 50%= 100%

Major Grades for Each Quarter: 50%

Test and Projects

Class projects, home projects, computer programs, self-evaluations and web based projects will be implemented in this class and are all standard based.

Employability Skills Grade: (See standard FNW-1) 100 points

Employability skills are a huge component of the class as we are a Career Preparatory class. Students will be graded each 9 weeks on Employability skills this grade is based on the following: attendance, tardiness, attitude, cooperation, team work, and time management. This is graded with a rubric which is provided to the student.

Community Service Grade:(See standard FNW-2) 5 hours=100 point, this will be given 2nd and 4th quarter

A large component of Family and Consumer Science is the impact that a person will make on their community as a consumer and by providing a service to the community. 10 hrs.of community service is required for the entire year, this accounts for 5 hours each semester. The 5 hours are equal to 2 test grades each semester and account for 20% of that 100 for each hour. There are multiple opportunities to meet this requirement throughout the semester; visiting the nursing home with FCCLA, collecting cans for FCCLA, collecting items for local charity, volunteering at the animal shelter or volunteering for parent nights. You can create your own project and have it approved by me but it will require that you get a sheet signed by the people who you are proving community service for, i.e. Christian kitchen supervisor, church youth minister, etc...

Minor Grades 30%


One interactive notebook will be complied per standard. A check sheet will be given for each notebook.


  • Classroom labs/projects are an important part of this course. Your participation in labs/project is a course requirement. Cleaning is a lab project activity and is graded.
  • If lab is missed you will have a make-up assignment assigned by the teacher please see the teacher to get the missed assignments.

Grading Policy:

Assignments are due completed on the due date. All daily work will be deducted 10 points each day it is late and all projects will be deducted 20 points each day it is late. You have 3days to make up any missed work. This is the policy of Ben-Hill Board of Education and will be enforced. You may speak with me if there is a situation that needs to be discussed. Please do not assume I already know of any extenuating situations…You must speak to me.

Missed exams can be made up in the morning or afternoon or during your lunch. NOT DURING CLASS!!!

Course Credit:

Upon pathway completionstudents will be awarded an honor cord for graduation. Pathway courses include: Food Nutrition and Wellness, Food for Life, and Food Science all must be taken and the final Food and Nutrition Pathway exam must be completed to receive a cord.

Food Allergies:Please make me aware of any food allergies ASAP.

Class Supplies:

You will need to keep a 3 ring binder for the class with notebook paper for notes and assignments.I also ask that you bring 2-4 glue sticks for personal use or a mini stapler.

Video Policy:

Videos will be shown in class to enhance the lesson being taught. Some of the movies include, Super Size Me, Dying to Be Thin, Food Inc., Secret Among Friends, and Contagion. Videos from United Streaming and YouTube will also be shown.

Students are expected to return the signed syllabus by August 15. After checking the syllabus I will return them to the students, this should be the first page of your notebook for the entire year. This is also the first minor grade of the 1st 9 weeks.

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Parent Contact Information: Parent email: ______phone number: ______