TH 131: Play AnalysisFall 2014
Dr. Robson
Given Circumstances Analysis – Oedipus the King
DUE: Monday, September 8
The GIVEN CIRCUMSTANCES in a play script delineate the environment at the opening of the play—the “special world” of the play—in which the action takes place. This material includes two major categories:
- Environmental Facts (the specific conditions, place, and time)
- The Previous Action (ALL that has happened before the show begins)
Given Circumstances form the shell that surrounds the characters. They provide the network of obstacles—morality, place, social mores, family relationships, religion, financial risks, reputation, laws, and so on—of the world of every play. Circumstances establish the rules of the world for the characters and events of a particular play. Often Given Circumstances are the simple things that we are inclined to take for granted, but simple things can have serious importance.
This assignment requires that each student prepare a typed analysis of the Given Circumstances for Oedipus the King according to the attached worksheet. The analysis covers the entire play. Each category of the worksheet must be addressed. Be sure to fully address each category. Some categories you might be able to address in a few words, while others might require a paragraph or more. Do not, however, filibuster just to fill space. Say what you need to say and move on. As with all assignments for this class mechanics count, so please use proper grammar and proofread your work before submitting it.
When preparing your analysis, do not assume anything. If it is not in the play, it does not exist! This means you ALWAYS need to find textual evidence for your answer (in the form of a quotation.)
The answers to some of these questions will be explicitly stated in the text. The answers to others will be hinted at. The answers to some might not be present. If you can’t find an answer immediately, ask yourself what you CAN answer about that question. For example, in Oedipus the King, no specific date is given, but the play does have information about when it is occurring.
Instructions: For each category below, answer the question(s) asked in the first box. In the second box, provide the textual evidence you found in the play that led you to your answer. Please write your answers directly into the table below. The boxes will expand as necessary if you need more room. When you finish, please upload your completed analysis to
Environmental Facts
Answer – Complete sentences / Evidence – Found in the playGeographical Location. The exact place(s). Be specific. What is significant about the location?
Date. Year, season, time of day. What is significant about the date?
Time span. How much time passes over the course of the play?
Economic Environment. MONEY. Class level, state of wealth or poverty. Does money exercise control over the characters?
Political Environment. The specific relationship to the form of government or laws under which the characters live. How much control do politics/law exercise over the characters?
Social Environment. Specific friendships, family relationships, love interests, rivalries among the characters.
Social Hierarchy. What character(s) or force controls the standards of behavior? Does anyone challenge those standards?
Moral Environment. What is considered “right” and “wrong?” What are accepted codes of spiritual belief? Who controls those?
Previous Action
Answer – Use complete sentences / Evidence – Found in the playPast Events. What has happened before the present action begins which has led to the immediate situation?
Past Events. Why are these past events significant to the action of the play?
Stasis. What is the “uneasy balance” at the beginning of the play? What would happen if the stasis continued?
Inciting Incident. What event in the play upsets this stasis, propelling the plot forward?