Parent Council Meeting 3/11/2016


Aysha Nawaz(Chair), TayabaIshaq (Chair), Noreen Rehman(Vice Chair),

SaadiyaBhatti (Vice Chair), SameaIshaque, Asia Sajjad, ZarinaSoofi, MaysaaHalawi, Sara Ali, AsmaWaheed,Aisha Anwar

GhazalaHanif, Mrs Harker, Mrs Mc Fadden

Welcome and Introductions

All members introduced themselves


Aasha Ahmed (Treasurer), Aasma Malik, NadeemIshaque, Zainab Al-Qaraghuli,FaizaJavaid, VinodhiniMurugavel, TabindaHaque, DainisSunitis, NaimaHussain,

Previous Minutes
Nothing to discuss. Previous minutes closed off

HT report

Staffing issue, EAL teacher employed full time, currently have vacancies, and will advertise soon, P4 job share teachers will remain, P6 will have new teacher (to be advertised)
Mrs Nawaz asked has this affected children's learning?
Mrs H clarified learning has not been affected, statistics to prove can be shown.
Parent workshops literacy and numeracy will begin next week, to allow parents to learn more about the curriculum in these areas and therefore be able to help more with home learning.
Mrs Nawaz asked can we have evening classes. Mrs Harker will look into the demand for this and see what arrangements can be made.
Crèche can be arranged if needed.
GLP workshop for parents, reassured parents of content, parents will see resources.
Mrs Nawaz asked if there would be an opt in or opt out policy, Mrs Mc Fadden advised that parents should see the program first and then decide.
Mrs H asked parents to tell others about coming to meeting, Mrs Nawaz agreed that children should know more at early age.
Home learning -strict monitoring of homework, done in isolation, correction of homework, 2PT will monitor homework, members should be aware that some children have no help at home.
Mrs Nawaz stated that parents had complained that there had been no homework for 2 weeks, Mrs H assured members that teachers should have given out homework on Tuesday, principles of homework will be shared with parents.
Mrs Ishaq asked will all children get homework. Opt in or opt out?
Mrs H assured parents that all pupils will get homework and parents can opt out.
Mrs Nawaz asked for translated homework, this was noted by Mrs H.
Attainment challenge raised attainment, most attainment occurred with Drew on language in maths, big focus on language.
To Build capacity more students, volunteers are in place.
Enrolment -restricted number as school is getting fullcould be capped at 25 children, get names of family members in soon.
Public speaking was outstanding,
P1,2 dance indendance, outstanding,
Arabic classes learning the language on Saturdays for children, some adults showed interest in an adult class.
HMIE inspection – member to be involved in the preparation
App not working, needs update, Noted.

Treasurer Report

£1181 in treasure, bank statements go to office

Mrs Kachmar stated that parents were complaining that Children were late at 3pm, punishment??? Sharp at 3pm, noted
Mrs Nawaz wishes to see Clare personally about the traffic in road, learner drivers, speeding camera,


Mrs Ishaqstates that parents are complaining about parked cars on zigzag, also the leaves on the pavement are a hazard and may block the drains.
Mrs Ishaqwould like to see more whole school celebrations of all religions and cultures. Diwali, celebrations, Chinese, cultures,

Mrs H advised that these celebrations had been covered in assemblies and class teaching.
Members suggested that teachers could communicate more with parents about what children are being taught.
Members suggested Junior duke of Edinburgh award, sign up?? Funding?? Parent council may fund,

Mrs H will research awards for primary schools and present at next meeting
All of children' university, life experiences award, homework club,
Mrs Nawaz suggests opening up to children who don't have support at home,
EAL learners.
Lower primary need clubs, parents could help
Mrs Nawaz would rather teacher ran class that parents in case children felt uneasy with parent support
Events - Ghazala a events manager- sports day, food, Mela????
December funding, youth community?? Apply for funding, plan early,
Mrs Nawaz says identify talent and skills, and use for events.
Building capacity, making parents more confident,
Parent council members agreed to display photographs on notice board to inform parents.
PVG update, parents allowed with teacher supervision,
Money to pay for PVG in parent council fund
Food handling certificate- course in school, for parents, can cook and sell,

Next Date

Next date; Thur 1st December at 930am.
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