7 May 2013

Press Release

First Ever Coral Planting Off Tivua Island

Captain Cook Cruises conducted their first ever coral replanting near Tivua Island on Friday April 26, 2013 in an aim to educate locals and guests who visit the island everyday on the importance of conserving marine life and to raise awareness on sustaining our livelihoods for the future generations.

Elanoa Lawavou, one of Captain Cook Cruises Marine biologists coordinated the coral planting.

“Coral planting was first initiated over a decade ago in Fiji and it’s the cultivation of corals for coral reef restoration. It’s a fantastic way to help conserve and sustain marine life and to help regenerate the health of coral reef ecosystem.

Coral planting at Tivua Island on Friday went really well. Most of our guests were involved and about 45 corals were planted.

Alot of the guests asked questions which showed me they were interested and keen to learn more on how to conserve and protect our reef. Some of the guests even mentioned coming back to Tivua Island to see how this project of coral planting had progressed in years to come.

The corals that were planted today will later on be transplanted into the reef. We will allow the coral to grow on the coral table/bed for about 6- 12 months.

We hope to replant coral every two months and have coral planting as an activity for guests.” Explains Ms Lawavou.

Elanoa is also farming clams at Tivua Island, These giant clams are the largest living bivalve mollusks and are endangered.

“We have initiated ‘The Tivua Island Giant Clam Regeneration Project’ for two Species of Clams: tridacna squamosa (Fluted) and tridacna derasa (Smooth) .This is a significant conservation step for Tivua as our tridacna derasa are the first of their species to be reintroduced to Western Fiji—having become extinct in Fiji in the 1960s.

We hope that farming giant clams can help to repopulate reefs by transplanting them onto protected reefs. Once enough calms have been transplanted, they can naturally repopulate the surrounding area. Says Ms Lawavou.

Tivua Island, is a frequent daytrip island for Captain Cook Cruises, who operate daily Tivua Island Day Cruises and is the first destination on many of their three, four and seven night accommodated Reef Endeavour Cruises. The Island is popular with guests for its amazing snorkelling and diving where they are able to see first-hand the beauty of the reef and the importance of keeping the reef alive and flourishing.

Tivua Island cruises depart Port Denarau every day at 1000am, returning at 500pm and accommodated cruises depart Port Denarau every Tuesday and Saturday at 1.00pm.

For further information visit


How to Replant Coral:

1. Donuts are made from grout

2. Coral is inserted into the donuts.

3. The Coral Cookies are then placed on Coral planting beds made by Captain Cook Cruises.

4. Coral fragments are collected from the reef flat and placed in the cookies

5. The coral fragments are secured with grout

6. The coral tables are taken into the sea and transplanted onto the reef

For further information and bookings, please contact Captain Cook Cruises on T: +61 9126 8160 or from within Australia: 1300 To Fiji (86 3454), Email: or visit

For media enquiries contact: Brooke Tolar, Captain Cook Cruises, M: 0411 553 246,

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