Issue 6, 8thMarch2011 Week 6 Term 1, 2011

Dear Parents and Students,

Attitude! That incredible, untouchable, difficult to measure but always visible element that genuinely impacts on all of us daily. Think about this -

If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented by the numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


H–A–R–D–W–O–R–K[8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 23 + 15 + 18 + 11] equals98%

K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E[11 + 14 + 15 + 23 + 12 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5] equals96%


A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E [1 + 20 + 20 + 9 + 20 + 21 + 4 + 5]equals100%

Therefore, basedon some mathematical certainty, one can conclude that, while Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, Attitude will definitely get you there!

There is so much we take for granted...... a very close friend sent me a clip last week that brought me to tears not because it was terribly sad or involved any kind of terrible misfortune but rather it was the power of the words.....wisdom from a great man – Mr Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a famous Latin American writer. If you never follow any of the links, take just four minutes for this one is worth every second.

A Genius Says Goodbye!

Robert Ruggeri


A Very Warm Welcome to the Beckett Family – Hayden (Year2)!


There is always a significant amount of discourse regarding NAPLAN and the Myschool website.. The Association of Independent Schools has provided important information in the form of Fact Sheets that are on our school website Myschool Fact Sheet. Take the opportunity to view the sheets and if you have any questions regarding the information or the Myschool website please contact Rina to make an appointment.

Amber Fox

It is with a great sense of sadness that I inform the school community that Ms Amber Foxwill be leaving IBS at the end of this week. She has been a significant member and contributor to the school’s early growth and development. I would like to thank her for the tremendous work she has performed over many years. Amber has chosen to follow a different path and take on new challenges. We all wish her the very best and know that she will be an asset in whatever venture she takes on.

Honour Roll

The school is continually growing and we are hoping to place an ‘Honour Roll’ at the front Office area that will record the past leaders of the school to keep a perpetual reminder of the school’s proud history. Any ideas?

Volunteers Needed!!!!!

Do you have a few spare hours to assist in the covering of school books? Please let Rina know if you are available on any of these dates - Tuesday 9:30 – 12:00, 15th, 22nd and 29th March.

Dropping off students and the Front Office area.

All parents are asked to drop off their children and leave as soon as possible. There are too many parents walking through corridors during the morning and throughout the school generally, which has ramifications in regards to child protection issues.The front black gate is usually locked by 9:00am and all late students are asked to make their way to the front Office to sign the appropriate forms. The front Office area is a working environment at all times and it is extremely difficult if any young children are playing on the stairs. I ask all parents to carefully supervise their children during waiting times and be conscious of the noise that is being generated – thank you.

IBS connects overseas

In the spirit of collaboration, we have our school information added to the link below while placing the link for the ItalianLanguageSchool in Florence on our website in the Community Section.

Red Cross Family Safe Program

Red Cross are offering a significant initiative through primary schoolsnationwide, aimed at giving parents and carers the opportunity to gain

an invaluable life skill.The objective of the program is to make basic first aid accessible andaffordable to parents and carers who quite often are not afforded theopportunity to gain this life skill via workplace employment.To achieve this, Red Cross has developed a unique course covering areasrelevant to typical injuries and accidents that occur at home andwithinthe family.

The benefits of the course include:

* The initiative has been developed with input from Principals.

* The course is conducted at the school for convenience

* Course runs from 9.15am-2.45pm (approx school hours)

* Delivered by Red Cross trainers

* Min classes of 16 and max classes of 24 to ensure quality training.

* The course involves hands on practical components

* Option for year 5 and 6 students to also attend the course withtheir parents at the schools discretion.

The program has commenced for 2011 and we are currently invitingschools to participate and provide this service for their schoolcommunity. Course price $75. Additional adults pay a reduced price of $50 whenattending with a full paying participant. Any interested parents are asked to give their names to Rina and we will see if there are enough interested parents to run the course at IBS. The Staff at IBS will be looking at completing a First Aid Course next term.

Scholastic Book Club
Order forms for Scholastic Book Club are being sent home this week. Every order that you place entitles the school to free books, so this is a great way to help build up our library.Please try to return the order forms by Tuesday 22ndMarch. If you have any questions please contact Leanne Hart on 0412 368117 or

Assemblies for Term One Lunch at PioneerPark

Friday 18th March – Year 3 and Year 3/4 Monday 21st March

Friday 1stApril – Year 1 Monday 4th April

Kindergarten will have their first assembly in Term Two.


The students from Year1 to Year 6 enjoyed their first Monday at the Park this week. We are looking for any parent volunteers to come and join us each fortnight. Please give your name to Rina in the Office.

Year 2 Assembly

Follow the link to Year 2’s fantastic assembly last Friday - Year 2 Assembly

Parents and Friends

  • P&F Nominations. If you are interested in becoming an executive member of the P&F committee, do not forget nominations close next Tuesday 15th March. All you have to do is pick up a nomination form from Rina at the front Office, fill it in and place it in the box marked P&F in the foyer. Do not delay do it today! The AGM is on the 23rd March.

National Ride2School Day – 16th March 2011

Children need to get their bicycles in good order for the ride to school event. All children need to make sure they have a helmet and protective equipment if needed. Tara Brookes and Matteo Comastri (Student Leaders)

Mensa this Thursday Ravioli Napoletana $4

A choice of either Beef Ravioli or Spinach & Ricotta with Napoletana sauce.

Link to School Calendar

Diary Dates: Notes Sent Home

15th Mar ASSISA Swimming Carnival

16th March National Ride2School Day

21st Mar Harmony Day

22nd Mar CIS Swimming Carnival

23rd MarchParents and Friends AGM