May 5, 2008
The Tipton County Public Works Committee met in regular session on Monday, May 5, 2008 at the Public Works Office in Brighton. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Twisdale. Members present were Chairman Twisdale, Commissioners Bringle, Scott, Bob Wilson, Clifford Wilson, Sterling, Wooten and Dunavant. Landfill Foreman Paul Webster, Employee Sheri Beckman, Director Shannon Reed and Assistant Director Mike Stafford were also present.
Troy Clement and Scott Climer were present for the bid opening.
David Templeton, Billy Trotter, June Trotter, Jean Chisolm, Jonathan Hill and Marvin Trotter were present regarding the TrotterRoadBridge.
Robert Rhodes and Bob Buford, Tipton County Residents were also present.
The meeting was opened with prayer by Commissioner Bob Wilson.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bringle and seconded by Commissioner Scottto pay the bills for the monthof April in the amount of
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bob Wilson and seconded by Commissioner Bringleto approve the minutes for the month of April.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bob Wilson and seconded by Commissioner Wooten to accept a letter from Director Reed wishing to withdraw from any participation on decisions regarding TrotterRoadBridge.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Wooten and seconded by Commissioner Bringle to set the speed limit on Anderson Road at 40 mph.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Sterling and seconded by Commissioner Scott to set the speed limit on Faulkner Roadat 35 mph.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bringle and seconded by Commissioner Scott to award the bid for corrugated culverts to Contech Construction. Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Scott and seconded by Commissioner Wooten to award the bid for cold mix to Frank Climer & Sons.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner C. Wilson and seconded by Commissioner Bringle to award the bids for rip rap to Vulcan Materials.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Scott and seconded by Commissioner Dunavant to award the pit run aggregate bid to Bringle Farming Company.
Motion carried, none opposed, Commissioner Steve Bringle abstained.
A motion was made by Commissioner B. Wilsonand seconded by Commissioner C. Wilson take the bids for hot mix under advisement.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made to authorize Director Reed to award the bid for cutting the hay fields to the highest bidder with a $250,000 liability.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Scott and seconded by Commissioner Dunavant to raise the price of a landfill permit from $35 to $55
Motion failed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Scott to set the price of a landfill permit from $35 to $45 and the one day pass from $5 to $10.
Motion carried, Commissioner Bob Wilson opposed. After a lengthy discussion Commissioner Scott rescinded his motion, seconded by Commissioner Wooten. Landfill permit prices will remain the same as last year.
Motion carried, none opposed.
A motion was made by Commissioner Bringle and seconded by Commissioner Dunavant to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Shannon Reed, DirectorHarold Twisdale, Chairman