New Computerized GED Test System Helps More Adults Earn GED Credential
(CITY, S.C.) – After one year of successful implementation, and with more than 40,000 tests delivered across 35 states, GED Testing Service has found that adults who take the GED test on computer are passing at higher rates and finishing faster. GED Testing Service partnered with state officials in South Carolina to introduce the new computer-based delivery system in 2012 to help more adults earn a GED credential and to prepare for the launch of the new GED test in 2014.
“We’ve been hearing for months that testing on computer is simpler and less stressful for test-takers,” said Randy Trask, President of GED Testing Service. “Our first year results show that GED test-takers are ready for technology, comfortable with testing on computer, and even performing better.”
Key data from GED Testing Service’s analysis:
· The failure rate of adults taking the test on computer is half that of those taking the test on paper.
· Adults testing on computer were 59 percent more likely to retake a failed test instead of giving up and dropping out of the program.
· On average, adults who tested on computer completed their exams an hour and a half faster than their paper-and-pencil contemporaries.
The paragraph below is a placeholder for a quote from your designated local testing center or organization’s spokesperson about the benefits of computer-based GED testing:
[Sample local quote: “Testing on computer is easier for test-takers and easier for me,” said Justine Lynch, chief examiner at Gwinnett Technical College in Georgia. “Test-takers find the system easier to navigate and it’s less paperwork for examiners. I’ve stopped delivering the GED test on paper and only offer it on computer.”]
GED Testing Service is now offering a unique opportunity to encourage the one in five Americans without a high school diploma to try the test on computer. Through May 31, 2013 any adult in South Carolina who chooses to begin their GED test on computer will receive one free retake if they fail. To view full details of the new offer visit, GEDtestingservice.com/secondshot.
“Last year’s results demonstrate how the new benefits help test-takers succeed,” said Trask. “This new offer is meant to encourage more adults to enter the GED testing system and earn a GED credential, which is a stepping stone to career and college programs.”
GED testing on computer provides many new benefits to test-takers such as 24/7 online registration and scheduling, instant unofficial score reports, and a more self-paced testing experience. South Carolina is offering the test on computer to prepare for the new 2014 GED test, which is scheduled for release on Jan. 2, 2014 and will only be delivered on computer.
Currently, the GED test is available on computer in more than 300 testing centers across 35 states and the District of Columbia. To see where GED testing on computer is available in South Carolina, please visit GEDcomputer.com. OPTIONAL: [INSERT MORE LOCAL DETAILS IF APPLICABLE, SUCH AS LOCAL COMPUTER-BASED TESTING CENTERS, ADDRESS, AND CONTACT INFORMATION.]
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About GED Testing Service
The GED test has opened doors to better jobs and college programs for more than 18 million graduates since 1942. Last year nearly 800,000 adults sat for the GED test, which is accepted by virtually all U.S. colleges and employers. As the creator of the one official GED test, GED Testing Service has a responsibility to ensure that the program continues to be a reliable and valuable pathway to a better life for the millions of adults without a high school diploma.
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